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     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
DART 0N01 Co-op Work Placement I
DART 0N02 Co-op Work Placement II
DART 0N03 Co-op Work Placement III
DART 0N04 Co-op Work Placement IV
DART 0N05 Co-op Work Placement V
DART 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
DART 1F01 Acting for Non-Majors
DART 1F40 Scenography and Stagecraft
DART 1F50 Acting for the Theatre
DART 1F90 Foundations of Theatre and Performance
DART 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I
DART 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
DART 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
DART 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV
DART 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V
DART 2P11 Voice and Speech
DART 2P21 Drama in Education
DART 2P22 Applied Theatre
DART 2P42 Stage Production
DART 2P43 Stagecraft
DART 2P44 Stage Management
DART 2P50 The Poetic Body
DART 2P51 Embodying Text
DART 2P56 Introduction to Devising
DART 2P61 Design for Theatre: Scenographic Environment
DART 2P62 Design for Theatre: Embodied Scenographies
DART 2P95 Contemporary Canadian Indigenous Theatre for Non-majors
DART 2P96 Contemporary Canadian Indigenous Theatre
DART 2P97 Canadian Dramaturgy
DART 2Q92 Performance as Cultural Practice
DART 3F90 Performance Research Project
DART 3F96 One Act Festival Leadership
DART 3F97 Mainstage Leadership
DART 3F99 Advanced Project in Dramatic Arts
DART 3M00-3M09 Arts and Culture Studies Abroad
DART 3M90-3M99 Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts
DART 3M99 2023-2024: Extended Project IV
DART 3P07 Clown
DART 3P09 Commedia dell'Arte: From Classical to Contemporary
DART 3P11 Voice and Speech II
DART 3P14 Dramatic Creation for Contemporary Cultural Practice
DART 3P40 Self-Producing
DART 3P50 Performing Heightened Language
DART 3P51 Performing Style and Genre
DART 3P53 Directing Laboratory
DART 3P55 Storytelling in the Musical Theatre
DART 3P79 Indigenous Film
DART 3P90 Performance Research Workshop
DART 3P91 Shakespeare in Performance
DART 3P92 Scriptwriting
DART 3P93 Producing a Performance Event
DART 3P96 One Act Festival
DART 3P97 Mainstage Participation
DART 3P98 Advanced Project in Dramatic Arts
DART 3P99 Performance Praxis Portfolio
DART 3Q90 Indigenous Cultural Production and Activism
DART 3Q91 Contemporary Theatre and Performance
DART 3Q92 Foundations in Performance Studies
DART 3V90-3V99 Advanced Special Studies in Dramatic Arts
DART 3V97 2023-2024: Advanced Project III
DART 3Y42 Theatrical Projection and Media
DART 3Y43 Theatrical Lighting
DART 3Y44 Theatrical Props Production
DART 3Y45 Scenic Painting
DART 3Y46 Make-up
DART 3Y47 Theatrical Puppets
DART 3Y48 Theatrical Masks
DART 3Y49 Scenic Carpentry
DART 3Y92 Costuming for Theatre
DART 3Y97 Sound Design for Theatre
DART 4F90 Critical Theory and Practice in Drama, Theatre and Performance
DART 4F94 Honours Thesis Project
DART 4P40 Arts Management: Planning, Operations, Context
DART 4P41 Arts Management: Programming, Marketing, Financing
DART 4P51 Shakespeare: Voice and Text
DART 4P53 Developmental Dramaturgy
DART 4P54 Devising a Solo Performance
DART 4P60 Advanced Scenography
DART 4P68 Arts, Heritage and Culture: Public Policy and Governance
DART 4P90 Flourishing Through Theatre and Performance
DART 4P91 Internship in Drama in Education and Applied Theatre
DART 4P92 Text, Production, and Performance at the Shaw Festival Theatre
DART 4P93 Teaching Performance
DART 4P94 Creative and Critical Responses to Theatre
DASA 2P08 Programming for Big Data
DASA 3P31 Data Visualization and Intelligence
DASA 3P41 Storage and Retrieval of Big Data
DASA 3P87 Statistical Computing with R
DASA 4F01 Capstone Project