Knowledge mobilization

The Institute has recognized that Knowledge Mobilization (KMb) is an important part of the research process. KMb refers to the movement of research into active use with knowledge users in order to help facilitate the uptake of research findings, partnerships and impacts around practice, policy and behaviour change.

KMb focuses on “getting the right information to the right people in the right format at the right time so as to influence decision-making” (Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, 2005). At the Institute we focus on collaborative and integrative KMb, working with our local, provincial, national and international partners, from a variety of sectors, to co-create research that has true application outside of the university. There are various terms that can be used to describe KMb, including Knowledge Translation, Knowledge Brokering and Knowledge Exchange.

The Lifespan Institute’s KMb work includes the following initiatives:

  • Lifespan Institute Speaker Series
    • This speaker series a regular series of presentations designed to connect and engage with the community around research that is going on at Brock University.
    • You can find more information about, the current schedule and previous recordings of the Lifespan Institute Speaker Series here

Some previous Lifespan Institute KMb tools and activities are available below:

Research snapshots

The Lifespan Institute Research Snapshots were meant to provide a quick overview of various areas of lifespan development research. The Lifespan Institute is not currently producing new snapshot, but you can click any of the topics below if you’d like to learn more about it!

Adversity in childhood

How does it impact physical health in adulthood?

Brain activity, peers and personality

Associations with adolescent risk-taking

Brain development

Neurological functioning throughout development


From emergence, to classroom, to workplace

Childhood memory and cognition

A window into our thinking about the future

Depressive symptoms and health risk behaviours

Among high school students

Mental health

Nonsuicidal self-injury and sleep among university students

Nonsuicidal self-injury

How does it link to suicide?


Risky decision-making in adolescence

Risk-taking propensity in adolescence

Is the pattern the same for males and females?

Sleep and social functioning

The connection to social functioning and behaviours


The connections between sleep, mental processing and behaviour

Social development

How does deception develop in children and youth?

Valued activities and positive adjustment in adolescence

Want more information on our research and KMb?

Connect with the Institute’s Knowledge Mobilization Officer, Jayne Morrish —

If you are interested in learning more about the faculty members of the Institute please see our list of researchers, labs, current publications, and research interest groups.