Crisis Resources

Call 9-1-1 if you are at Immediate Risk 

If you are: feeling desperate and hopeless, worried you might hurt yourself or someone else, having suicidal thoughts, alone with no one to talk to. 

If you have: made a plan and the means to hurt yourself or someone else (e.g. pills or a weapon), attempted suicide or hurt yourself before. 

If you are: experiencing a serious medical problem such as chest pain, seizure, bleeding.

Any of the above, call 9-1-1.

Are you in crisis and want to talk to someone right now?

Suicide Crisis Hotline
The suicide crisis hotline is bilingual, trauma-informed, culturally appropriate and available to anyone in Canada 24/7. Call or text 9-8-8 

Brock Telus Health Student Support: On-campus or off-campus, you can call Brock University’s 24/7 telephone crisis counselling support. Call 1-833-276-2533. If you are a student who is outside of North America call 001-416-382-3257.

Contacts for different types of distress 

If you are in distress, below are some supports available on-campus and off-campus. 

On-Campus (24/7) Mental Health distress contacts

University Campus Safety Services: Call 905-688-5550 ext. 3200 for Campus Safety Emergency.

Brock Telus Health Student Support: On-campus or off-campus, you can call Brock University’s 24/7 telephone counselling support. Call 1-833-276-2533. If you are a student who is outside of North America call 001-416-382-3257.  

Living in Residence? The Service Desks are the first response for most concerns and questions within our housing community. North Service Desk (DeCew and Vallee): DeCew R223 (near stairwell 14), call 905-688-5550 x3706, or email [email protected].

Mental health distress contacts during University hours

Student Health Services and Personal Counselling Services
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Not open during University closures)

Confidential mental health and physical health services provided by an interdisciplinary team of health professionals.  

Need extra mental health support?  

  • Personal Counselling Services and 24/7 Urgent Crisis Counselling: Call 1-833-276-2533.

Medical care on campus

  • Urgent care Monday to Friday, Heritage Plaza (Campus Pharmacy). Click to book your same-day drop-in spot
  • Appointments: Appointments are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 905-688-5550 x3243 or email [email protected]. ALL appointments are in-person (telephone or virtual appointments are at the physician’s discretion).

Mental health distress contacts in the community

LGBT Youthline
Confidential, non-judgmental and informed LGBTTQQ2SI peer support.  Sunday – Friday. Call 1-800-268- 9688 or Text 647-694-4275 

ConnexOntario Helpline
Support and treatment services for people experiencing problems with gambling, drugs, alcohol and/or mental health. Call 1-866-531-2600. 

Support for Black youth: RiseUp powered by Kids Help Phone
Black youth across Canada can access free wellness support 24/7 by texting RISE to 686868. Text support from a professional counsellor via phone or Live Chat is also available.

Black Youth Helpline
Responds to the need for a Black youth specific service and promotes access to professional, culturally appropriate support for youth, families and schools. Call 1-833-294-8650 every day from 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. 

Distress Centre Niagara 
We serve the community with 24/7 crisis and distress services. Highly skilled volunteer responders answer calls, providing emotional support, suicide and crisis prevention and intervention Call 905-688-3711
Follow the link on the image to text or chat from 2pm to 2am every day.

Distress Centre Niagara Text and Chat

Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) Niagara Region
COAST is a 24/7 mobile mental health crisis outreach and intervention service that offers immediate telephone counselling and on-site crisis outreach intervention as needed.  Call 1-866-550-5205 

National Eating Disorder Information Centre 
Provides information, resources, referrals, and support to Canadians affected by eating disorders. Monday to Thursday, 9:00am-9:00pm & Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm. 
Call 1-866-NEDIC-20  

Hope for Wellness Hotline
This hotline offers a 24/7 crisis call line and online chat support. They offer supports in multiple different indigenous languages. Call 1-855-242-3310  

National Indian Residential School Crisis Line
24/7 crisis support for residential school survivors and their families. Call 1-866-925-4419 

Niagara Regional Native Center
Open to all First Nations, Métis, Inuit in the Region. Call 905-688-6484 

Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all women who have experienced abuse. Call 416-863-0511 or TTY/ATS 416-364-8762. 

Sakhi Helpline for South-Asian Women
Provides a nonjudgmental space to connect with trained advocates in eight South Asian languages providing support to people of all gender, sexual identities, ethnic, caste, class and racial backgrounds who are experiencing gender-based violence.  Monday to Friday, 10:00am-5:00pm. Call 212-868-6741 or Text 305-697-2544 

Equity offices on-campus

Black Student Success Centre
Offers culturally informed engagement and programming and provides informed insight into navigating campus supports and services. 

Hadiyaˀdagénhahs First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Centre
Provides a supportive environment including access to elders and cultural and academic support.  

Human Rights and Equity Office 
A resource for all Brock community members to provide information, education, assistance, and advice on issues related to human rights, harassment and discrimination. 

International Student Services
Provides support to navigate all the requirements and expectations, or that you may want additional support as you study to grow in your skills. 

Other on-campus supports

Crisis 905-688-5550 x3200
Non-Crisis 905-688-5550 x4300

Department of Residences 24-hour
North Service Desk 905-688-5550 x3706
South Service Desk 905-688-5550 x4311

Call 9-1-1 if you are at immediate risk.

On campus or off campus, you can call Brock University’s 24/7 telephone counselling support at 1-833-276-2533. If you are a student outside of North America call 001-416-382-3257 

Same-day drop in counselling (Monday to Friday) online booking:


Student Health Services Hours

After Hours Support

Drop in to chat with a Peer Health Educator about ways to improve your overall health and wellness.
The Wellness HUB – Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre (