Campus ID
A valid Campus ID is required to log on to IT services at Brock University. A Campus ID is assigned when students register or when faculty and staff are hired. Individuals are provided with an account name and password necessary to access the Internet, email, O365, my.brocku.ca, Printing, BrockBox, network servers, and other computing resources.
Account owners are responsible for their account at all times. Account owners must not share their password with anyone for any reason. Misuse of resources can result in the loss of account privileges.
All Campus ID passwords expire after 120 days. By default, you will be notified by e-mail 15 days before your password expires. It is important to change your password before it expires. You can change your password here.
New passwords must contain at least 3 different types of characters (i.e. lowercase, uppercase, numbers or special characters such as “!”, “@”, “#”, etc.) and be between 10 and 30 characters in length. Note that certain words are prohibited from being used in passwords – for example, abcdefg, badger, brock, iloveyou, letmein, password, whatever, qwerty and surgite. Former passwords, as well as iterations of prohibited words, will also not be accepted. Examples include Br0ck!, What3v3r and p@$$w0rd.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from the Activate Account and Reset Password page.
Account Access
If you require access to Brock University services, you can complete a Security Access Request Form (SARF).
If you are a guest at Brock, please see Campus ID (Guest Accounts).
Service Hours
Please view our current support hours.
Service Expectations
The online directory is available 24/7 except during scheduled maintenance and unplanned outages.
Please contact the ITS Help Desk.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page for all frequently asked questions about this service.
The ITS Help Desk is happy to help you. Here’s how you can contact us:
Call Us
(905) 688-5550 x 4357
To activate your account, go to Activate Account and Reset Password.
Passwords are a way of securing access to computers, accounts, or even door access by ensuring that the person requesting access knows a specific string of characters.
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. Multiple passwords can be stored in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. Rather than remembering all of your passwords, only the master password or key file is needed to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms.
Think of all the sensitive information that you access daily, often with a username and password. This may include financial data, personal and work emails, social media sites, secured files or the Brock portal. If someone guesses or steals your password they can easily gain full access to your sensitive information. An insecure password can not only cause havoc in your life but put others at risk at well.
It is mandatory that every account at the university have a strong password. Many of our systems enforce strong passwords as well as password expiry. Most Brock systems enforce the following password rules:
- Must contain at least 3 different types of characters:
- uppercase (e.g., A B C D).
- lowercase (e.g., a b c d).
- numbers (e.g., 1 2 3 4).
- special characters/symbols (e.g., ! @ #).
- Must not contain reserved/special characters (e.g., backslash ‘\’) or spaces.
- Must not be based on your first name, middle name, last name, email address, or login ID.
- Must be between 8 to 30 characters in length.
- Cannot be recently used or similar to a previous password (no password rotation).
- Mix characters (e.g., TiD23#4ad34$3r).
- Replace letters with symbols (e.g.,”T3nnis$tar”).
- Use a password phrase such as:
- the first letters of words in easily remembered phrases (e.g., “The cow jumps over the Brock Tower!” becomes “TcjotBT!”).
- easily remembered phrases without spaces (e.g., “MydogFluffyis#1!”).
- Do not write down your passwords (write down a tip or clue instead).
- Do not share your passwords.
- Change your passwords every few months.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from the Activate Account and Reset Password page.
If your password has expired or you would like to change it, you can change your password here.
New passwords must contain at least 3 different types of characters (i.e. lowercase, uppercase, numbers or special characters such as “!”, “@”, “#”, etc.) and be between 10 and 30 characters in length. Note that certain words are prohibited from being used in passwords – for example, abcdefg, badger, brock, iloveyou, letmein, password, whatever, qwerty and surgite. Former passwords, as well as iterations of prohibited words, will also not be accepted. Examples include Br0ck!, What3v3r and p@$$w0rd.