
  • Brock CSC – Git Workshops

    Brock Computer Science Club is hosting two Git Workshops!

    Tired of accidentally losing code? Having trouble working on group projects? Git is widely used in the industry for version control and is an essential skill to master for all Software Development. The CSC will be hosting a workshop covering the basics of both Git and GitHub on Tuesday, January 26 from 1-2 pm over the Brock CSC Discord (
    • Please sign up for the Git Basics Workshop here
    • A second workshop exploring advanced Git and GitHub topics such as conflict resolution, merging, branching strategies, etc… It will be hosted next week on Tuesday, February 2 from 1-2 pm also over Discord. Sign up for the advanced Git Workshop here
    Categories: News

  • Opening of Two Assistant Professor Positions

    The Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce the search for two probationary tenure-stream assistant professor positions. For more information please see the advertisement.

    Categories: News

  • COSC student Joel Gritter wins the Co-op Student of the Year 2020 Award

    This award is a recognition of excellence in job performance, academic achievements and extra-curriculum involvement, based on a student’s contributions to their co-op employers, co-op education at Brock and the community-at-large. The ideal candidate should have passion about what they do, have perseverance and strives to not only achieve, but to surpass all expectations, to confront all challenges with a positive attitude. Joel has consistently exemplified the excellence of all the qualities we expect of our co-op students in his own way.


    Categories: News

  • Co-op gives Computer Science student career boost

    Congratulations Joel Gritter!! Your hard work and determination have paid off!

    Co-op gives Computer Science student career boost



    Categories: News

  • Tensorflow Workshop

    Are you interested in machine learning and AI? 

    Next week, the CSC hosts a machine learning workshop on Thursday, November 5, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. This interactive workshop is beginner-friendly and introduces some commonly used technologies and methods. Be sure to sign up at

    This workshop will focus on Tensorflow. Tensorflow is a robust framework developed by Google and is commonly used in industry and research for machine learning applications. We will provide a hands-on introduction to using Convolutional Neural Networks for image classification. 

    Our goal is to get new users an experiential opportunity to learn and use ML tools. You can think of it as a “Hello World” for machine learning with TensorFlow and Python. Zero experience with Tensorflow and minimal coding experience is required. We will have practical code examples during the workshop, and we will explain the involved details.

    The workshop will use Google Colabs so that everyone has access to the same development environment during the workshop. Do not forget to make sure you have a Google account set up before joining.

    Categories: News

  • New COSC Website is available

    A new COSC website has been launched. It is up and running!

    With a new layout, this new website extends all resources and content which have been available to all students, staff, and faculty.

    The old website has been archived at Please refer to the archived content when referring to resources that might not be available on the new COSC website.

    Categories: News

  • Fall 2020

    All COSC courses will be delivered on-line in Fall 2020.

    Check our Fall course list at the link for more details.

    Categories: News

  • Opening of Two Assistant Professor Positions

    The Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce the search for two probationary tenure-stream assistant professor positions. For more information please see the advertisement.

    Categories: News

  • COVID19 Information Page

    Please monitor our COVID-19 Information page for updates regarding the transition to online courses and the Spring/Summer academic term.

    Categories: News

  • Computer Science Fair 2010

    On December 9, 2010 the Computer Science Department at Brock University hosted a Computer Science Fair for secondary school students. This event included 3 interactive sessions where the participants got a taste of some of the areas in Computer Science that they are able to pursue.

    For more details please click here.

    Categories: News