The Brock DB Information System (Brock Portal) includes all information systems that support the creation, storage, retrieval and maintenance of information supporting administrative services of the University.
The Brock University administrative systems Include:
- Admissions
- Advising
- Appointments
- Athletics
- BUSU (Brock Univesity Student Union)
- Career Services
- Convocation
- Course Collections
- Course Composition
- Degree Audit
- Early Alert
- Employee Access
- ESL Services
- Faculty Access
- Grade Book
- Legacy Finance Access
- Faculty Annual Report
- General Request Forms
- Graduate Studies
- Legacy Human Resources (Contracts and Payroll)
- Institutional Reporting
- International Services (Exchange Students)
- Ministry Reporting
- OASIS (Student Accessibility)
- Print Shop
- Questionnaire/Survey
- Recruitment & Liaison
- Registration
- Research
- Residence
- Sabbatical Leave request system
- SARF (Security Access Request Form)
- Scheduling/Timetables
- Student Access
- Student Awards and Financial Aid
- Student Records
- Transfer Credits
- Tutoring
- Workflow
Service Hours
Please view our current support hours.
Service Expectations
The Brock DB Information System is available 24/7 except during scheduled maintenance and unplanned outages.
To go to the Brock DB Information System, click here.
For specific access to BrockDB/BEARS, please fill out an online request form. Forms are processed within two-five business days. At the start and end of each semester, response times may extend beyond five business days.
User guides are available upon request.
Online page help is available on some pages under the Help icon in the menu bar across the top of the page when the word Help is in RED.
Faculty Gradebook help is also located under my.brocku.ca -> BrockDB menu -> FGB Help.
Please scroll to the bottom of this page for all frequently asked questions about this service.
The ITS Help Desk is happy to help you. Here’s how you can contact us:
Call Us
(905) 688-5550 x 4357
To activate your account, go to Activate Account and Reset Password.
If your password has expired or you would like to change it, you can change your password here.
New passwords must contain at least 3 different types of characters (i.e. lowercase, uppercase, numbers or special characters such as “!”, “@”, “#”, etc.) and be between 10 and 30 characters in length. Note that certain words are prohibited from being used in passwords – for example, abcdefg, badger, brock, iloveyou, letmein, password, whatever, qwerty and surgite. Former passwords, as well as iterations of prohibited words, will also not be accepted. Examples include Br0ck!, What3v3r and p@$$w0rd.
Learn more about passwords.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it from the Activate Account and Reset Password page.