Dr. Susan Tilley

Professor Emeritus (PhD), Department of Educational Studies

Dr. Susan Tilley Professor Emeritus (PhD), Department of Educational Studies

St. Catharines, ON
Office: WH 375
905 688 5550 x3144

  • EDUC 7F20: Core Seminar I: Research, Theories and Issues – Joint PhD in Educational Studies
  • EDUC 5V03: Culture, Identity, and Pedagogy: Advancing a Lived Curriculum
  • EDUC 5P00: Curriculum Theory and Design
  • EDUC 5P16: Designing Curriculum to Develop Thinking Abilities
  • EDUC 5V90: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research
  • EDUC 5N99: Graduate Seminar in Education
  • EDUC 5P90: Research Proposal Tutorial
  • EDUC 5P93: Research Project
  • EDUC 5F95: Thesis Tutorial in Educational Studies
  • EDUC 5P98: Independent Study in Education
  • EDUC 5P49 Writing Development: Teaching Writing in the Schools
  • EDUC 5V96: Internship in Educational Issues
  • Research ethics and school-based research
  • Curriculum
  • Teacher education
  • Antiracism, critical white studies, pedagogical practices
  • Qualitative research, teacher research, critical ethnography
  • Education-alternative sites (e.g. prison contexts)


Tilley S. A. (2016). Doing Respectful Research: Power, Privilege and Passion. Halifax, NS, Canada: Fernwood Press

Research Reports

School District Research Procedures: State of the Art in Ontario Report on Findings

Chapters in Books

Lategan, L., Sempe, E. & Tilley, S. A. (2017). Research ethics and integrity and the responsible conduct of research. In L. Lategan, Get ready! Get set! Go! Preparing for your doctoral studies and doctoral education, (pp. 115-128). Bloemfontein, South Africa: SUN MeDia

Tilley, S. A., & Powick, K. D. (2015) “Radical stuff”: Starting a conversation about racial identity and white privilege. In P. Carr & D. Lund (Eds.),  (2ndEdition). Revisiting the great white north? Reframing whiteness, privilege, and identity in education in Canada, (pp. 125-139). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

Tilley, S. (2010) Re-searching ties to home: “Troubling” notions of identity. In U. Kelly & E. Yeoman (Eds.), Despite this loss: Essays on culture, memory, and identity, (pp. 127-136). St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada: Iser Books.

Tilley, S.A. & Powick, K. (2007) “Radical stuff”: Starting a conversation about racial identity and white privilege. In P. Carr & D. Lund, The great white north: Exploring whiteness, privilege, and identity in education in Canada (107-118). The Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Tilley, S. A. (2006). Multicultural practices in educational contexts: Addressing diversity and the silence around race. In D. Zinga, Navigating Multiculturalism: Negotiating Change, 142-159. Cambridge Scholars Press: Newcastle, UK.

Tilley, S. (2000). “Provincially speaking: You don’t sound like a Newfoundlander”, in C.E. James (Ed.), Experiencing difference (pp. 235-245). Halifax, NS: Fernwood Press.

Papers in Refereed Journal

Tilley, S. (2019). The role of qualitative research in educational contexts: A Canadian perspective. Educar em Revista, 35(75), 155-180.

Tilley, S & Taylor L. (2018). Qualitative methods and respectful praxis: Researching with youth. Qualitative Report, 9(23), 2184-2204.

Tilley, S. A. & Taylor, L. (2015). Complicating notions of ‘scholar-activist’ in a globalcontext: A discussion paper. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 18(2), 51-60.

Taylor, L., & Tilley, S. A. (2013). Happiness at what cost? Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education. 17(1), 72-84.

Teeuwsen, P. Ratkovik, S. & Tilley S. A. (2012) Becoming academics: experiencing legitimate   peripheral participation in part-time doctoral studies, Studies in Higher Education, DOI:10.1080/03075079.2012.729030

Tilley, S. & Taylor, L. (2012). Understanding curriculum as lived: Teaching for social justice and equity goals. Race, Ethnicity and Education. DOI:10.1080/13613324.2011.645565

Ratkovic, S., Tilley, S. A., & Teeuwsen, P. (2010) Enhancing capacity for social justice work: Building critical consciousness. South Africa Journal of Higher Education, 24(3), 392-406.

Tilley, S. A., Powick-Kumar, K. D., & Ratkovic, S. (2009). Regulatory practices and school-based research: Making sense of research/ethics review. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 10(2),

(Article 32). Available at http://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1287

Tilley, S. A. (2008). A troubled dance: Doing the work of research ethics review. Journal of Academic Ethics, 6, 91-104.

Tilley, S.A., & Gormley, L. (2007). Canadian university ethics review: Cultural complications translating principles into practice. Qualitative Inquiry, 13 (3), 368-387.

Tilley, S.A., Killins, J., & Van Oosten, D. (2005). Connections and tensions between universities and school districts: Research Review Boards and school-based research. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 51(3), 277-292.

Tilley, S., & Castle, J. (2003). Teacher testing: Dimensions and debates in a Canadian
context. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 7(2), 1-13.

Castle, J. & Tilley, S. (2003). Teacher testing in Canada: A cautionary tale. Policy and Practice in Education, 10(1), 8-19.

Tilley, S. (2003). “Challenging” research practices: Turning a critical lens on the work of transcription. Qualitative Inquiry, 9(5), 750-773.

Tilley, S. (2003). Transcription work: Learning through co-participation in research practices. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 16 (5).

Tilley, S., & Powick, K. (2002). Distanced data: Transcribing other people’s research tapes. Canadian Journal of Education, 27(2/3), 269-287.

Tilley, S. (1998). Conducting respectful research: A critique of practice. Canadian Journal of Education, 23(3), 316-328.