Professor and Department Chair

905 688 5550 x3513
[email protected]
PhD, Intelligent Systems Engineering, Dept. Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
ME, Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
Japanese Language Studies & Cultural Studies, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Japan
BSc, Double (Mathematics and Statistics) & Computer Science (minor), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Research Interests
I am interested in research on efficient design and application of computational intelligence techniques especially evolutionary computation (genetic algorithms & genetic programming), swarm intelligence, especially on particle swarm optimization, and artificial neural networks. A major application area is in optimization with a focus on combinatorial optimization, multi-objective optimization, and optimization in dynamic environments. Lately I am also interested in complex networks from two angles. That is, using genetic programming for the automatic inference of graph models for complex networks, and developing fast algorithms to determine critical nodes in complex networks
If you are interested in an MSc. study or Honors 4F90 project in these areas, send me an email or drop by my office.
- Alexander Bailey, Mario Ventresca and Beatrice Ombuki.
“Automatic Generation of Graph Models for Complex Networks by Genetic Programming”,
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference , GECCO 2012. - Mohammad Naeem and Beatrice Ombuki-Berman.
” An efficient Genetic Algorithm for the Single Allocation Hub Location Problem”.
IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), pp.941-948, July 2010. - Beatrice Ombuki-Berman and Franklin Hanshar.
“Using genetic algorithms for multi-depot vehicle routing”.
F.B. Pereira, J.Tavares (Eds.) in, Bio-Inspired Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem, Springer-Studies in Computational Intelligence, v.161, pp:77-99, 2009. - Joseph Brown, Sheridan Houghten and Beatrice Ombuki-Berman.
“Genetic Algorithm Cryptanalysis of Substitution Permutation Network”.
IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security , pp:115-121, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2009. - Earl B. Foxwell and Beatrice Ombuki-Berman.
“Particle swarm optimization for the Design of Two Connected Networks with Bounded Rings”.
Journal of High Performance System Architecture , Vol. 1. no.4, pp. 220-230, 2008. - Franklin Hanshar and Beatrice Ombuki.
“Dynamic Vehicle Routing using Genetic Algorithm”.
Applied Intelligence, 27(1):89-99, August 2007. - Beatrice Ombuki, Brian J. Ross and Franklin Hanshar.
“Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows”.
Applied Intelligence, 24(1):17-30, February 2006. - Mario Ventresca and Beatrice Ombuki
“A Genetic Algorithm for the Design of Two Connected Networks with Bounded Rings”
Computational Intelligence and Applications, Special Issue on Nature-Inspired Approaches to Networks and Telecommunications, 5(2):267-281, November 2005. - M. Ventresca, B. Ombuki.
” Search Space Analysis of Recurrent Spiking and Continuous-time Neural Network”.
Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks , (IJCNN), pp:8947-8954, Vancouver, Canada, 2006.