Graduate Funding FAQs

Graduate students in all research programs at Brock are eligible for a variety of funding opportunities. For answers to frequently asked questions about graduate funding, please see the details below. 

For all research-based graduate students, the details of your funding package can be found in your admission offer letter. In-year funding details are also available on the student portal. 

Many graduate research programs* at Brock have guaranteed funding for the first year of study. As noted in the admission offer letter, funding is subject to change in subsequent years.  

*Research programs include all Major Research Paper and Thesis-stream Master’s, as well as PhD offerings.

All research-based* graduate students at Brock are eligible for funding from a variety of sources, including teaching assistant positions, research assistant positions, excellence scholarships, and a variety of internal and external awards.  

Major Research Paper (MRP) stream Master’s students are also eligible for a one-time entrance award based on academic merit (i.e., entering average). 

Thesis stream Master’s students and PhD students are also eligible for a Graduate Fellowship for the defined length of their program.  

*Research programs include all Major Research Paper and Thesis-stream Master’s, as well as PhD offerings.

Many graduate students also receive funding from their supervisors.

More information about graduate program funding can be found on the FGSPA website.  

In exceptional circumstances, students may submit a request to change their intended degree pathway. A request may be made in cases where events beyond your control have adversely impacted or interrupted your intended plan of study. 

Requests to change intended degree pathway will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.  

Please note that depending on the type of change requested, there may be an impact on the funding package offered at the time of admission. 

To request a change to degree pathway, please reach out to [email protected] 

Information about awards and scholarships can be found on the FGSPA website.

Your offer of admission can be found on your portal. If you would like to request a copy of your admission offer letter, or if you have any questions about the details of your offer, please reach out to [email protected].