1. What is the study about?
- This study looks at how the rhythm of words in a sentence help children learn and understand language. Our findings will teach us about how kids figure out grammar rules when listening to stories and which parts of speech children pay attention to as they grow up.
2. Who can participate?
- Monolingual children 4 to 6 years of age
3. What’s involved?
- A single, one-hour in-person session at Brock University (free parking is provided). Your child will look at storybook pictures on a computer screen while listening to pre-recorded sentences. During the story, your child’s eye movements will be recorded by an eye tracking camera. This will help capture their responses to the sentences.
4. What do I get for participating?
- Children will receive a lab t-shirt for participating.
5. How can I participate?
- Fill out the form below!