Community partners

The Lifespan Institute works with a variety of community partners throughout Niagara and beyond. Please see below for a listing of some of our current community partners, as well as information on our building supporters.

If you have any questions about any of these partnerships, or wish to become a community partner, please email us at [email protected]

Our Community Organization Partners:
Boys & Girls Club of Niagara

The Institute for Lifespan Development Research Building Supporters

  • A gift from the estate of John Greenhill Walker for the two-storey research institute, Jack and Nora Walker Canadian Institute for Lifespan Development Research, housed within the Plaza Building
  • A gift from E. S. Fox Ltd. designated to the smart conference room and three meeting rooms called the Edward S. Fox Lifespan Conference Institute in honour of the company’s founding president and general manager
  • A gift from Jacob and Katherine Hildebrand for a lab named in their family’s honour, The Hildebrand Family Children’s Rights Laboratory Suite
  • A gift from the Brock Plaza Corporation for the Koffler Family Trauma Research Laboratory

Grant for the building was supported by:

  • Canadian Foundation for Innovation
  • Ontario Innovation Trust
  • Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation