Healing from Racial Injustice

Prioritizing self-care is crucial after encountering or witnessing racial injustice. Caring for yourself and your community through tailored self-care practices is essential for healing.

Explore the resources below for personalized self-care tips.

Resources for Healing and Support

A collection of Black Therapeutic Supports, Trauma-Informed Grounding Techniques, Black Legal Resources and Community Services, Black Support Phone Lines, Affirming Black Content, and Music for Black Healing, Grieving, etc.. All located in the Greater Toronto Area.

An article from Vice.com about things you might do to get a tiny bit of relief after feeling sad, angry, or overwhelmed because of racial injustice.

An excellent catalogue of Black-Owned Businesses and Entrepreneurs local to large cities throughout Canada.

The Niagara Regional Native Centre offers many programs for Indigenous people of all ages to engage in healing and wellness, and access education, safe spaces, shelters, and community justice supports.

The Healing and Wellness branch of the Métis Nation of Ontario facilitates programs, services, and activities to address the holistic needs of Métis people in Ontario at the provincial, regional, and local levels. Please check out their website for services in Ontario near you.

Brock Services for Self-Care

A safe space on campus for Indigenous-identifying students that provide support and resources to enhance their academic success and cultural identity at Brock.

The BSSC (Black Student Success Centre) is the academic and personal hub of professional growth and development for all Black students at Brock and acts as both a partner and key liaison to the broader university community.

Brock’s Faith and Life Centre provides both religious and secular opportunities for friendships, education, counseling, critical thinking about religion, and personal growth.