Em/bodying Human Rights in Testimony — Studies in Comparative Literatures and the Arts Colloquium 2014

Thursday, 20 February, 2014
United Nations designated World Day of Social Justice


  • David Fancy, Interim Director MA in Studies in Comparative Literatures & Arts (podcast)
  • Douglas Kneale, Dean, Faculty of Humanities (podcast)

Introduction, Em/bodying Human Rights in Testimony; Cristina Santos

Writing After Political Violence and Trauma (podcast)
Nora S. Strejilevich is an Argentinean writer whose literary production is a means to “work through” the legacy of State Terrorism on the basis of her own experience as a survivor and exile. After her liberation from the concentration camp “Athletic Club” (1977) she was granted political asylum in Canada, where she completed a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature at the University of British Columbia. Between 1991 and 2006, she taught Latin American literature at several universities in North America, focusing on Human Rights and Literature.
She has published prose, poems and essays. Her most recent book is El arte de no olvidar: literatura testimonial en Chile, Argentina y Uruguay entre los 80 y los 90 [The art of not forgetting: testimonial literature in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay between the ’80s and ’90s] (2006). Una sola muerte numerosa (1997, 2006) has given Strejilevich international recognition. This testimonial novel was awarded the Letras de Oro National Award (US, 1996). It was translated into English (A Single Numberless Death, 2002) and was adapted to theatre (US 2002). In Italy, Strejilevich’s story inspired the movie Nora (2005). This text has been incorporated into the curriculum of graduate studies in universities in Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Austria and France.
Currently she is devoting herself to creative writing and research. Her most recent project is the study of women’s resistance to totalitarian regimes through art.
— Source: http://norastrejilevich.com/about

Affecting Testimony (podcast)
Jonathan A. Allan (Gender & Women’s Studies and Dept. of English, Brandon University)

Testimony as Reflective Transformation (podcast)
Sharon Abbey (Dept. of Teacher Education, Brock University)

The Aestheticization of Testimony: Alfredo Jaar, Isabel Allende, and the 1973 Chilean Coup D’etat (podcast)
Steven Rita Procter (Dept. of English, York University)

Voices in the Wind: Latina Testimonies from the Prairie (podcast)
Patricia Harms (Dept. of History and Gender & Women’s Studies, Brandon University)

The Challenge of Testimony: The Argentinean Case (podcast)
Hugo De Marinis (Dept. of Languages & Literatures, Wilfrid Laurier University) and Adriana Spahr (Dept. of Humanities, MacEwan University)

Invitational Roundtable
Tracy Crowe Morey, moderator
• Presenters: Claire Masswohl, CEO of Welland Heritage Council and Multicultural Centre (podcast); Deyanira Benavides, Community Legal Worker, Hamilton Community Legal Clinic (podcast)

Categories: Colloquia