A reminder to all students that Winter tuition is due on the first day of classes; January 10, 2022. Interest is charged at a rate of 1.5% per month (compounded to 19.56% annually) on any unpaid balance each month. This rate is subject to change. Interest will not be waived for late payments, including late or delayed OSAP.
The fastest, most efficient way to make a payment for tuition is through your online domestic bank account. Add Brock University as a payee, use your 7-digit student number as the account number (if your bank requires a 9-digit account number, add 00 before your 7-digit student number). If your Brock student number ends in 0, please use your assigned Banking Account Number to make your payment. Electronic bank payments can take 3-5 business days to process, so keep this in mind when making your payment! Click here for instructions on making a payment.
January 21, 2022 is the last day for Winter term registration. This means that this is the final date you can add or drop courses through your student portal via the ‘Registration’ tab. Once the registration system is closed, you may still be able to add courses via the Course Add form attached below with permission from the instructor. After the posted drop date, students must withdrawal from Winter term (D3) course(s) online via the student portal at my.brocku.ca. For step-by-step instructions on the withdrawal process, please see the link below. The last date to withdrawal from D1 courses without academic penalty (no grade) is January 21, 2022 and D3 courses without academic penalty (no grade) is March 4, 2022. Please note, these dates are hard deadlines, and no exception will be granted for missing the deadline. Any time a student makes course registration changes, this must be reported to OSAP. If you have added, dropped, or withdrawn from courses, please be sure to submit the OSAP course load change form. All course registration changes may impact OSAP funding. For questions on how this may impact your funding, please contact us at Brock Central.
Students are free to add (click here) or drop courses through the online registration system without financial penalty (unless all courses are dropped) while the system is open. Students who drop all courses between the start of term date and the drop date will be charged a full drop fee calculated at $100 per credit dropped to a maximum of $500. This also applies to students who may be granted back dated drops through the Registrar’s or Dean’s office. Dropped courses do not appear on the student transcript.
Course Withdrawal Instructions
Withdrawn courses appear on the student transcript, along with the date of withdrawal. Please note that the final date to withdraw without academic penalty is not the same as the final date as financial penalty. All withdrawals have financial penalties.
Important Note: Students are responsible to monitoring their student account after any course changes and paying any new balance due immediately. Withdrawal Schedule and Information
All students are bound by the Statement of Student Financial Responsibility, which must be electronically signed prior to registration in each academic year. This statement is also located on your Student Financial History for review at any time.
Have Questions? Contact Brock Central @ The Registrar’s Office through our Live Chat!