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Click on a letter to display a list of courses whose course code starts with that letter:
     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
WGST 1F90 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WGST 2F14 Decolonizing Indigenous Women's Identities
WGST 2P00 Classic and Contemporary Discourses in Women's and Gender Studies
WGST 2P17 Reclaiming Indigenous Women's Literary Traditions
WGST 2P20 Sexualities and Society
WGST 2P21 Sociology of Families
WGST 2P51 Sociology of Gender
WGST 2P56 Gender in Modern European History
WGST 2P61 Women in the Ancient Mediterranean
WGST 2P86 Women, Gender and the Economy
WGST 2P89 Queering Sexualities in History
WGST 2P90 Women and Gender: Sexuality, Class, Ethnicity
WGST 2P91 Historical Perspectives on Women and Gender
WGST 2P92 Gender and Violence
WGST 2P93 Beauty, Bodies and Cultures
WGST 2P95 Masculinities: A Feminist Perspective
WGST 2P96 Women, Gender and Development
WGST 2P98 Sexuality Studies: Foundations
WGST 2P99 Gender in Canada: Global Contexts
WGST 2Q90 Parenting: 'Family', Images, Issues and Patterns
WGST 2Q91 Black Women Writing Resistance
WGST 2Q92 Work, Equity and Diversity
WGST 2Q93 Women in North America to 1865
WGST 2Q94 Women in North America, 1865 to the Present
WGST 2Q95 Queer Stories in Italy and the West
WGST 2Q96 Art of Activism: Sexuality to Racial Justice
WGST 2Q98 Introduction to Chicanx and Latinx Studies
WGST 2Q99 Women, Gender and Literature
WGST 2V20-2V29 Studies in Writing by Women
WGST 2V90 LGBTQ+ Rights in India: A Socio-Legal Study
WGST 2V90-2V99 Selected Topics in Women's Studies
WGST 3F95 Practicum: Living a Feminist Life
WGST 3M00-3M10 Special Topics in Women's Studies
WGST 3P00 Gender Justice and Resistance
WGST 3P08 Gender and Art
WGST 3P20 Queer Communities and Popular Culture
WGST 3P25 Land, Body and Sovereignty - Indigenous Perspectives
WGST 3P38 Sociology of Gender, Families and Care
WGST 3P41 Directed Studies I
WGST 3P42 Directed Studies II
WGST 3P44 Gender and Sexuality in Childhood and Youth
WGST 3P45 Sociology of African Canadians
WGST 3P47 Indigenous Women's Literature: Activism and Empowerment
WGST 3P51 Gender and Society
WGST 3P60 Gender Issues in Teaching and Learning
WGST 3P61 Gender and Society in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures
WGST 3P63 Contemporary Feminist Philosopy
WGST 3P68 Gender and Health: Local and Global Issues
WGST 3P71 Gender and Politics
WGST 3P72 Women in Politics
WGST 3P76 FAT: An Introduction to Critical Fat Studies
WGST 3P79 Indigenous Film
WGST 3P80 Environmental Justice
WGST 3P81 Indigenous Mothering and Motherhood: Historical and Contemporary Realities
WGST 3P82 Gender, Crime and Justice
WGST 3P86 Indigenous Peoples in Global Perspective
WGST 3P89 Understanding the HIV/AIDS Pandemic
WGST 3P92 Advanced Seminar in Eco-Feminism
WGST 3P93 Gender and Language
WGST 3P95 Sexualities and Health: Critical Perspectives
WGST 3P97 Gender and Cinema to the 1960s
WGST 3P98 Gender and Contemporary Cinema
WGST 3Q90 Indigenous Cultural Production and Activism
WGST 3Q91 Domestic and Intimate Violence
WGST 3Q92 Care Work and Intimate Labours
WGST 3Q93 Black Feminist Memory and the M4BL
WGST 3Q95 Sex Work and Sex Workers
WGST 3Q97 Indigenous Feminisms
WGST 3Q99 International Field Course
WGST 3V20-3V29 Advanced Studies in Writing by Women
WGST 3V90-3V99 Special Topics in Women's Studies
WGST 4F99 Honours Thesis
WGST 4P01 Latin American Women's Perspectives
WGST 4P22 Education and Equity
WGST 4P31 Women, Work and Leadership
WGST 4P32 Sociology of Work
WGST 4P35 Gendered Patterns of Resistance and Survival
WGST 4P36 Indigenous Survivance and Sovereignty
WGST 4P41 Directed Studies III
WGST 4P42 Directed Studies IV
WGST 4P43 Gender, Leisure and Families
WGST 4P48 Science, Technology and Gender
WGST 4P51 Advanced Topics in Gender and Society
WGST 4P53 Masculinities, Culture and Economy
WGST 4P60 Monstrous Women in Hispanic Arts and Cultures
WGST 4P76 Indigenous Social and Political Thought
WGST 4P90 Advanced Seminar in Feminist Thought and Activism
WGST 4P91 Feminist Research: Negotiating Evidence and ‘Facts’ in a ‘Post-Truth’ Era
WGST 4P95 Gender and Sport
WGST 4Q41 Social Policy
WGST 4V50-4V69 Special Topics in Women's Studies
WRDS 1F90 Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse Studies: An Introduction
WRDS 1P06 History and Future of Storytelling
WRDS 1P10 Critical Studies in Technical/Professional Writing
WRDS 2P12 Technical Communication and Documents
WRDS 2P14 Technical Writing
WRDS 2P16 Communication for Organizations
WRDS 2P18 Reporting and News Writing for Mass Media
WRDS 2P28 Persuasive Discourse: Theoretical Foundations
WRDS 2P63 Communication Design
WRDS 2P72 The Creative Writer
WRDS 3P15 Virtual Selves
WRDS 3P16 Organizational Discourses
WRDS 3P18 True Stories: The Art and Craft of Literary Journalism
WRDS 3P28 Rhetorical Analysis
WRDS 3P63 Digital Design and Communication
WRDS 3P72 The Creative Writer and the Community
WRDS 3P73 Creative Writing for Digital Media
WRDS 3P90 Life Writing
WRDS 3P98 Reporting Arts and Culture
WRDS 3P99 Interpretive and Critical Writing in the Arts
WRDS 3V90-3V99 Topics in Writing and Culture
WRDS 4F99 Independent Studies in Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse
WRDS 4P01 e-portfolio for Rhetoric, Writing and Discourse Studies
WRDS 4P10 Language and Discourse: Theory and Practice
WRDS 4P15 Words on Words: Narratives of Language
WRDS 4P20 Studies in Cultural Rhetoric
WRDS 4P98 Independent Studies in Writing
WRDS 4P99 Independent Studies in Writing
WRDS 4V90-4V99 Writing Area Studies