David Vivian

Associate Professor, Scenography

BA Toronto, MFA British Columbia, ENTC/NTSC, ADC, APASQ

905 688 5550 x4401

David Vivian is the Scenographer (or Designer) in the Department of Dramatic Arts. He holds a Masters in Fine Arts from the University of British Columbia and is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada. Formerly with Concordia University in Montreal, his designs for theatre, film, television, and industry have been seen across Canada. His work at Brock has included the set and costume designs for the Mainstage productions since 2004. He teaches theatrical design, production, and stagecraft at Brock. David researches marginalized and virtual spaces through visual arts and theatre design, the application of digital technologies to the collection of performance ephemera, and regional identity construction and transmission through scenographic practice and research.

David was the third and final regular Director of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts (2016-18 and 2019-21), following Professors Sharilyn Ingram (2004-09) and Derek Knight (2009-16). He was the Director of the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture from 2009-12 and 2021-24 and Chair of the Department of Dramatic Arts from 2012-16. He has served as Chair of the Information Technology and Infrastructure and Budget Advisory Committees of Senate,  of the University Pension Committee (VC and Chair of BUFA Pension Committee), Vice Chair of Undergraduate Programs and Governance Committees, as well as being member of Senate Student Appeals Committee.  Has served as Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees for the Advancement. Community Relations and Research, Capital Projects and Facilities, and Executive Committees.  A selection of continuing projects in the local, national and international communities include: he is the Past Chair of the Culture Committee of St. Catharines City Council and is involved with municipal cultural and facility planning, including representation on stakeholder committees for the Marilyn I Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts and the St. Catharines Performing Arts Centre facilities development. As a Director and the Secretary of Scenography Canada Research Society (formerly OISTAT SRC/CRS) he was a coordinator of the participation of Canadian Schools of Theatre in the Prague Quadrennial of Scenography of 2007 and contributing consultant and participant for 2011, 2015 and 2019. David was a convener of the Scenography Working Group of the International Federation for Theatre Research for eight years. He is a member of the associate editorial team of the new journal Theatre & Performance Design (Routledge).

In 2009 David was honoured to receive the Faculty of Humanities Award for Excellence in Teaching at the Spring Convocation. In 2011 he was awarded three Volunteer Recognition Certificates from the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, and the City of St. Catharines, at the 23rd Annual Volunteer Recognition Night co-sponsored by the City of St. Catharines, the St. Catharines-Thorold Chamber of Commerce, and the Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery.  In 2020 David was the recipient of the Faculty of Humanities Distinguished Service Award. In the notice of the award, the Dean, Dr. Carol Merriam, remarked: “The decision was a difficult one, as there were several nominations of outstanding colleagues who have contributed so much to the life and work of the Faculty and the University. Your record stands out among this august crowd. I have always been impressed by your widespread involvement in University and Faculty governance, your willingness to be involved in work that benefits our students and colleagues, and your thoughtful and critical input on important matters.”

David’s website (pre-Brock)