Have you experienced racism, homophobia, ableism, sexism, sexual violence, antisemitism, islamophobia, or any other form of harassment or discrimination on campus? We’re here to support you!
Fill out the form below if you witness or experience an incident on or off campus and would like support from our staff. Filling out this form does not mean you will have to make a formal report.
Making a disclosure means sharing your experience of harm in a confidential space. Our team will listen and help guide you to the right resources, whether you’re seeking emotional support, safety planning, academic accommodation or understanding your reporting options.
HRE addresses human rights, harassment and discrimination through two Brock policies:
What happens when you fill out the form?
Step 1: Fill out form.
You can choose to leave it anonymous, or insert your name and email if you would like our office to follow up with more support.
Step 2: Connect.
A Human Rights and Equity (HRE) Team Member will reach out to you to if you chose to insert your name and email.
Step 3: Choose.
Chat with our HRE Team Member and work together to select the support methods that work best for you.
Don’t feel like sharing your name and email? That’s okay! To explore resources on your own, check out our Resources Pages.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911 or contact Campus Safety at 905-688-5550 x3200
If you have questions or need additional support, please contact humanrights@brocku.ca