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     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
LABR 0N01 Work Placement I
LABR 0N02 Work Placement II
LABR 0N03 Work Placement III
LABR 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
LABR 1P94 Workplace Rights and Equity
LABR 1P95 Introduction to the Canadian Labour Movement
LABR 1P96 Labour Behind the Label
LABR 1P97 The Future of Work
LABR 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I
LABR 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
LABR 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
LABR 2P00 Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Resolution
LABR 2P03 Labour and Employment Law
LABR 2P15 The Economics of Unions
LABR 2P32 In and Out of Work in the Global Economy
LABR 2P71 Social Class and Social Conflict
LABR 2P86 Women, Gender and the Economy
LABR 2P90 The Labour of Sport
LABR 2P92 Hip Hop and the Urban Working Class
LABR 2P93 History of the Global Working Class
LABR 2P96 Women, Gender and Development
LABR 2P97 Work, Labour, and Film
LABR 2Q92 Work, Equity and Diversity
LABR 2Q94 Class, Country Music, and Social Change
LABR 2Q95 Animals at Work
LABR 2Q96 Labour and Health
LABR 2V80-2V89 Selected Topics in Labour Studies
LABR 3P06 Class and Culture
LABR 3P13 The Politics of Labour
LABR 3P18 Work and Racism
LABR 3P24 Labour Economics
LABR 3P25 Topics in Labour Economics
LABR 3P33 Politics, the Economy and the State
LABR 3P35 Communities in Crisis
LABR 3P40 Labour Studies Field Course
LABR 3P48 Wealth, Work and Power in the United States
LABR 3P75 Canadian Labour History
LABR 3P90 Collective Bargaining
LABR 3P91 Labour Studies Theory and Methods
LABR 3P94 Psychology of Work
LABR 3P98 Directed Studies I
LABR 3P99 Directed Studies II
LABR 3Q92 Care Work and Intimate Labours
LABR 3Q93 Labour in a Global and Comparative Perspective
LABR 3Q95 Sex Work and Sex Workers
LABR 3Q96 Children and Youth at Work
LABR 3Q97 Public Sector Unions
LABR 3V90-3V94 Special Topics in Labour Studies
LABR 4P21 Labour and Social Justice Organizing
LABR 4P25 Unfree Labour
LABR 4P31 Women, Work and Leadership
LABR 4P32 Sociology of Work
LABR 4P35 Gendered Patterns of Resistance and Survival
LABR 4P37 Exploring Alternatives to Capitalism
LABR 4P41 Labour Law and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
LABR 4P51 The Political Economy of Work and Labour
LABR 4P53 Masculinities, Culture and Economy
LABR 4P54 Business-Government Relations
LABR 4P61 Curse, Calling or Creation? The Philosophy of Labour
LABR 4P92 Directed Studies I
LABR 4P93 Directed Studies II
LATI 1F00 Language (Introductory)
LATI 2P01 Language and Literature I
LATI 2P02 Language and Literature II
LATI 4P01 Epic, Didactic and Pastoral I
LATI 4P02 Epic, Didactic and Pastoral II
LATI 4P05 Historians I
LATI 4P06 Historians II
LATI 4P07 Historians III
LATI 4P11 Latin Oratory, Letters and Dialogues I
LATI 4P12 Latin Oratory, Letters and Dialogues II
LATI 4P21 Roman Elegy I
LATI 4P22 Roman Elegy II
LATI 4P31 Roman Comedy and Satire I
LATI 4P32 Roman Comedy and Satire II
LATI 4P41 Roman Lyric I
LATI 4P42 Roman Lyric II
LATI 4V90-4V99 Advanced Readings and Directed Research
LCBE 1P91 Teaching Adult Learners
LCBE 2P60 Community Collaboration for Change
LCBE 2P61 Community-based Experiential Learning
LCBE 6P10 Exploring Values and Experiences in Educational and Career Planning Seminar
LCBE 6P12 Education for Professional and Personal Development
LCBE 6P14 Program and Performance Evaluation
LCBE 6P15 Relationship Building
LCBE 6P16 Cultural Fluency and Community Building
LCBE 6P99 Educational and Career Planning Seminar
LCBE 6Q96 Experiential Learning in Education
LING 1F25 The Study of Language
LING 1P00 American Sign Language I
LING 1P01 American Sign Language II
LING 1P92 Introduction to the Psychology of Language
LING 1P93 Introduction to Communication Disorders
LING 1P94 Introduction to General Linguistics I
LING 1P95 Introduction to General Linguistics II
LING 2P01 American Sign Language III
LING 2P02 American Sign Language IV
LING 2P10 Fundamentals of English Grammar
LING 2P20 Word Power
LING 2P50 Phonetics
LING 2P51 Applied Phonetics
LING 2P72 Sociolinguistics
LING 2P90 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Swallowing
LING 2P91 Acoustic and Physiological Phonetics
LING 2P93 Language and Power
LING 2P99 Literacy in Childhood and Youth
LING 3P53 Phonology
LING 3P61 Child Language Acquisition: Early Stages
LING 3P71 Syntax
LING 3P80 Comparative Analysis of Romance Languages
LING 3P90 Language Disorders in Children and Youth
LING 3P91 Materials and Curriculum Design
LING 3P93 Gender and Language
LING 3P94 Semantics and Pragmatics
LING 3P95 Discourse Analysis
LING 3P97 Introduction to Audiology
LING 3Q91 Second Language Acquisition and Learning
LING 3Q93 Introduction to Neurolinguistics
LING 3V80-3V99 Special Issues in Applied Linguistics
LING 4N01 Academic and Cultural Orientation in Applied Linguistics
LING 4P01 Honours Thesis I: Prospectus
LING 4P02 Honours Thesis II: Project Implementation
LING 4P10 Social and Cultural Issues in Second Language Acquisition and Learning
LING 4P11 Reflective Practice
LING 4P20 Evaluation of Speech and Language Disorders
LING 4P21 Clinical Analysis of Communication Disorders
LING 4P25 Research Practicum
LING 4P27 Assistive Listening Devices and Aural Rehabilitation
LING 4P28 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
LING 4P40 Language Testing
LING 4P41 Bilingualism
LING 4P45 Research Issues in Applied Linguistics
LING 4P80 Supervised Teaching
LING 4P81 Reflective Practicum
LING 4P82 Teaching Listening and Speaking in a Second Language
LING 4P83 Teaching Reading and Writing in a Second Language
LING 4P87 Communication and Aging
LING 4P99 Honours Tutorial
LING 4Q80 Historical Romance Linguistics
LING 4V80-4V86 Advanced Topics in Applied Linguistics/Teaching English as a Second Language
LING 4V87-4V93 Advanced Topics in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
LING 4V94-4V99 Advanced Topics in Applied Linguistics