Brock Cares

Brock Cares connects students with community partners and projects. We hope that you can join us for our Days of Service as these experiences allow you to learn more about your community and the important work of our service agencies.

Brock Cares Days of Service

Brock Cares Days of Service brings together Brock volunteers from across the University to participate in community projects within the Niagara Region. We work with community partners to develop the projects and recruit Brock volunteers to assist with the various projects identified by our Niagara community partners. We look for engaged, enthusiastic, and committed volunteers to join us for the day and our hope is that they will continue to be involved in our community throughout the school year.

Our first Brock Cares Day of Service takes place during Welcome Week and kicks off the program for the year. This is the biggest day of campus-wide volunteering for the year and a great way to start a new semester! We then host a monthly Brock Cares Day of Service from October to April, connecting with a new community partner and providing a new opportunity each time.

Visit us on ExperienceBU to find out more about upcoming or past Days of Services and to volunteer for a community project during this event.
If you are from a community organization looking to submit a project proposal for volunteers, please email us at [email protected]

Brock Cares Gallery