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     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
SCIE 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
SCIS 1P50 Science in Society I
SCIS 1P51 Science and Society II
SCIS 1P52 Chemistry in Everyday Life
SOCI 0N01 Work Placement I
SOCI 0N02 Work Placement II
SOCI 0N03 Work Placement III
SOCI 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
SOCI 1P90 Introduction to Sociology I
SOCI 1P91 Introduction to Sociology II
SOCI 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I
SOCI 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
SOCI 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
SOCI 2F14 Decolonizing Indigenous Women's Identities
SOCI 2F60 Foundations for Community Engagement
SOCI 2P00 Foundations in Sociological Thinking
SOCI 2P11 Introduction to Research Methods
SOCI 2P20 Sexualities and Society
SOCI 2P21 Sociology of Families
SOCI 2P22 Education and Society
SOCI 2P23 Sociology of Climate Change
SOCI 2P26 Health, Healthcare and Society
SOCI 2P32 In and Out of Work in the Global Economy
SOCI 2P33 Law and Social Justice
SOCI 2P38 Childhood, Youth and Society
SOCI 2P47 Racialization and Society
SOCI 2P51 Sociology of Gender
SOCI 2P54 Documentary Film
SOCI 2P61 Foundations of Critical Criminology
SOCI 2P62 Sociology of Criminal Justice
SOCI 2P70 Popular Music and Society
SOCI 2P71 Social Class and Social Conflict
SOCI 2P73 Globalization, Inequality and New World Disorders
SOCI 2P75 Sociology of Dogs and Other Canids
SOCI 2P85 Multispecies Justice
SOCI 2P86 Women, Gender and the Economy
SOCI 2P90 Women and Gender: Sexuality, Class, Ethnicity
SOCI 2P91 Directed Studies I
SOCI 2P92 Directed Studies II
SOCI 2P93 Beauty, Bodies and Cultures
SOCI 2P95 Troubling Identities
SOCI 2P96 Women, Gender and Development
SOCI 2P98 Media Industries
SOCI 2P99 Gender in Canada: Global Contexts
SOCI 2Q90 Parenting: 'Family', Images, Issues and Patterns
SOCI 2Q92 Hip Hop and the Urban Working Class
SOCI 2Q95 Animals at Work
SOCI 2V80-2V89 Selected Topics in Sociology
SOCI 3P00 Introduction to Classical Social Theory
SOCI 3P01 Contemporary Social Theory
SOCI 3P02 Qualitative Sociological Methods
SOCI 3P06 Class and Culture
SOCI 3P11 Quantitative Data Analysis I
SOCI 3P12 Quantitative Data Analysis II
SOCI 3P20 Queer Communities and Popular Culture
SOCI 3P26 Medical Sociology
SOCI 3P33 Law and Social Regulation
SOCI 3P35 Communities in Crisis
SOCI 3P37 Abolition and the Carceral State
SOCI 3P38 Sociology of Gender, Families and Care
SOCI 3P44 Gender and Sexuality in Childhood and Youth
SOCI 3P45 Sociology of African Canadians
SOCI 3P51 Gender and Society
SOCI 3P52 Sociology of Eco-terrorism
SOCI 3P54 Issues in Documentary Film
SOCI 3P56 Sociology of Sport
SOCI 3P60 Criminology and the Sociology of Knowledge
SOCI 3P61 Sociology of Punishment
SOCI 3P63 State, Society and Surveillance
SOCI 3P64 Animals, Plagues and Pandemics
SOCI 3P65 Animals and the Law
SOCI 3P67 Crime and the Media
SOCI 3P68 Critical Gang Studies
SOCI 3P69 Critical Perspectives in Indigenous Criminalization
SOCI 3P70 Social Justice Research
SOCI 3P73 Popular Music and Youth Culture
SOCI 3P74 Youth Culture, Crime and Criminalization
SOCI 3P80 Environmental Justice
SOCI 3P81 Indigenous Mothering and Motherhood: Historical and Contemporary Realities
SOCI 3P82 Gender, Crime and Justice
SOCI 3P85 Animals in Cross-Cultural Perspective
SOCI 3P86 Indigenous Peoples in Global Perspective
SOCI 3P90 Directed Studies III
SOCI 3P91 Directed Studies IV
SOCI 3P92 Advanced Seminar in Eco-Feminism
SOCI 3P93 Indigenous People in Media and Popular Culture
SOCI 3P94 Economy, Culture and Society
SOCI 3P95 Sociology of Wildlife
SOCI 3P96 Human Migration in a Globalized World
SOCI 3P97 Liberties, Rights and Protections
SOCI 3P98 Domestic and Intimate Violence
SOCI 3P99 Social Dimensions of Mental Health and Illness
SOCI 3Q61 Using the Canadian Census
SOCI 3Q90 Indigenous Cultural Production and Activism
SOCI 3Q92 Capitalism, the State and Informal Economies
SOCI 3Q93 Regulating and Policing Sex Work
SOCI 3Q95 Sex Work and Sex Workers
SOCI 3Q96 Critical Issues in Contemporary Society
SOCI 3Q97 Indigenous Feminisms
SOCI 3V10-3V19 Selected Research Topics
SOCI 3V80-3V99 Selected Topics in Sociology
SOCI 4F01 Honours Thesis Seminar
SOCI 4F90 Honours Thesis
SOCI 4P00 Engaging the Sociological Imagination
SOCI 4P01 Service Learning in Community Justice
SOCI 4P03 Collaborative Prison Education
SOCI 4P11 Critical Approaches to Applied Social Research Design
SOCI 4P12 Foundations in Digital Social Research
SOCI 4P21 Labour and Social Justice Organizing
SOCI 4P22 Education and Equity
SOCI 4P23 Research on Media and Popular Culture
SOCI 4P24 Resurgence of Right-wing Politics
SOCI 4P25 Unfree Labour
SOCI 4P26 Sociology of Health
SOCI 4P31 Women, Work and Leadership
SOCI 4P32 Sociology of Work
SOCI 4P33 Law and Society
SOCI 4P35 Gendered Patterns of Resistance and Survival
SOCI 4P36 Indigenous Survivance and Sovereignty
SOCI 4P37 Exploring Alternatives to Capitalism
SOCI 4P38 Advanced Topics in Childhood, Youth and Society
SOCI 4P51 Advanced Topics in Gender and Society
SOCI 4P53 Masculinities, Culture and Economy
SOCI 4P61 Interrogating Criminal Justice
SOCI 4P62 Social and Moral Regulation
SOCI 4P63 Life After Incarceration
SOCI 4P65 Animals and the Law
SOCI 4P68 Social Movements and Globalization
SOCI 4P71 Contesting Everyday Im/mobilities
SOCI 4P76 Indigenous Social and Political Thought
SOCI 4P80 Critical Animal Studies
SOCI 4P81 Selected Issues in Criminology
SOCI 4P82 Race and the War for Drugs
SOCI 4P83 War and Non-Violence
SOCI 4P84 Black Men, Criminology and Criminalization
SOCI 4P85 Animals and Human Societies
SOCI 4P87 Social Inequality
SOCI 4P88 Social Problems
SOCI 4P89 Controversies in Sociology
SOCI 4P90 Directed Studies V
SOCI 4P91 Directed Studies VI
SOCI 4Q41 Social Policy
SOCI 4V10-4V19 Selected Research Topics
SOCI 4V80-4V89 Special Topics in Sociology
SOCI 4V81 2024-2025: Critical Green Criminology
SOSC 0N01 Work Experience
SOSC 2P90 Research in the social sciences
SPAN 1F00 Introductory Spanish Language
SPAN 1F90 Intermediate Spanish Language
SPAN 1P95 Conquest and Colonization
SPAN 2P09 Ascent of Latin America and the Caribbean
SPAN 2P10 Latin American Cultures Since Independence
SPAN 2P11 Iberian Cultures
SPAN 2P19 Spanish Language: Review and Practice
SPAN 2P20 Survey of Literary and Cultural Texts
SPAN 2P87 Blood, Genealogy and Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain
SPAN 2P95 Latin American and Iberian Film
SPAN 2P96 Indigenous Latin America
SPAN 2Q98 Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies
SPAN 2V90-2V99 Culture in Spanish- and Portuguese-Speaking Regions
SPAN 3F80 Im/migrant and Community Outreach Internship
SPAN 3P46 Politics of Latin America
SPAN 3P90 Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture
SPAN 3P93 Advanced Language and Discourse
SPAN 3P95 Contemporary Latin American Narrative
SPAN 3P97 Modern Spanish Literature and Culture
SPAN 3P98 Testimonial Production in Latin America
SPAN 3P99 Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 3Q63 Africans in the Early Modern Iberian Atlantic
SPAN 3Q91 Renaissance Perceptions of Indigenous Cultures
SPAN 3Q92 Moors, New Christians and Renegades
SPAN 3Q95 Directed Studies
SPAN 4F80 Im/migrant and Community Outreach Research and Internship
SPAN 4P01 Latin American Women's Perspectives
SPAN 4P04 Translation: Applications
SPAN 4P10 Readings in Medieval Iberian Cultures
SPAN 4P60 Monstrous Women in Hispanic Arts and Cultures
SPAN 4P64 Island Narratives: Re-imagining Ibero-American Insular Worlds
SPAN 4P84 Diaspora/Diasporas: Cross-cultural Texts and Context
SPAN 4V60-4V69 Special Research Topics
SPMA 0N40 Experiential Preparation
SPMA 1P91 Introduction to Sport Management
SPMA 1P92 Understanding Sport Industry Sectors
SPMA 1P93 Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Management
SPMA 1P94 Professional Engagement for the Sport Industry
SPMA 1P97 Foundations of Research in Sport Management
SPMA 2P06 Sport Policy
SPMA 2P16 Governance and Policy in Sport
SPMA 2P20 Sport and Organizational Theory
SPMA 2P21 Sport and Organizational Behaviour
SPMA 2P27 Financing Sport
SPMA 2P65 Sport Marketing
SPMA 2P90 The Labour of Sport
SPMA 2P91 Public Relations and Communications for Sport Management
SPMA 2P92 Data Management and Technology for Sport Management
SPMA 2P93 Sport and Social Responsibility
SPMA 2P95 Masculinities: A Feminist Perspective
SPMA 2P96 Sport Law
SPMA 2P98 Sport Event Management
SPMA 3P00 Analysis of Professional Sport
SPMA 3P02 Sport Management Field Work
SPMA 3P05 Management Concepts in Non-profit Sport Organizations
SPMA 3P07 Quantitative Analysis for Sport Management
SPMA 3P08 Sport Event Management
SPMA 3P17 Qualitative Analysis for Sport Management
SPMA 3P21 Managing Human Resources in Sport Organizations
SPMA 3P22 Media and Sport
SPMA 3P25 Sport Sponsorship
SPMA 3P26 Governance in Sport
SPMA 3P27 Financial Management of Sport
SPMA 3P82 Professional Preparation for Internship
SPMA 3P90 Analysis of Non-Profit Sport
SPMA 3P91 Sport, Discrimination and the Law
SPMA 3P92 Intellectual Property and Licencing in Sport
SPMA 3P93 Sport for Development
SPMA 3P94 Sports Analytics
SPMA 3P95 Sport Sales and Promotion
SPMA 3P97 Sport and Environmental Sustainability
SPMA 3P99 Special Studies in Sport Management
SPMA 3V90-3V99 Special Topics in Sport Management
SPMA 3V93 2024-2025: US West Coast Sport Management Field Trip
SPMA 3V94 2024-2025: European Field course: Madrid
SPMA 3V95 2024-25:Sport, Community and Indigenous Resurgence
SPMA 4F01 Sport Management Internship Project
SPMA 4F02 Sport Management Internship
SPMA 4F03 Sport Research Consultancy
SPMA 4F05 Honours Research Thesis
SPMA 4P04 Advanced Seminar in Sport Management Research
SPMA 4P08 Advanced Analysis of Sport Management Ethics
SPMA 4P09 Leadership in Sport Management
SPMA 4P10 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Sport Organizations
SPMA 4P16 Sport Event Critical Issues Management
SPMA 4P18 Sport and Social Responsibility
SPMA 4P25 Sport and Strategic Management
SPMA 4P26 Advanced Analysis of the Global Sport Industry
SPMA 4P27 Sport Economics
SPMA 4P85 Sport and the Consumer
SPMA 4P86 Legal Drafting and Contract Analysis for Sport Management
SPMA 4P90 Advanced Analysis of the Canadian Sport Industry
SPMA 4P91 Power, Politics and Policy in Sport
SPMA 4P93 Sport for Development Field Experience
SPMA 4P95 Advanced Sport Marketing
SPMA 4P96 Negotiation of Deals and Disputes in Sport Organizations
SPMA 4P97 Advanced Analysis of the Hockey Industry
SPMA 4P98 Major Games Field Course
SPMA 4P99 Advanced Special Studies in Sport Management
SPMA 4Q90 Foundations of Collaboration and Teamwork
SPMA 4V90-4V99 Advanced Topics in Sport Management
STAC 1P02 Web Media Production
STAC 1P03 Makerspace Foundations
STAC 1P50 Music in Global Cultures
STAC 1P95 Digital Foundation
STAC 1P96 Language for the Arts: Introduction
STAC 1P97 Language for the Arts: Interdisciplinary Approaches
STAC 1P99 The Culture of Noise
STAC 2M90-2M99 Special Studies in the Fine and Performing Arts
STAC 2P61 Website Creation
STAC 2P91 Italian Cinema
STAC 2P93 Critical Practice in the Fine and Performing Arts
STAC 2P94 Embodied Text: Art Beyond the Artifact
STAC 2P96 Introductions to 3D Modelling and Animation
STAC 2P97 Digital Video in Contemporary Art
STAC 2P99 Introduction to Sound Design in Contemporary Art
STAC 2Q90 Digital Archives: Construction, Scholarship and Functionality
STAC 2Q95 Introduction to Interactive Media
STAC 3F93 Project Collaborations Across Diverse Programs
STAC 3M00-3M09 Arts and Culture Studies Abroad
STAC 3P01 Media Transformations in The Creative Arts
STAC 3P02 Dance and Culture
STAC 3P14 Dramatic Creation for Contemporary Cultural Practice
STAC 3P41 Approaches to Curatorial Practice
STAC 3P42 Methods and Principles of Curating
STAC 3P91 Sports in Arts and Culture
STAC 3P92 Inside Out: Revealing the Anatomical Body
STAC 3P93 Producing a Performance Event
STAC 3P94 Advanced Tutorial in Studies in Arts and Culture I
STAC 3P95 Advanced Tutorial in Studies in Arts and Culture II
STAC 3P96 Landscape Culture
STAC 3P97 Publishing: Creative Elements and Editorial Process
STAC 3P98 Reporting Arts and Culture
STAC 3P99 Interpretive and Critical Writing in the Arts
STAC 3Q91 Research Seminar in Visual Art
STAC 3Q99 Advanced Sound Design
STAC 3V90-3V99 Special Studies in the Fine and Performing Arts
STAC 4F41 Curatorial Studies Practicum
STAC 4F99 Honours Thesis
STAC 4P01 Creating Social Value from Material Culture
STAC 4P40 Arts Management: Planning, Operations, Context
STAC 4P41 Arts Management: Programming, Marketing, Financing
STAC 4P68 Arts, Heritage and Culture: Public Policy and Planning
STAC 4P72 High and Low Art: Intersections, Exchanges and Flows
STAC 4P90 Advanced Readings and Directed Research
STAC 4V70-4V79 Advanced Studies in Arts and Culture
STAC 4V79 Critical Theory and the Arts
STAT 1F92 Introductory Statistics
STAT 1P50 Introduction to Data Science
STAT 1P98 Practical Statistics
STAT 1P99 Applied Statistics for Life Sciences
STAT 2P81 Probability
STAT 2P82 Mathematical Statistics I
STAT 2P83 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
STAT 2P98 Applied Statistics
STAT 3P81 Experimental Design
STAT 3P82 Regression Analysis
STAT 3P85 Mathematical Statistics II
STAT 3P86 Applied Multivariate Statistics
STAT 3P87 Statistical Computing with R
STAT 4F90 Honours Project
STAT 4P81 Sampling Theory
STAT 4P82 Nonparametric Statistics
STAT 4P84 Topics in Stochastic Processes and Models
STAT 4P85 Topics in Advanced Statistics
STAT 4P87 Computational Statistics
STAT 4P89 Bayesian and causal Bayesian Networks
SWAH 1P00 Introductory Kiswahili I
SWAH 1P01 Introductory Kiswahili II