Online and experiential learning courses

Language courses

SPAN1F00 Introductory Language Spanish and SPAN1F90 (Intermediate Language Spanish as full credits in one term (in fall and winter). Students may complete 2 full credits in Spanish in one academic year.

Online courses (given in English)

  • SPAN 2P11 Cultures of Spain and Portugal (offered annually).
  • SPAN 2P95 Latin American and Iberian Film (also offered as FILM 2P95)
  • SPAN 2P96 Indigenous Latin America

Internship and community outreach

  • SPAN3F80 SPAN 3F80 Im/migrant and Community Outreach Internship
  • SPAN4F80  Im/migrant and Community Outreach and Research Internship


  • Critical Pedagogy: Critical Literacy and Cultural Literacy; Language, Literacy and Identity / Multicultural Identities;
  • Social formation of the mind and narrative (or experiential) construction;
  • Cultural-Historical and Sociocultural; Critical Knowledge;
  • Worlds of Identity: Life stories in Cultural Contexts; Border Crossings

NOTE:  These Experiential Learning/Internship Courses are open to students interested in pursuing various internships in areas of intercultural relations and international professionalization in various fields depending on the student’s linguistic background. These courses allow students to enrich their resumé and make professional contacts as they combine their academic studies with experiential learning.