Brock University, collects and retains applicant student and alumni personal information under the authority of The Brock University Act, 1964, section 3. This information is related directly to and used by the University for the purposes of recruitment, admission, registration, graduation and other activities related to its programs, being a member of the Brock University community and attending a public post secondary institution in the Province of Ontario.
The University collects information directly from students and indirectly through the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) as part of the student application process to the University.
The information will be used to admit, register and graduate students, record management achievement, issue student identification cards, and administer and operate academic, athletic, recreational, residences, alumni and other University programs.
Information on admission, registration and academic achievement may also be disclosed and used for statistical and research purposes by the University, other post-secondary educational institutions and the provincial government.
Personal information provided for admission and registration and any other information placed into the student record will be collected, protected, used, disclosed and retained in compliance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31).
For further information, please review the University’s Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy or visit our privacy webpage.
GDPR: If you are a resident of the EU or UK, and receiving services from Brock University, please review the University’s privacy notice under the General Data Protection Regulation for more information about how Brock protects your personal information: Please note, these practices apply to personal information of individuals residing in the EU or UK.
A. Statistics Canada
Statistics Canada is the national statistical agency. As such, Statistics Canada carries out hundreds of surveys each year on a wide range of matters, including education.
It is essential to be able to follow students across time and institutions to understand, for example, the factors affecting enrolment demand at post-secondary institutions. The increased emphasis on accountability for public investment means that it is also important to understand ‘outcomes’. In order to carry out such studies, Statistics Canada asks all colleges and universities to provide data on students and graduates. Institutions collect and provide to Statistics Canada student identification information (student’s name, student ID number, Social Insurance Number), student contact information (address and telephone number), student demographic characteristics, enrolment information, previous education, and labour force activity.
The Federal Statistics Act provides the legal authority for Statistics Canada to obtain access to personal information held by educational institutions. The information may be used only for statistical purposes and the confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act prevent the information from being released in any way that would identify a student.
Students who do not wish to have their information used are able to ask Statistics Canada to remove their identification and contact information from the national database. On request by a student, Statistics Canada will delete an individual’s contact information (name, address, or other personal identifiers) from the PSIS database. To make such a request, please contact:
By telephone: Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm EST/EDST at 1-800-263-1136 or 1-514-283-8300
By email: [email protected]
By mail: Institutional Surveys Section, Centre for Education Statistics, Statistics Canada, Tunney’s Pasture Driveway, R.H. Coats Building, Flooror 13 G, Ottawa ON, K1A 0T6.
B. Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Brock University is required to disclose personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics and educational outcomes to the Minister of Colleges and Universities under s. 15 of the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O., 1990, Chapter M. 19, as amended.
The Ministry collects this data for purposes such as planning, allocating and administering public funding to colleges, universities and other post-secondary educational and training institutions and to conduct research and analysis, including longitudinal studies, and statistical activities conducted by or on behalf of the ministry for purposes that relate to post-secondary education and training. Further information on how the Minister of Colleges and Universities uses this personal information is available on the ministry’s website: or by writing to the Director, Postsecondary Finance Branch, Postsecondary Education Division, 7th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M7A 1L2.
Students may inspect all documents contained in their own record, with the exception of evaluations and letters of reference supplied to the University with the understanding that they be kept confidential.
Students may request that erroneous information contained in their records be corrected and that recipients, of any information found to be in error, be advised of the correction.
Students wishing to inspect their record must make an appointment with an authorized official of the Office of the Registrar.
All official transcripts will be complete and unabridged. Partial transcripts cannot be issued. Transcripts issued directly to students bear the notation “Issued to Student”.
Documents pertaining to a student’s achievement at another institution, which may have been received by the University, will not normally be released or redirected to another institution.
Employees of the University are permitted access to information contained in student records, if they need to know the information in order to perform their official duties. As a general rule, only employees involved in some aspect of academic administration or student affairs are given access to the contents of student records.
In addition to collecting personal information for its own purposes the University collects specific and limited personal information on behalf of the Brock University Students’ Union (BUSU), as well as constituent organizations authorized by them. BUSU uses this information for the purposes of membership administration, elections, annual general meetings, transit passes and its heath plan. Information is provided by the Office of the Registrar upon written request signed by an authorized officer of BUSU with the understanding that the information will not be disclosed to third parties (and will be destroyed after its use and/or returned to the Office of the Registrar when requested).
It is University policy to make a minimum of information freely available to all inquirers. The University will disclose information about students who have graduated, which is considered to be public information, as follows:
- degree(s) obtained and the dates conferred by the University, and in most circumstances, scholarships and the dates awarded.
- Except as specified below other information contained in the record (including current registration status and program of study) will be disclosed only with the student’s written consent. This restriction applies to requests from parents, spouses, credit bureaus, police, CSIS and immigration and other Government agencies. Specified records or portions thereof may be provided to persons or agencies pursuant to a court order, summons or subpoena directing the University to release information; to Statistics Canada and the Ministry of Education in connection with enrolment audits; or in accordance with the requirements of duly constituted professional licensing and certification bodies.
In emergency situations involving the health and safety of an individual, or in compassionate situations, the Registrar or designate may, if it is considered to be in the best interest of the student, authorize the release of information needed to contact the student.