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Click on a letter to display a list of courses whose course code starts with that letter:
     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
OBHR 2P51 Basics of Organizational Behaviour and Design
OBHR 2P52 Basics of Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations
OBHR 2P91 Organizational Behaviour
OBHR 2P92 Fundamentals of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion for Business Sustainability
OBHR 3P42 Organizational Structure and Redesign
OBHR 3P96 Labour Relations
OBHR 3P97 Human Resource Management
OBHR 3P98 Occupational Health and Safety
OBHR 3P99 Research Methods in Organization Studies
OBHR 4F90 Research Topic
OBHR 4P65 Negotiating in Organizations
OBHR 4P66 Compensation Management
OBHR 4P67 Training and Development
OBHR 4P68 Leadership
OBHR 4P69 Recruitment and Selection
OBHR 4P72 Labour Law
OBHR 4P90 International Organizational Behaviour
OBHR 4P91 Research Topic
OBHR 4P93 Leading Change
OBHR 4P94 Human Resources Planning
OBHR 4P95 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
OBHR 4P96 Labour Arbitration
OBHR 4V90-4V99 Topics in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
OBHR 4V98 2023-2024: HR Analytics
OEVI 0N01 Wine Appreciation - Exploring Varietals
OEVI 0N03 Wine Appreciation - Wine Regions of the World
OEVI 0N04 Wine Sales and Service
OEVI 0N05 WSET Award in Wine­ Level 1
OEVI 0N06 WSET Award in Wine ­Level 2
OEVI 0N07 WSET Award in Wine Level 3
OEVI 0N09 WSET Award in Spirits­ Level 1
OEVI 0N10 WSET Award in Spirits­ Level 2
OEVI 0N11 Certification in Ontario Wine (Online)
OEVI 0N31 Co-op Work Term
OEVI 0N32 Co-Op Work Term II
OEVI 0N33 Co-op Work Term III
OEVI 0N34 Co-op Work Term IV
OEVI 0N35 Co-op Work Term V
OEVI 0N41 Grape and Wine Technology Internship
OEVI 1P20 Introduction to Wines
OEVI 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I
OEVI 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
OEVI 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
OEVI 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV
OEVI 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V
OEVI 2P45 Viticultural Practices
OEVI 2P99 Grapevine Biology
OEVI 3P14 Introduction to Soil Science
OEVI 3P21 Wine Processing and Equipment
OEVI 3P25 Wine Chemistry
OEVI 3P98 Wine Microbiology
OEVI 4F90 Research Project
OEVI 4F91 Thesis
OEVI 4F92 Library Research Essays
OEVI 4P20 Sensory Evaluation of Wine
OEVI 4P30 Grape Pest Management
OEVI 4P92 Wine Marketing
OEVI 4V90-4V99 Special Topics in Oenology and Viticulture
OPER 2P51 General Operations Management
OPER 2P91 Operations Management
OPER 3P91 Advanced Operations Management
OPER 3P92 Project Management
OPER 3P93 Quality Management
OPER 3P94 Games of Strategy
OPER 4F90 Research Topic
OPER 4P26 Supply Chain Management
OPER 4P31 Simulation of Business Systems
OPER 4P41 Management Science
OPER 4P91 Research Topic
OPER 4V90-4V99 Topics in Operations Management