About Teaching: Personal Reflection Before Applying to Brock’s Teacher Education Program
Prior to applying to Brock’s teacher education program, we hope that you will ask yourself some important questions. Why do I want to enter this profession? Do I have a good sense of what is expected of teachers and what this important role involves? Am I ready to enter this professional program? As you reflect on these questions, you may find the information below to be helpful. The Ontario Association of Deans of Education (OADE) has developed the following characteristics to inform individuals considering a teaching career in Ontario schools. The following checklist provides a self-assessment of personal capabilities required for successful completion of a Bachelor of Education degree program.
Essential Skills and Abilities Required for Becoming a Teacher
The OADE states, “The Essential Skills serve as a benchmark, outlining the requirements to meet the minimum standard necessary to ensure children’s safety and learning. Failure to demonstrate any of the Essential Skills may result in removal from the Bachelor of Education degree program.”
Teacher candidate communicates clearly, non‐verbally and verbally (in the language of instruction, orally and in writing), in various contexts.
Specifically, the teacher candidate:
- Speaks with appropriate volume, vocabulary, and expression in the language of instruction at a level that provides for safe and accurate understanding of words and meanings.
- Communicates effectively to provide instructions and direction that can be understood by others.
- Asks questions, when needed, to clarify expectations and implied meanings (stated or unspecified details) in course work and on practicum.
- Receives and responds appropriately to oral and written communication from others.
- Responds appropriately to non‐verbal signals received from others while considering individual differences in expression and associated meaning.
- Reads, comprehends, and writes, observing the conventions of writing (paragraphing, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar) at a satisfactory level.
- Models appropriate speech and writing and provides accurate feedback in real time.
Teacher candidate interacts appropriately with others.
- Accepts, interprets and uses multiple forms of feedback (e.g. body language, tone of voice, verbal and written comments) to enact effective change (e.g. demonstrates flexibility and adaptability).
- Maintains appropriate interpersonal boundaries, both relational boundaries and also physical boundaries.
- Works cooperatively and effectively with others.
- Models inclusive respectful behaviour.
- Acts calmly and non‐judgmentally in situations that are stressful or involve conflict.
Teacher candidate learns, and recalls in a timely manner, the discipline’s content and points of understanding (concepts, postulates and methods), and demonstrates effective executive functioning skills.
- Learns new material on a given topic within a subject to the level (depth and breadth) required for instruction (as outlined in the curriculum documents).
- Plans, organizes and prioritizes academic/job tasks to meet (course and practicum) requirements.
- Responds to unanticipated problems in a timely manner with an appropriate and justifiable course of action.
- Sustains ongoing effort and persists in the face of challenges.
Teacher candidate maintains awareness of others so as to ensure a safe environment. Specifically, the teacher candidate:
- Attends to the learners and their environment and takes appropriate action in order to maintain a safe environment.
- Manages multiple job duties simultaneously so as to ensure a safe environment.
- Works effectively in the presence of distracting stimuli so as to ensure a safe environment.
- Moves about the classroom, manages materials and supplies, and supervises learners during classroom activities.