
  • Dramatic Arts Design students’ Open House exhibit on now

    Theatrical Design Exhibition (DART 3F61)
    When: March 26 – April 2, 2014, 9 am – 5 pm
    Location: Design Studio Room ST102, Schmon Tower, Brock University.
    Admission: Free

    A public showing of Theatre Design projects by senior design students.  Scale maquettes of set designs, costume designs and storyboards for a variety of plays, musicals, songs and proposed films.

    Sponsored by the Department of Dramatic Arts, part of the Industrial Fabric 2014 Festival.

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    Categories: Current Students, Events, News


    April 11, & 12, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
    Matinee: Saturday, April 12th – 2pm

    It’s 1938 and in the fractured world left behind The Great Depression, the Spanish Civil War seizes the hopes and fears of the world as people unite and divide over the threat of Fascism. In Canada it is declared a crime to volunteer to fight in Spain, yet 1,546 Canadians make the illegal journey to fight for Democracy in the hopes of creating a better world. Fragmentos follows the journeys of 18 Canadians and Spaniards as they pursue their beliefs in the possibilities of a new life.

    Written by the students of DART 4F56, this ensemble production explores the creation of actor-created theatre incorporating circus, song, movement, dance and visual media.

    Location: Room ST107 (Studio Theatre), Schmon Tower, Brock Campus
    Admission: Donations Accepted

    This presentation is the culmination of 6-months of play development and rehearsal by our graduating Performance, and Production & Design Concentrations students
    Admission is first-come, first-seated.

    For more information: or x5255

    Let us know you’re coming by joining our Facebook event.

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    Categories: Events, Plays

  • The Rosina Project

    In an interdepartmental collaboration, MUSIC student Leanne Vida, under the direction of DART professor Virginia Reh, explores the character of Rosina in the Figaro operas of Rossini, Mozart, Milhaud and Corigliano.

    Location: Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Brock Campus
    Admission: Donations accepted
    When: March 31, 2014, 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
    Contact: Marie Balsom,

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    Categories: Events

  • Theatrical Design Exhibition (DART 3F61)

    A public showing of Theatre Design projects by senior design students.

    When: March 26, 2014 – 9:00am – April 2, 2014 – 5:00pm
    Location: Room ST102, Schmon Tower, Brock University.
    Admission: Free

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    Categories: Events

  • One Acts Festival

    Break-a-leg! to the student directors, cast and crew, faculty and staff who are opening the One Acts Festival TODAY!

    Every year as the final assignment for the Third Year Directing class each student choses a one act play to produce for the One Act Festival. This year’s One Acts Festival is approaching and the dates are as follow:

    Friday March 21st: Group A starting at 2pm Group B at 7pm
    Saturday March 22nd: Group B starting at 2pm & Group A at 7pm.

    Group A’s shows are:
    The Feast
    Hide & Seek

    Group B’s shows are:
    Tales of the Grotesque
    Don Juan in Chicago
    Playwriting 101
    Rat Snake

    When: March 21 & 22, 2014 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
    Location: ST 107 “Studio Theatre” and ST 103 “Black”
    Admission: Donations Accepted
    Contact: or 905-988-5550 x 5255

    Come out and support the 3rd year directors and all the students involved this year! Seating is limited, so please show up early to get your seats! See the FB events page here.

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    Categories: Events, Plays

  • Join us for the special two-day colloquium ‘The Changing Face of Theatre Criticism in the Digital Age,’ beginning February 21, 2014.

    Jill Dolan

    In photo: Jill Dolan

    Listening to theatre companies, they’ve never needed theatre critics more. Listening to them after a bad review, they’ve also never resented them more. This strange dance of mutual need has been going on since the first time someone recited dialogue on stage, and someone in the next day’s paper wrote “it doth sucked, verily.” But what of that relationship today? Do critics matter? Can anyone with a blog call themselves a theatre critic? Are critics there to serve theatre companies or readers? (John Law)

    See the complete article by John Law in the Niagara Falls Review about his upcoming participation in the two-day colloquium ‘The Changing Face of Theatre Criticism in the Digital Age‘ organized by Professor Karen Fricker of the Department of Dramatic Arts on the occasion of the special visit by Jill Dolan, Annan Professor in English, Professor of Theater in the Lewis Center for the Arts, Director, Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies, at Princeton University, noted theatre blogger ( and a Walker Cultural Leader for 2013-14.  Special guests J. Kelly Nestruck of The Globe and Mail and Richard Ouzounian of the Toronto Star will join local guests and luminaries including cultural leaders like Jackie Maxwell, artistic director of the Shaw Festival, and Steve Solski, director of the St. Catharines Centre for the Performing Arts.

    The two day program begins this Friday morning with the public lecture, “Moving the Body Politic: How Feminism and Theatre Inspire Social Re-imaginings” by Professor Jill Dolan.  The lecture is presented in association with the Department of Dramatic Arts and the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies.

    For a complete list of participants and more information please see the Brock News Article, the Department of Dramatic Arts and the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts web pages.

    Come join us! There is no charge to attend and engage in what will surely be a remarkable exchange of ideas and opinions in this “blossoming” cultural scene of Niagara (Professor Karen Fricker).

    All events will be live-streamed at BrockVideoCentre’s DART channel  [Click on the “live video” button on that page.]

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    Categories: Announcements, Events, News

  • Brock community event looks at theatre criticism in the digital age

    (Source: The Brock News, Monday, February 10, 2014)

    An upcoming series of community discussions at Brock University later this month will debate the question: is everyone a critic?

    Media professionals, theatre experts, scholars and students will assemble in Sankey Chamber at Brock Feb. 21 and Feb. 22 to take part in the colloquium, The Changing Face of Theatre Criticism in the Digital Age, hosted by the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts.

    “The rise of blogging and Twitter, combined with the decline of print journalism, is raising important questions about what counts as legitimate, professional criticism,” says Karen Fricker, event co-ordinator and a professor of dramatic arts. “Our discussions will focus on the current critical scene in Niagara, as well as imagining possible futures for the arts in our community.”

    Panel members include two of Toronto’s most influential theatre critics: J. Kelly Nestruck of The Globe and Mail and Richard Ouzounian of the Toronto Star. Others include local figures like Jackie Maxwell, artistic director of the Shaw Festival, and Steve Solski, director of the St. Catharines Centre for the Performing Arts.

    The colloquium will also feature international critics: Jill Dolan, Princeton University professor and noted theatre blogger (; Maddy Costa, a London, England blogger and journalist; and Andy Horwitz, founder of New York arts blog

    Dolan is visiting Brock as part of the Walker Cultural Leaders series. While here, she will deliver a public lecture, “Moving the Body Politic: How Feminism and Theatre Inspire Social Re-imaginings.” Her lecture, co-sponsored by the Department of Dramatic Arts and Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at Brock, takes place Friday, Feb. 21, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, also in Sankey Chamber.

    All of these events are free and open to the public.

    Funding for these events is provided by the Walker Cultural Leaders Series, the Brock Humanities Research Institute and the SSHRC Institutional Grant scheme, and the St. Catharines Performing Arts Centre.

    All events will be live-streamed.  [Click on “live video”]

    SCHEDULE: The Changing Face of Theatre Criticism in the Digital Age

    All events take place in Sankey Chamber at Brock University

    FRIDAY, FEB. 21:

    * 2 – 2:30 p.m.: Welcome
    Presentation by Brock dramatic arts students from the third-year class, Studies in Praxis – Theatre Criticism

    * 2:30 – 4 p.m.: Panel discussion “Critics and the arts in Niagara”

    • Jill Dolan (respondent)
    • Monica Dufault, artistic director, Essential Collective Theatre
    • David Fancy, associate professor of Dramatic Arts, Brock University, co-artistic director, neXt Company Theatre (chair)
    • John Law, arts and entertainment writer, Sun Media
    • Sara Palmieri, co-founder, In the Soil Festival
    • Stephen Remus, minister of energy, minds, and resources, Niagara Arts Centre
    • Steve Solski, director, St. Catharines Centre for the Performing Arts
    • Candice Turner-Smith, managing director, Niagara Symphony Orchestra

    * 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.: Panel discussion “Embedded criticism: a new way forward, or criticism-as-PR?”

    • Maddy Costa, critic and blogger
    • Karen Fricker
    • Andy Horwitz, founder,
    • Jackie Maxwell, artistic director, Shaw Festival
    • Jacob Gallagher-Ross, assistant professor of theatre, University of Buffalo (respondent)
    • Lawrence Switzky, assistant professor of Drama, University of Toronto at Mississauga (chair)

    SATURDAY, FEB. 22:

    * 10 – 10:30 a.m.: Welcome
    Presentation by Brock dramatic arts students from the third-year class, Studies in Praxis – Theatre Criticism

    * 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon: Panel discussion “Bloggers, critics, and cultural legitimation”

    • Jill Dolan
    • Karen Fricker (chair)
    • Andy Horwitz (respondent)
    • J. Kelly Nestruck, lead theatre critic, The Globe and Mail
    • Richard Ouzounian, lead theatre critic, Toronto Star
    • Holger Syme, chair, Department of English and Drama, University of Toronto at Mississauga, and blogger (
    • Odette Yazbeck, director of public relations, Shaw Festival

    * 12:15 – 1 p.m.: Colloquium wrap-up

    • Maddy Costa; Jill Dolan; Karen Fricker (chair); Rosemary Drage Hale, director of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Brock University; and Andy Horwitz

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    Categories: Announcements, Events, In the Media, News

  • Gimme 2!

    2 minutes, 2 actors! Gimme 2! is the first presentation of our first year students in short performances written and directed by their senior DART mentors. An Homage to Jerzy Growtowski!

    Open Rehearsal at 6 pm, show at 8 pm. Admission is first-come, first-seated.

    For more information: or 905-688-5550 x5255

    Contact to reserve a seat if you know you can only attend one or the other presentations.

    Date & Time: March 5, 2014: 8 pm – 10 pm
    Location: ST 107 (Studio Theatre), Schmon Tower, Brock University
    Cost: $0.00
    Contact: or 905-688-5550 x5255

    Categories: Events, Plays

  • Jehanne of the Witches

    jehanne_promo_dvJEHANNE OF THE WITCHES

    by Sally Clark

    February 13-15, 2014 at 7:30 PM
    Student Matinee February 14 at 1:00 PM

    DIRECTED BY Virginia Reh
    Scenographer: David Vivian

    Assistant Director:  Casey Gillis
    Assistant Designer: James McCoy
    Dramaturg:  Brittany Stewart

    Black magic, illusion, and the suppression of Truth. Voices swirl as Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais, the infamous Bluebeard, concoct a witches’ brew of sexuality and the use – and abuse – of power.

    The Department of Dramatic Arts of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts is proud to present this play by Canadian playwright Sally Clark. Ms Clark was part of a wave of female playwrights in the 1980s who wrote plays about notable women from a female perspective. The play is mostly based on solid historical fact; Clark weaves her magic through unique interpretation and theatricality.


    View our media release.

    High-School teachers should read this letter about the Matinee performance opportunity available for Jehanne of the Witches (February 2014). We’re also providing information on Secondary Education Curriculum Ties.

    NEW! An Audience Guide is available for download.

    Download the poster

    Join us on our Facebook event page

    Purchase tickets here!


    see the preview on Cogeco TV below:


    see the article in the Brock News:

    That burning feeling: Jehanne of the Witches


    Media call photos:

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    Categories: Events, Plays

  • TWELFTH NIGHT, (or what you will) a comedy by William Shakespeare at the Department of Dramatic Arts

    image by Nitin Vadukul

    image by Nitin Vadukul

    TWELFTH NIGHT, (or what you will)

    a comedy by William Shakespeare

    November 7 – 9, 2013 at 7:30 PM
    Student Matinee November 08 at 11:30 AM

    DIRECTED BY Gyllian Raby
    Co-Director and Vocal Coach: Danielle Wilson
    Assistant Director and Dramaturge: Keavy Lynch

    If music be the food of love, play on!
    “Twelfth Night, (or what you will)” presented on stage at the Sean O’Sullivan Theatre

    The Department of Dramatic Arts’ rendition of Twelfth Night gives this classic Shakespearean comedy a 20th century twist, setting it in the 1950s and taking audiences to the era of soul-searching country blues. This production runs November 7, 8 and 9, 2013 at 7:30 p.m., and November 8 at 11:30 a.m., held at the Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Brock University.

    The magical fictitious kingdom of Illyria is a modern world where boys are boys and girls are girls and subterranean passions blow apart rigid conventions. Fools, lovers, and shipwrecked souls grapple adverse fortunes and comic misunderstandings to find what truth and love might mean. To meet Shakespeare’s demand that Illyria be a land where music is “the food of love,” we present the fool musician Feste as the leader of a country blues band.

    The production is a directorial collaboration between Dramatic Arts faculty Gyllian Raby and Danielle Wilson, assisted by Keavy Lynch. Raby states, “We are performing Twelfth Night using music rooted in contemporary culture, so although this production is not a musical, music is threaded throughout the play.” Wilson adds, “The play has many of the elements common to Elizabethan romantic comedy, including the devices of mistaken identity, separated twins, and gender-crossing disguise, and its plot revolves around whether one can manage betrayal, and overcome the obstacles to truth and love.“

    Have a look at our media release (PDF).

    Let us know you’re coming by joining our Facebook Event.

    High-School teachers should read this letter about the Matinee performance opportunities available for Twefth Night (November 2013) and Jehanne of the Witches (February 2014)  (PDF)

    A Study Guide is available for review,
    prepared by Gyllian Raby and Keavy Lynch:
    download to print a copy (PDF, 2.0 MB)

    watch this preview on Cogeco TV:

    see the article in the Brock News!

    (From left): Sean Rintoul, Chris Chapman and Bri Lidstone perform in the Department of Dramatic Arts production of Twelfth Night, which opens Nov. 7 at the Sean O'Sullivan Theatre.

    (From left): Sean Rintoul, Chris Chapman and Bri Lidstone perform in the Department of Dramatic Arts production of Twelfth Night, which opens Nov. 7 at the Sean O’Sullivan Theatre.

    Announcing $5.00 Fridays!

    all holders of Brock ID cards – students, staff and faculty – are invited to take advantage of a special new price for the Matinee mainstage performance. Please present your ID card upon purchase of your ticket.
    Tickets for all performances including the $5.00 Friday Matinees are available through the  Box Office of the Centre for the Arts
    or  905.688.5550  x 3257

    For more information, please contact Marie Balsom, Co-ordinator of the School of Fine and Performing Arts, at 905-688-5550, ext. 4765; e-mail:

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