Information and Communication Accommodations

Four women at a Brock University meeting, smiling and discussing around a laptop.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in conjunction with the James A. Gibson Library are responsible for providing accommodations to students with disabilities through consultation with the individual making the request.

Emergency Planning

Employers must make sure that people who need help evacuating know how they’ll be kept safe during emergencies. It is the responsibility of departments to handle emergency planning and management effectively.

If you’re in need of an emergency plan, please discuss this with your supervisor. You can also reach out to Health, Safety and Wellness. They can create individualized emergency plans or alternative formats, if required.

  • To make an inquiry about alternative formats of health and safety information email
  • Emergency information can also be obtained easily through the Brock Mobile App which allows access to campus services 24-hours a day.

Accessible Employment

Information and communications on accessibility for Brock employees can be found by viewing our accessible employment webpage.

Accessible Communications

It is our policy to ensure that any of our public information can be made into accessible formats upon request.

The University also provides communication supports upon request. This includes information posted on our website, feedback processes, emergency procedure information and library materials.

Request for Consultation

If you’re in need of a consult connected to accessibility or are seeking guidance on alternative formatting, please email, HRE’s Accessibility and Inclusion Advisor will be in touch!