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Click on a letter to display a list of courses whose course code starts with that letter:
     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
ABED 2F01 Indigenous Approaches to Philosophy, Spirituality and Ethics
ABED 2F02 Indigenous Environmental Knowledge
ABED 3F01 Indigenous Philosophies in Education
ABED 3F02 Indigenous Approaches to Respecting the Land
ABED 3F40 Decolonizing and Anti-Racism in Education
ABED 4F14 Introduction to Indigenous Education
ABED 4F15 Indigenous Curriculum Theory and Design
ABED 4F16 Indigenous Ways of Teaching and Learning
ABED 4F17 Indigenous Leadership Issues
ABED 4F18 Indigenous Teacher Development
ABED 4F84 Introduction to Indigenous Adult Education
ABED 4F85 Indigenous Curriculum Theory and Design
ABED 4F86 Indigenous Ways of Teaching and Learning
ABED 4F87 Indigenous Leadership Issues
ABED 4F88 Indigenous Teacher Development
ABTE 8P02 Principles and Practices for Professional Certification II-Primary/Junior
ABTE 8P04 Principles and Practices for Professional Certification IV-Primary/Junior
ABTE 8P08 Instructional Strategies I
ABTE 8P10 Instructional Strategies II
ABTE 8P11 Computers in Education
ABTE 8P30 Language Primary/Junior
ABTE 8P33 Arts Primary/Junior
ABTE 8P70 Teaching in the Ontario Context
ABTE 8P75 Practicum for Integrating Teaching, Learning and Assessment
ABTE 8P77 Practicum for Professional Collaborative Practice I
ABTE 8P78 Practicum for Professional Collaborative Practice II
ABTE 8P80 Language and Literacy I
ABTE 8P81 Mathematics I
ABTE 8P83 Cognition and the Socioemotional Development of Learners
ABTE 8P84 Teaching Digital Learners in the Digital Age
ABTE 8P85 Social Studies
ABTE 8P90 Science and Technology
ABTE 8P92 Language and Literacy II
ABTE 8P93 Mathematics II
ABTE 8P97 The Exceptional Learner
ABTE 8P98 Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy
ABTE 8Y38 Science and Technology Primary/Junior
ABTE 8Y39 Social Studies Primary/Junior
ABTE 8Y50 Literacy Issues in Elementary Education
ABTE 8Y60 Literacy Issues in Elementary Education II
ABTE 8Y61 Classroom Dynamics: Teaching and Learning
ABTE 8Y63 Introduction to Assessment and Evaluation
ABTE 8Y71 Practicum for Teaching in the Ontario Context
ABTE 8Y72 Teaching Aboriginal Learners in the Ontario Context
ABTE 8Y73 Practicum for Teaching Aboriginal Learners in the Ontario Context
ABTE 8Y74 Integrating Teaching, Learning and Assessment
ABTE 8Y76 Professional Collaborative Practice
ABTE 8Y82 Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
ABTE 8Y86 The Arts In and Across the Curriculum: Music
ABTE 8Y87 The Arts In and Across the Curriculum: Drama
ABTE 8Y88 The Arts In and Across the Curriculum: Dance
ABTE 8Y89 The Arts In and Across the Curriculum: Visual Arts
ABTE 8Y95 Professionalism and Law for Educators in Ontario
ABTE 8Y96 Programming for Inclusive Classrooms
ACCC 0N01 Work Placement I
ACCC 0N02 Work Placement II
ACCC 0N03 Work Placement III
ACCC 0N04 Work Placement IV
ACCC 0N05 Work Placement V
ACCC 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
ACCC 2C01 Co-op Reflective earning and Integration I
ACCC 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
ACCC 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
ACCC 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV
ACCC 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V
ACTG 1P01 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 1P02 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACTG 1P91 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 2P12 Introduction to Management Accounting
ACTG 2P21 Cost and Managerial Accounting I
ACTG 2P31 Accounting for External Reporting I
ACTG 2P32 Accounting for External Reporting II
ACTG 2P40 Commercial Law
ACTG 2P51 Understanding Accounting
ACTG 2P97 Accounting and Technology
ACTG 3P11 Auditing Concepts
ACTG 3P23 Cost and Managerial Accounting II
ACTG 3P33 Accounting for External Reporting III
ACTG 3P41 Taxation I
ACTG 3P43 Taxation 1
ACTG 3P63 Assurance I
ACTG 3P97 Accounting Information Systems
ACTG 4P03 Financial Analysis
ACTG 4P11 Accounting Theory
ACTG 4P12 Integration and Problem Solving
ACTG 4P34 Accounting for External Reporting IV
ACTG 4P40 Tax Strategies for Planning and Decision Making
ACTG 4P41 Taxation II
ACTG 4P42 Taxation III
ACTG 4P43 Taxation 2
ACTG 4P61 External Auditing I
ACTG 4P62 External Auditing II
ACTG 4P63 Assurance II
ACTG 4P64 Forensic and Investigative Accounting
ACTG 4P91 Research Topic
ACTG 4P97 Accounting Analytics
ACTG 4V90-4V99 Topics in Accounting
ADED 1P31 Learning for Success
ADED 1P32 Learning in Digital Contexts
ADED 1P33 Scholarly Writing for Adult Learners
ADED 2F90 Foundations of Adult Education
ADED 2F91 Facilitating Adult Learning
ADED 2F92 Curriculum Design for Adult Learners
ADED 2P11 Equity in Adult Education
ADED 2P12 Adult Education Practices in the Workplace
ADED 2P21 Fostering Adult Creativity and Imagination
ADED 2P22 Gender in Adult Learning
ADED 2P41 History of Adult Learning in Canada
ADED 2P50 Post-secondary Online and Blended Learning
ADED 2P55 Innovative Approaches to Post-secondary Education Issues and Trends
ADED 2P97 Introduction to Leadership Theory in Adult Education
ADED 3F90 Work and Learning in Organizations
ADED 3P11 Geragogy: Educating the Third Age Learner
ADED 3P12 Conflict Management: Resolutions and Relationships
ADED 3P22 Learning Disabilities in Adult Education
ADED 3P31 Intercultural Communication in Adult Education
ADED 3P32 Facilitating Adult English Language Learning
ADED 3P41 Community Outreach and Adult Literacy
ADED 3P50 Learning by Doing: Experiential Education in Post-secondary Education
ADED 3P55 Ethical Governance in Post-secondary Education
ADED 3P91 Power, Practice and Process in Learning
ADED 3P95 Evaluating Learning
ADED 3P97 Application of Leadership Theory in Adult Education
ADED 4D99 Adult Education Honours Thesis
ADED 4F90 Research and Critical Reflection in Adult Education
ADED 4P50 Scholarship of Post-secondary Teaching and Learning
ADED 4P71 Cost Benefit Analysis in Adult Education Contexts
ADED 4P85 Independent Study in Adult Education I
ADED 4P93 Adult Education in the Global Context
ADED 4P95 Evaluating Adult Education Programs
ADED 4V90-4V94 Selected Topics in Adult Education
ADED 4V95 2024-25: Practicum in Adult Education
ADED 4V95-4V99 Practicum in Adult Education
ADMI 0N11 Work Placement I
ADMI 0N12 Work Placement II
ADMI 0N13 Work Placement III
ADMI 0N14 Work Placement IV
ADMI 0N15 Work Placement V
ADMI 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
ADMI 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I
ADMI 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
ADMI 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
ADMI 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV
ADMI 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V
ADST 4P00 Foundations in Applied Disability Studies
ADST 4P50 Disability and Society
ADST 4P85 Critical Qualitative Design Applications
ADST 4P90 Applied Behaviour Analysis Across the Lifespan I
ADST 4P91 Applied Behaviour Analysis Across the Lifespan II
ADST 4P95 Research Methods in Applied Disability Studies
ADST 4P96 Directed Studies in Applied Disability Studies I
ADST 4P97 Directed Studies in Applied Disability Studies II
AESL 1P92 Advanced English for Second Language Learners
APCO 1P00 Introduction to Media Computation
APCO 1P01 Fluency With Technology
APCO 1P30 Programming for Interactive Media
APCO 1P50 Integrity and Literacy in the Information Age
APCO 1P93 Applied Programming
APCO 2P11 Personal Computers and Networks
APCO 2P61 Website Creation
APCO 2P89 Internet Technologies
APCO 2P99 Project in Applied Computing
APCO 3P94 Human Computer Interaction
ARAB 1P00 Introductory Classical Arabic I
ARAB 1P01 Introductory Classical Arabic II
ASTR 1P01 Introduction to Astronomy I
ASTR 1P02 Introduction to Astronomy II
ASTR 2P42 Astrophysics and Cosmology