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     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
FILM 1F94 Introduction to Film Studies
FILM 2F00 New Media Literacy
FILM 2F98 Introduction to Digital Film Production
FILM 2P20 Theories of Popular Culture
FILM 2P21 Canadian Popular Culture
FILM 2P54 Documentary Film
FILM 2P56 Canadian Cinema
FILM 2P90 Film History I
FILM 2P93 Popular Narrative
FILM 2P94 Popular Cinema
FILM 2P95 Latin American and Iberian Film
FILM 2P99 Film History II
FILM 2Q96 Art of Activism: Sexuality to Racial Justice
FILM 3P03 Adaptation Across Media
FILM 3P18 Audience Studies
FILM 3P20 Television Studies
FILM 3P21 Canadian Television
FILM 3P54 Issues in Documentary Film
FILM 3P56 Issues in Canadian Cinema
FILM 3P79 Indigenous Film
FILM 3P89 Principles of Moving Images
FILM 3P91 Representation Matters
FILM 3P93 Authorship in the Cinema
FILM 3P94 Film Genre
FILM 3P95 National Cinema
FILM 3P96 Issues in Popular Culture
FILM 3P97 Gender and Cinema to the 1960s
FILM 3P98 Gender and Contemporary Cinema
FILM 3Q94 Television Genres
FILM 3R90 Sound & Vision: The Rockumentary
FILM 3V50-3V59 Special Topics in Film Studies
FILM 3V90-3V99 Advanced Topics in Film Studies
FILM 4F00 Placement in Communication, Popular Culture or Film
FILM 4F80 Directed Reading
FILM 4F99 Honours Thesis
FILM 4P03 Applied Studies in Popular Narrative
FILM 4P06 Advanced Studies in Popular Culture
FILM 4P28 Special Topics in Video Production
FILM 4P30 Theories of Mass Culture
FILM 4P31 Theories of the Visible
FILM 4P34 Taste and Cultural Politics
FILM 4P58 Ecocinema: History, Theory and Practice
FILM 4P59 Writing Cultural Criticism for the Media
FILM 4P61 Conventions of Screen Realism
FILM 4P80 Directed Reading
FILM 4V50-4V59 Special Topics in Film Studies
FILM 4V57 2024-2025: Visual Culture
FILM 4V60-4V69 Issues in Film History
FILM 4V70-4V79 Issues in International Cinema
FLIC 2F00 Screenwriting: Writing for Movies
FLIC 2F01 Directing/Cinematography: Shaping the Vision
FLIC 2F02 Editing and Soundtrack (Composing): Post-Production
FLIC 2F03 Television Structure: Genres and Forms
FLIC 2F04 Television Series Scriptwriting
FLIC 2F05 Directing for Television
FLIC 3F00 Pre-Production and Production: Making a Motion Picture
FLIC 3F01 Producing and Marketing: The Business of Film
FLIC 3F02 Television Production Process
FLIC 3F03 Television Post-production: Editing and Composing
FMSC 1P00 Transitioning to University Science
FNCE 2P50 Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
FNCE 2P51 Introduction to Finance
FNCE 2P91 Corporate Finance I
FNCE 3P93 Corporate Finance II
FNCE 3P95 Personal Financial Planning
FNCE 3P96 Financial Theory
FNCE 4F90 Research Topic
FNCE 4P02 Corporate Financial Policy
FNCE 4P03 Financial Analysis
FNCE 4P04 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
FNCE 4P05 International Finance
FNCE 4P08 Management of Financial Institutions
FNCE 4P09 Portfolio Management
FNCE 4P15 Advanced Topics in Financial Theory
FNCE 4P16 Derivatives I
FNCE 4P17 Derivatives II
FNCE 4P18 Fixed Income Securities
FNCE 4P19 Fintech with Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
FNCE 4P20 Financial Modeling and Analytics
FNCE 4P91 Research Topic
FNCE 4V90-4V99 Topics in Finance
FPAC 3P01 Transdisciplinary Study of Aggression, and Crime
FPAC 3P10 Qualitative Research Methods in Child and Youth Studies
FPAC 3P15 Advanced Quantitative Statistics
FPAC 3P91 Youth, Mental Health, and the Law
FPAC 4F92 Practicum
FPAC 4F95 Honours Thesis
FREN 1F00 French I
FREN 1F50 French II
FREN 1F90 French III
FREN 1P93 French Grammar Review and Practice
FREN 2F00 Grammar and Composition
FREN 2F03 Literature and Culture: The French-Speaking World
FREN 2P10 Introduction to the Linguistic Study of French
FREN 2P44 Children's Literature in French: The Picture Book and Beyond
FREN 2P55 Francophone Cultures and Civilizations
FREN 2P57 Phonetics and Phonology
FREN 2P65 Culture and Civilization of France to 1800
FREN 3P03 Composition and Stylistics
FREN 3P05 Business French I
FREN 3P06 Translation I
FREN 3P20 Oral French Workshop
FREN 3P21 Seventeenth/Eighteenth-Century French Literature
FREN 3P42 Nineteenth-Century French Literature
FREN 3P53 Twentieth-Century French Literature to 1935
FREN 3P65 Culture and Civilization of France from 1800 to the Present
FREN 3P75 Canadian Literature in French up to the Révolution tranquille
FREN 3P90 Sociolinguistics of Francophone World
FREN 3P94 Caribbean Literature in French
FREN 3P95 French Literature and Culture in Film
FREN 3P96 Critical Theory and Methodology
FREN 3P99 Contemporary Canadian Theatre in French
FREN 3Q90 Postcolonial (North) African Literature in French
FREN 3Q91 Medieval French Literature
FREN 4P03 Linguistic Approach to Textual Analysis
FREN 4P04 Translation II: Applications
FREN 4P05 French Internship
FREN 4P07 Business French II
FREN 4P20 Sixteenth-Century Literature
FREN 4P21 Documentation and Terminology
FREN 4P40 Nineteenth-Century French Society
FREN 4P55 Twentieth-Century French Literature from 1935 to 1970
FREN 4P56 French Literature after 1970
FREN 4P60 Querelle des femmes in the Renaissance
FREN 4P65 (Im)Migrant Identity in Bande Dessinée
FREN 4P75 Canadian Literature in French after 1960
FREN 4P79 Text and Image in Literature in French
FREN 4P80 Beur Literature and Film
FREN 4P92 Research Project
FREN 4V20-4V29 Special Topics in French Studies
FREN 4V60-4V99 Special Research Topics in French Literature