DART Performance Research Institute (DART PRI) is a performance research and development-based incubator housed in the Department of Dramatic Arts (DART) at Brock University.
The Institute supports performance research and research creation projects which align with DART’s commitments to praxis (the generative integration of theory and practice) and anti-supremacy (active interventions into identity-based and intersectional oppressions arising from the concept of superiority and related practices), especially in theatre making and theatre education. All projects should have a clear idea of how DART students can participate and collaborate in the process at any given stage.
Fall/Winter Research Explorations are intended for projects in the developmental stage. A typical exploration offers 1 – 3 days in studio or in a lab space to develop early drafts of ideas and concepts which will help progress the project to a proof-of-concept stage. Recurring studio time may also be requested (eg. 2 days monthly). Explorations may result in a later Summer Institute Workshop.
Summer Institute Workshops are intended for projects at the proof-of-concept stage. A typical workshop offers 1-2 weeks in studio to test or develop early drafts and ideas, with limited technical elements. Workshops will normally result in a work-in-progress sharing (not necessarily a performance) to an invited audience comprised of other Summer Institute participants.
Summer Research Residencies are intended for projects at more advanced stages of development, normally with plans to produce a full scale production for public presentation within the next 2 years. A typical workshop offers 4-5 weeks in studio to rehearse and further develop scripts, designs, creative approaches and more through a collaborative process. Workshops will result in a public work-in-progress showing (not necessarily a performance) at the end of the workshop period.