Oct. 17 and Nov. 22: Graduate Info Sessions / SCLA

The Office of Graduate Studies organizes two online Info Sessions, one on Tuesday 17 October at 2 pm, the other on Wednesday 22 November at 1 pm. Please visit the link below (look for Studies in Comparative Literatures and Arts) for more information and to register.


These information sessions are designed for you to learn about the MA in Studies in Comparative Literatures and Arts and gain a deeper understanding of the program’s structure. The sessions will provide useful information on the BrockU graduate experience, including admission requirements, financial opportunities/information, and what to expect in a graduate journey at Brock University.

The M.A. in Studies in Comparative Literatures and Arts (SCLA) is an interdisciplinary and inter-faculty program that focuses on the study of literature and the arts from different cultures. It examines the ways in which literature enters into dialogue with the fine and performing arts. Students explore contemporary approaches to texts of various types, as well as the possibilities and problems that arise in comparative studies, including issues related to the translation and adaptation of works. Through coursework, students develop a cross-disciplinary understanding of how works of art and cultural production evolve, are received, and are interpreted. SCLA students participate in an interdisciplinary collision of ideas in the Humanities. They investigate literature and the languages of the Visual Arts, Music, and Dramatic Arts in the context of dynamic comparability. Such generative encounters provide them with the opportunity to develop fresh insights, explore rich innovative methodological terrains, and interact with new concepts and post-disciplinary ideas.

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