Student profiles

Our graduates are college and university instructors, fund managers, investment bankers, consultants and entrepreneurs. Some graduates are currently in jobs at commercial banks, Statistics Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, Department of Finance (federal and provincial), Niagara Region, City of Hamilton, Department of the Environment and Hydro One.

Student Testimonials

“I can say with confidence that taking the Master of Business Economics program at Brock University is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I am currently working as a part of the federal government of Canada, conducting economic analysis of potential mergers and acquisitions to determine any potential harm to Canadian consumers. The MBE program opened the door for me to enter into this career path and prepared me not only to get a job but to excel in this highly demanding position.”

— Corey Carlton (MBE, 2016)

“I can say with confidence that taking the Master of Business Economics program at Brock University is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I am currently working as a part of the federal government of Canada, conducting economic analysis of potential mergers and acquisitions to determine any potential harm to Canadian consumers. The MBE program opened the door for me to enter into this career path and prepared me not only to get a job but to excel in this highly demanding position.

The coursework portion of the program is definitely challenging but the professors are extremely helpful and accommodating. There were numerous occasions where students dropped by professors’ offices at all times of the day and the professors were willing to take the time to help us with the material. The smaller class sizes also lead to meaningful discussions during lectures and tutorials providing students with a better opportunity to learn. One of the benefits of the MBE program at Brock is the requirement to take some courses offered to MBA students through the business school. The inter-disciplinary learning provided me with the opportunity to expand on my data analytics skills and get exposure to other types of mathematical analytics not typically seen in economics. These skills are currently in high demand in the business world and by combining analytics skills learned through the MBA courses with the econometrics skills taught as a core course of the MBE program, I have been able to develop a unique set of skills that are completely attributable to my time at Brock.

The coop portion of the MBE program was directly responsible for the career path that I am on now. The coop department spent numerous hours helping students develop skills in resume and cover letter writing along with interviewing techniques. I am a prime example of the benefit that can come from engaging with the coop department and utilizing the tools provided to better present yourself to potential employers. I had been told by past employers that my interview skills were strong but my resume was very weak. There were multiple job opportunities in the past were I was not given an opportunity to let my strength show because I could not get past the resume stage of recruitment. The staff in the coop department spent several hours working with me to develop a stronger resume and teach me how to better market myself to employers. Thanks to the training I received through the coop department, I successfully completed an 8 month coop with the Competition Bureau and have turned that coop into a full time position.

The final step of the MBE program is a major research paper and similar to every other part of the program; you receive tremendous support from the department. As part of the coursework there is a course which is designed to prepare you for the MRP and provide you with different tools that you may choose to use when it comes time to write your paper. While writing I was having weekly, or sometimes more frequent, meetings with my supervising professors. They were there from beginning to end in order to help and guide me through the writing and research experience. Again, it is the dedication of the professors that sets the MBE program at Brock apart from all others.

Overall, I am extremely grateful to the professors and staff of the Economics and coop departments at Brock University. My time in the MBE program not only gave me the skills and tools to have a rewarding career but it was also an overall tremendously fun and challenging experience.”

—Corey Carlton (MBE, 2016)

“The program itself is incredibly demanding but the rewards that come from completing the program make the journey all the more worthwhile. It is important to know what you are looking to get out of a respective program and if you’re looking for a high end program with elite, hand-on faculty members, a demanding course stream and a Co-Op designation with a staff committed to helping both yourself and the program achieve excellence, then the Brock MBE program could be the perfect fit.”

— Brad Rossen (MBE, 2016)

“My experience with the Brock MBE program has been nothing short of outstanding. I came to Brock from Laurentian University with the goal of honing my technical skills and using the Co-Op program to begin gaining invaluable work experience. Ever since I was in grade school, my dream has always been to work in the NHL. While other kids my age had favourite players, I had favourite players and favourite team executives. As I began to get older and began to explore what post-secondary options may be most beneficial for me fulfilling my career goals, choosing to major in Economics seemed to be the right decision.

After graduating with Honours from Laurentian University, the next step was to find an up and coming institution that would both give me the technical skills to continue to advance my learning and would work just as hard as I was going to in order to further my development as a young professional. As I explored this process, Brock University began to stand out as the right place for me. Being a smaller and more intimate program, I was excited about the opportunity to learn hands on from some of the brightest minds in the country.

As I explored what the Co-Op stream had to offer, I came away equally impressed with their commitment to helping students from my program find meaningful work experience in their field of interest. I myself was specifically interested in the sports field and the Brock Co-Op office worked tirelessly with me to help me find opportunities and helped set up my current job at Stathletes, a hockey analytics company.

The professors in the MBE program were always available to me when I wanted to ask questions about a particular topic, get extra help leading up to a big midterm or assignment and the one on one exposure I received from the faculty in the MBE program was second to none and invaluable to my development. The technical skills I learned from the MBE program have been incredibly valuable in my current job at Stathletes and I can honestly say that the program has delivered in ways that I couldn’t have imagined.

The program itself is incredibly demanding but the rewards that come from completing the program make the journey all the more worthwhile. It is important to know what you are looking to get out of a respective program and if you’re looking for a high end program with elite, hand-on faculty members, a demanding course stream and a Co-Op designation with a staff committed to helping both yourself and the program achieve excellence, then the Brock MBE program could be the perfect fit.

Quite simply, the Brock experience and the decision to pursue an MBE at Brock was the best decision of my life and I could not be more appreciative of both the MBE faculty and the Co-Op staff and as I continue to pursue my dream of working in the NHL, I will be eternally grateful for their time and help throughout the two years spent in the MBE program.”

—Brad Rossen (MBE, 2016)

“The MBE program gave me a solid understanding in advanced economics and has upgraded my skills to analyze, predict and understand economic trends, conditions and problems. The quintessential teaching model used in this program helped shape my career path by using real world situations and develop solutions that would work in real world setting. This educational background, combined with the mandatory teaching and research assistance positions, has enabled me to spend my co-op work terms at the provincial Ministry of Finance as a Policy Analyst. The valuable training, experience and networking opportunities I gained at the Ministry has been the milestone in advancing my professional career as an Economist.”

— Ridha Chilmeran (MBE, 2011)

“The best decision I made in my life was to come to Brock University – what I learned from the professors and my peers is beyond words. Moreover, the numerous job offers I received after graduation proves the success of this program.”

— Tameeza Dhanani (MBE, 2007)

Student Accomplishments

2015-2016 Academic year

  • Congratulations to Corey Carlton, Lola Fowler, Brad Rossen, Grace Koomson, Anna Veselovska, Mikhail Susin and Haoyang Zhang who obtained their MBE June 7 2016.
  • Corey Carlton won the Distinguished Graduate Student Award.

2011-2012 Academic year

  • Congratulations to Edward Kofi Anderson, Christian Arkilley, Shawn Atthill, Scott Francis Clark, Chen Jin, Maria Makarova, Daryna Marei and Dong Yuan Wang who obtained their MBE June 7 2012.
  • Congratulations to Daryna Marei who won the 2012 Spirit of Brock Medal.
  • Nowshin Jahan (MBE Fall 2009) has published her MBE research with Professor Diane Dupont. The article will appear in the Journal of Water and Health under “Defensive spending on tap water substitutes: the value of reducing perceived health risks” by Diane P. Dupont and Nowshin Jahan.

2010-2011 Academic year

  • Economics Bookprize Winner: Arlo Matisz
  • Distinguished Graduating Student Awards: Arlo Matisz (ECON) and Gabriela Wisniowski (BBE)
  • Graduating MBE Students: Ridha Chilmeran, Xingchen Liu, Sampson Ndah, Obed Owusu, Hongxia Qin, Yuwen Qiu, Saeed Ur Rehman Rana, Ru Shen and Xiaoshuang Zhang

2009-2010 Academic year

  • The Department is proud to announce the 2009-2010 Bookprize winners: Kaitlin Chaput and Daniel Moreau. Daniel Moreau is also the recipient of the Distinguished Graduating Student Award.
  • Our MBE student, Chunlei Hua, received the SSHRC Business Related Award.
  • Congratulations to our graduating Master of Business Economics Students: Michael Addo Antobreh, Maimuma Din, Ruyan Hua, and Nowshin Jahan. They received their degrees at the October Convocation (2009).

2008-2009 Academic year

  • Congratulations to Nicholas Czyzewski and Laura Wiebe, this year’s (2009) recipients of the Undergraduate Distinguished Graduating Student Awards in Economics and Business Economics, respectively. The Distinguished Graduating Students Awards are presented to the students who receive the highest overall average in their programs at Spring Convocation.
  • Congratulations to Bernard Afriye, Deanna Bucciacchio, Syed Hassan, Jiao Song, Ai Uehira, Jingming Zhang and Yuanyuan Zou, who were awarded Master of Business Economics (MBE) degrees at Spring 2009 Convocation.
  • The Department of Economics is pleased to announce that its macroeconomics TA, John Waylon Henhawk has won the Aboriginal Achievement Award 2009. John is an outstanding student and TA who continually gives his time and effort toward the betterment of all students. Congratulations John, the award is very well deserved.

2006-2007 Academic year

  • Economics Bookprize Winners: Ryan Bruno and Nick Zammit