Articles tagged with: Gimme 2

  • Gimme 2!

    2 minutes, 2 actors! Gimme 2! is the first presentation of our first year students in short performances written and directed by their senior DART mentors. An Homage to Jerzy Growtowski!

    Open Rehearsal at 6 pm, show at 8 pm. Admission is first-come, first-seated.

    For more information: [email protected] or 905-688-5550 x5255

    Contact [email protected] to reserve a seat if you know you can only attend one or the other presentations.

    Date & Time: March 5, 2014: 8 pm – 10 pm
    Location: ST 107 (Studio Theatre), Schmon Tower, Brock University
    Cost: $0.00
    Contact: [email protected] or 905-688-5550 x5255

    Categories: Events, Plays