Thesis defences — Dec. 30 to Jan. 10

The following is a list of thesis defences taking place between Monday, Dec. 30 and Friday, Jan. 10.

Master of Science in Computer Sciences thesis defence

Tom Wallace, a Master of Science in Computer Science candidate, will defend the thesis “Optimization Strategies for Enhancing Resource Efficiency in Transformers & Large Language Models” on Thursday, Jan. 2 at 10 a.m. in virtual format.

The examination committee includes Ke Qiu, Chair; Naser Ezzati-Jivan and Betty Ombuki-Berman, Co-Supervisors; Blessing Ogbuokiri, External Examiner (Brock University); and Ali Emami and Yifeng Li, Committee Members.

Master of Science in Statistics thesis defence

Kamran Asgari, a Master of Science in Mathematics and Statistics candidate, will defend the thesis “Evaluation of Bayesian Networks in Soil Moisture Prediction” on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 9:30 a.m. in PLZ 601C.

The examination committee includes Georgii Nikonov, Chair; Pouria Ramazi, Supervisor; Kelly Biagi, External Examiner (Brock University); and William Marshall and Xiaojian Xu, Committee Members.

Master of Arts in Applied Health Sciences (Sport Management) thesis defence

Gillian Golosky, a Master of ​Arts in Applied Health Sciences candidate, will defend the thesis “Carving the Line: A Critical Examination of Women Athletes’ Experiences of Maltreatment in Freestyle Skiing” on Monday, Jan. 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. in STH 361.

The examination committee includes Olan Scott, Chair; Michael Van Bussell, Supervisor; Larena Hoeber, External Examiner (University of Regina); and Dawn Trussell and Curtis Fogel, Committee Members.

Read more stories in: Applied Health Sciences, Briefs, Graduate Students, Graduate Studies, Mathematics and Science
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