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Our Locations

For directions and accessibility information about our locations, please visit the Accessibility page

Spring/Summer Hours

Offices closed on Fridays
We will be available for remote support.

See our locations below for detailed office hours.

Black Student Success Centre (BSSC)


BSSC (Black Student Success Centre) is an academic and personal hub of professional growth and development for all Black students at Brock.

9 am – 4 pm

Closed for lunch from 12 pm – 1 pm


Learning Services


Learning Services provides students with convenient and approachable access to supports and resources. Services include skills workshops, drop-in academic support, and tutoring.

9 am – 7 pm

9 am – 8 pm

9 am – 4 pm

11 am – 4 pm

Closed for lunch from 12 pm – 1 pm


Faith & Life Centre

Alphie’s Trough

Join us for drop-in study hours, student led groups, and individual spiritual support and direction from our capable University Chaplains.

Find us in one of the most beautiful spaces on campus – Alphie’s Trough – a peaceful escape from the bustle of the University campus.

Monday to Thursday
10AM – 3PM



Student Life Involvement Commons

MC A204

The Student Life Involvement Commons is the front door to Student Life! It is the resource center for getting involved at Brock and in the community.

Find us in MacKenzie Chown A-Block, just around the corner from the Schmon Tower Tim Horton’s!

Monday – thursday
9 am – 4 pm

Closed for lunch from 12 pm – 1 pm

Email Us

Student Lifestudentlife@brocku.caOff-Campus
Faith and

Student Life and Success Team Members

Meet our team! Everyone in Student Life and Success is here to support your success both inside and outside the classroom.

Jenn Skelding, EdD
Executive Director, Student Life & Success
TH 222
905 688 5550 x3315

Portfolio Areas: I provide leadership and direction to the Student Life and Success Department.

About Me: I am a career educator who loves to learn in community. I have been a middle-years and high school teacher, a secondary school principal and a School of Education professor in B.C. I am proud to support students at Brock and know that it is an honour to do so. My academic interests center on exploring on how to create the conditions and space for students to flourish, connect, and belong during good, and challenging, times at university.

Amber_Scholtens_2023 headshot

Amber Scholtens
Associate Director, Student Life and Success
TH 131A
905 688 5550 x4376

Portfolio: I provide strategic direction and oversight for the operations of Student Life and Success. My portfolio includes budget development and financial management, marketing and communications, assessment and reporting processes, as well as strategic initiatives, partnerships and special projects.

About Me: I am a proud graduate of Brock University’s Goodman School of Business and I have worked at the University ever since completing my degree in 2005. I love hiking, travelling and playing board games (my current collection is over 100 games and counting!)

Nicole Finstad
Student Services and Supports Coordinator
TH 129
905 688 5550 x 5774

Portfolio Areas: I oversee our student services and supports hubs, including the Welcome Desk in RFP and the BU4U Student Service Hub, as well as supporting service delivery and office administration for the department of Student Life and Success (SLS), including campus promotions and the off-campus listing site.

About Me: I am a proud Brock Alumni, completing my undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences in 2014. I gain so much satisfaction from helping students succeed and guiding them through their academic journey! My hobbies include camping, cross-stitching and dancing, and I am also a diehard fan of The Office!

“Acquiring the ability to think does not mean being taught many times how to solve problems, but rather acquiring the wisdom to tackle problems using the best of one’s abilities” – Toru Kumon

Philipp Lesmana
Marketing and Media Design, Operations
TH 131
905 688 5550 x5698

Portfolio Areas: I provide information technology and interactive media support for our services, including but not limited to websites, social media, sharepoint, PowerApps, graphic design, videography and photography.

About Me: In my spare time, I love to work out, read, learn exciting new skills and play games.  (“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” – Henry Ford)


The Learning Services team support students’ success by creating opportunities for students to build academic skills, increase self-awareness, and muster the courage to follow their own passions. 

Laura Lane, Hons. B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Manager, Learning Services
TH 129
905 688 5550 x3349

Portfolio Areas: I provide oversight of Learning Services including academic skills program development, retention and transition initiatives, and academic success partnerships.

About Me: I’m passionate about supporting inclusive and transformative education environments. I completed my PhD in Educational Studies at Brock University with a focus on Social/Cultural/Political Contexts of Education. My interests include supporting critical reading, facilitating positive learning communities, and exploring innovative approaches to education. I love exploring new places and the great outdoors both near and far with my family.

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”― Malala Yousafzai

Ash Grover – Hons BA, MA
Curriculum Development Specialist, Learning Services
TH 129
905 688 5550 x6672

Portfolio areas: I have a background in equity and am interested in providing tailored supports for students facing significant barriers to their education, as well as developing curriculum for our workshops and programming that reflects diverse educational experiences. I also get to supervise the wonderful drop-in and workshop peers who work with us at Learning Services.

About Me: My interests include writing, going on adventures with my little family, pop culture criticism, and punk rock shows. As a current PhD student in the Faculty of Education at Brock, I am also passionate about making the realm of research and publishing more equitable. In the words of bell hooks, “The academy is not paradise, but learning is a place where paradise can be created.”

Danielle Morris-O’Connor, Ph.D
Graduate Academic Support Specialist, Learning Services/Faculty of Graduate Studies
Th129/MC D250

Portfolio Areas: I provide a variety of one-on-one and group writing supports for graduate students. Along with individual sessions and workshops, I run the weekly Grad Student Writing Café, which provides a supportive working space from graduate students, and assist with other grad-related events through Learning Service and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Details about my supports and how to book a one-on-one session or workshop with me can be found here.

About Me: I recently completed my Ph.D. in English Literature at the University of Alberta with a focus in children’s literature. My other passion and research interest is teaching and learning, especially around student wellbeing and engagement. I’m a proud Newfoundlander and dual Irish/Canadian citizen. In my downtime, I love spending time and playing video games with my family.

Gail Neff
Chemistry Support, Learning Services
TH 129
905 688 5550 x5774

I provide Chemistry support in our Drop-In Centre, work with our student staff, and collaborate with Brock’s Science Faculty to organize engagement programming in the sciences, like Scientifically Yours. I’ve been at Brock since 1970 and held Chemistry Senior Lab Demonstrator and Chemistry Course Coordinator positions.

My interests include spending time with my family (including 8 grandchildren), playing tennis(!), tutoring chemistry, as well as supporting women in their pursuit to attain postsecondary education. I am currently the Vice President of the Canadian Federation of University Women.

Lindsay Hayhurst, Hons BA, MA
Curriculum Development Specialist, eLearning, Learning Services

Portfolio Areas: I design, develop and deliver curricula and programming aimed at easing students’ transition to university and supporting their academic success. I also contribute to the development and implementation of best-practices related to eLearning and online instructional methods, as well as provide oversight of our tutoring services.

About Me: I am a Brock graduate. The support, encouragement and guidance that I received from Brock faculty and staff as an undergraduate student significantly shaped my academic and professional journey. I feel very fortunate that my role at Brock enables me to give back to the Brock community.   I am an outdoors enthusiast with a passion for reading. I am also interested in the field of positive psychology and the use of lifestyle factors, such as food and physical activity, to support overall health and wellbeing.


Michael Martignago
Learning Skills Specialist, Learning Services
TH 129
905 688 5550 x5774

Portfolio Areas: As a Learning Skills Specialist, I provide academic writing support and assist both undergraduate and graduate students with developing the study skills to achieve their own personal academic goals.

About Me: My interests include studying ancient and modern history, academic writing, conducting archival research, and helping students overcome procrastination and get the most out of their university experience! I’m also a proud Brock University alumnus!

Monica Drenth, Hons. B.A.
Learning Specialist & Transfer Student Support, Learning Services
TH 129
905 688 5550 x6672

Portfolio areas: I provide study skills support designed to enhance academic performance for students in all disciplines with a focus on supporting Transfer Students. I run the Transfer Connect social programming, develop Transfer Skills workshops, coordinate the Transfer Success Program, support graduate and undergraduate writing, and facilitate Learning courses.

About Me: My interests include writing, grammar (yes, REALLY!), and student engagement. I have recently completed my Master of Education at Brock University. I enjoy writing and love spending time outdoors.

”No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” – Charles Dickens

Sandra Starmans, Hons. BA, MEd
Learning Skills Specialist, Learning Services
905 688 5550

Portfolio areas: As a Learning Skills Specialist, I provide academic support in the form of practical, skills-based instructional programming to undergraduate students deemed to be academically at risk. My post-secondary educational experiences as a mature, first generation, transfer student, along with my graduate studies in the Social and Cultural Contexts of Education underlie my passion for working with students who have been historically underserved, particularly in university settings. Additionally, I deliver workshops on a wide range of academic topics for Brock students and faculty members.

About Me: When I am not at work, I love to travel, read and attend as many live music events as possible. I also love spending time at home, cooking, gardening and exploring the Niagara region with my family and pets!

Sali Moieldin
Learning Skills Specialist, Access and Inclusion, Learning Services
TH 129
905 688 5550

Portfolio areas: As a Learning Skills Specialist, Access and Inclusion I provide variety of supports directly to students to achieve their personal and academic goals. In addition, I focus on the access and inclusion of our programs to target and meet students where they are at!

About Me: I have recently completed my M.A. in Social Justice and Equity here at Brock with a focus on Immigrant mothers and their experiences. Before that I was at University of Waterloo where I gained a B.A. in Social Development Studies. When out of work you can catch me reading, practicing my photography/videography skills, or traveling.


Faith & Life offers a wide variety of religious, spiritual, and secular supports, such as religious education and support, campus-wide events, spiritual direction and counselling, and critical thinking for all students, staff, and faculty.

Zack DeBruyne
Christian Reformed Campus Pastor
Faith and Life Centre – Alphie’s Trough

Portfolio areas: Zack is the newly appointed Christian Reformed Chaplain. Born and raised in St. Catharines, and a proud Badger. He graduated with his Master of Divinity from Calvin Theological Seminary, and is an ordained Pastor in the Christian Reformed Church.

Kailey Meehan, B.Sc, M.Sc
Roman Catholic Campus Minister
Faith and Life Centre – Alphie’s Trough

Portfolio areas: Kailey is the newly appointed Catholic Campus Minister. She works with Zack DeBruyne to provide students and staff the wide variety of supports offered by the Faith and Life Centre.  She oversees the Catholic Chaplaincy, providing things such as retreats, spiritual and vocational counselling, leadership development, and faith formation to the Catholic community at Brock.  She also works with a local priest to provide the Sacraments on campus.

About Me: I was a Brock student for 7.5 years! I graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and again in 2020 with a Master of Science degree in Biotechnology. I am now pursuing a Master’s in Theology with Augustine Institute while serving the Brock community as your Catholic Chaplain.  I am passionate about my job, solving Rubik’s cubes, and dancing!

The Reverend Krista Hilton, BASc., MDiv. (she/her/hers)
Ecumenical University Chaplain
Faith and Life Centre – Alphie’s Trough

Portfolio Areas: “Ecumenical” means representing a variety of different Christian denominations, and as such, I’m available to students and staff of all traditions. I offer various study groups, examples of which are: “Ask the Animals: Spiritual Wisdom from All God’s Creatures”; “When Bad Things Happen to Good People”; and “Harry Potter’s Faith.” I also work with the other chaplains to provide worship services on occasions such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Christmas. As an ally with the 2SLGBTQI+ community, I’m passionate about the intersection of our faith and issues of social justice/equity. I oversee the Frozen Meals ministry and assist students with food security issues. My position is accountable to a Board of Directors representing the chartered denominations (Anglican, Presbyterian, United Church) and the university.

About Me: I was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church and served in parish ministry for several years in Nova Scotia. In 2021, I was thrilled to become the ecumenical chaplain at Brock on a part-time basis. I balance my time at Brock with my work as a lactation consultant. When not working, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two daughters, vegetarian cooking, reading, playing with my dog, and watching my favourite shows, such as “Downton Abbey” and “Friends”.


The Student Life team supports an exceptional student experience by providing students with co-curricular opportunities that facilitate connections to others within the Brock and Niagara communities. The team supports new student orientation, ExperienceBU and the Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum, students who are living off-campus/commuting, leadership development, and volunteering and service-learning.

Kristen Smith
Manager, Off-Campus and Community Experience
DeCew 207
905 688 5550 x3845

Portfolio Areas: Oversight of community outreach and partnerships, student and community engagement, volunteering, and off-campus living & neighbourhood relations.

About Me: I am a proud Brock graduate of the Child and Youth Studies program.
I am grateful for the opportunity to work with amazing students as well as inspiring campus and community partners. I love all things local, from local food to live music and community events. I am an active volunteer, enjoy cooking and am happiest near water.

Carolyn Hough, MEd
Student Engagement Coordinator
905 688 5550

Portfolio Areas: Looking to get involved on campus? The Campus Wide Co-Curriculum (CWC) is the place to start! A large part of my role is developing the CWC and encouraging engagement with the CWC from students, faculty, staff, and clubs! The CWC allows students to identify and establish the learning and growth they get from the events, activities, and experiences students engage with outside of academic spaces. I also work with partners across campus to implement orientation and transition programming for all new Brock students as well as reviewing student event risk-management.

About Me: I am a proud Brock University graduate, finishing my Masters of Education in Spring 2021. I have worked at Brock since 2017, previously in the Department of Residences, where I was able to channel my love for non-academic student learning and development into first year student transition and student staff leadership development. I look forward to expanding my scope for non-academic learning to the entire Brock student community! When I’m not at work, you can find me volunteering with adoptable dogs, spending time outside, and exploring local restaurants and wineries!

Jenna Moorhead (she/her)
Community Experience Coordinator
Student Life Involvement Commons, MC A204
905 688 5550 x5489

Syerra Jasmin
Off-Campus Living Coordinator
Student Life Involvement Commons, MC A204
905 688 5550 x.6331

Portfolio Areas: If you are a student living off campus or Niagara resident with a concern about something happening in your community, I am here for you!
I offer appointments to students who have questions about living off campus or who are navigating conflicts between their roommates, neighbors, or property owners. I help students learn about the Niagara housing market and their rights as a tenant, advise students on the housing process and also create workshops and resources. I run initiatives in our community and regularly meet with local government, community members and stakeholders on matters related to off-campus student living. Additionally, I manage our Off-Campus Peer Mentor team that provides personalized events and support to our incoming off-campus students.

About Me: I am a two-time Brock Alumna, having graduated first with my Bachelor of Arts (in art and archaeology) and later my Bachelor of Education (Junior/Intermediate). I love history and archaeology, illustration, and everything to do with the natural world. I am passionate about education and supporting students during their time here at Brock. I hope to see you on campus!

Travis Greene
Leadership Development Coordinator
Student Life Involvement Commons, MC A204

Portfolio Areas: Looking to enhance your leadership capacity and grow as a person along the way? Then our Leadership Development program is for you! I facilitate Brock Leads solo sessions, Building Leaders weekly sessions, as well as Brock’s own Foundations in Leadership Professional Development Series in hopes to equip all students with what they need to succeed.

About Me: I am a proud graduate of Brock University and have spent my entire student and professional career working in student services. I love to learn new skills and pass some knowledge out along the way, and my favourite hobbies include music, athletics, and video games. Hope to see you in some sessions soon!