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     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
GEOG 0N01 Co-op Work Placement I
GEOG 0N02 Co-op Work Placement II
GEOG 0N03 Co-op Work Placement III
GEOG 0N04 Co-op Work Placement IV
GEOG 0N05 Work Placement V
GEOG 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
GEOG 1P01 Globalization and World Systems
GEOG 1P01 Globalization and World Systems
GEOG 1P02 Geographies of Identity and Meaning
GEOG 1P03 Vulnerability, Human Communities and Environment
GEOG 1P10 Our Environment: Climate, Weather, Ecosystems
GEOG 1P11 Our Environment: Landscapes, Soils, and Water
GEOG 1P12 Our Changing Environment: Human Impacts
GEOG 2C01 Co-op Relective Learning and Integration I
GEOG 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
GEOG 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
GEOG 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV
GEOG 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V
GEOG 2P01 Introduction to Social Geography
GEOG 2P03 Cities in a Globalizing World
GEOG 2P05 Earth Surface Processes
GEOG 2P06 Cultural and Historical Geography
GEOG 2P07 Introduction to Geospatial Technologies
GEOG 2P08 Climate Crisis
GEOG 2P13 Resource and Environmental Geographies
GEOG 2P14 Geographies of Alcohol Production in Niagara
GEOG 2P18 Introduction to Plate Tectonics
GEOG 2P21 Introduction to Research Design and Methodology
GEOG 2P30 Culture, Heritage and Tourism
GEOG 2P33 Sustainable Integrated Waste Management
GEOG 2P36 Human Rights, Geography and Development
GEOG 2P50 Geography of Canada
GEOG 2P66 Introduction to Planning and Community Development
GEOG 2P94 Understanding Human Impacts on Local Landscapes
GEOG 3F55 Vancouver Field Course
GEOG 3F97 Tourism Field Course
GEOG 3P04 Digital Mapping
GEOG 3P05 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 3P07 Remote Sensing
GEOG 3P08 Meteorology
GEOG 3P09 Principles of Biogeography
GEOG 3P12 Climate and Winegrape Production
GEOG 3P13 Applied Climatology
GEOG 3P14 Introduction to Soil Science
GEOG 3P21 Qualitative Research Design and Methodology
GEOG 3P22 Quantitative Research Design and Methodology
GEOG 3P24 Glacial Geomorphology/Geology
GEOG 3P25 Quaternary Geology
GEOG 3P30 Tourism Planning and Development
GEOG 3P34 Sustainable Transportation
GEOG 3P35 Biomonitoring and Environmental Stress Assessment
GEOG 3P37 Croatia Field Course
GEOG 3P39 Human Rights in Tourism
GEOG 3P40 The New Niagara
GEOG 3P45 Historical Geographies of Environment and Planning
GEOG 3P50 Resource Management: Discourses, Policies and Ethics
GEOG 3P54 London Field Course
GEOG 3P56 Physical Geography Field Course
GEOG 3P57 Human Geography and Tourism Studies Field Course
GEOG 3P60 Movement, Mobilities and Environment
GEOG 3P61 Using the Canadian Census
GEOG 3P66 Critical Perspectives on Planning and Community Development
GEOG 3P70 Geographies of Social Exclusion and Social Change
GEOG 3P80 Geography and International Development
GEOG 3P83 Geography of Water Resources
GEOG 3P85 Ecology of a Changing Planet
GEOG 3P86 Place, Belonging and Exclusion
GEOG 3P91 Chicago Field Course
GEOG 3P92 Photogrammetry and Drone-based Data Acquisition
GEOG 3P93 Interpreting Heritage with Digital Technology
GEOG 3P94 Glacial Sediments and Applied Drift Prospecting
GEOG 3P95 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 3Q99 Field School-Quaternary Geology
GEOG 3V60-3V69 Special Topics in Geography
GEOG 3V90-3V99 Selected Field Studies and Directed Readings
GEOG 4F90 Honours Thesis
GEOG 4F99 Honours Internship
GEOG 4P07 Advanced Remote Sensing
GEOG 4P12 Research Topics in Applied Climatology
GEOG 4P26 Stream Form and Function
GEOG 4P28 Advanced Glacial Sedimentology
GEOG 4P32 Sustainable Rural Tourism
GEOG 4P50 Critical Analysis of Urban and Economic Geographies
GEOG 4P66 Advanced Topics in Planning and Community Development
GEOG 4P70 Geographies of Everyday Life
GEOG 4P80 Dendrochronology
GEOG 4P83 Research Themes in Water Resources
GEOG 4P85 Ecosystems and Changing Disturbance Regimes
GEOG 4P92 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems: practicum
GEOG 4P95 Directed Readings I
GEOG 4P96 Directed Readings II
GERM 1F00 Introductory Language
GERM 1F90 Intermediate Language
GERM 1P03 Introductory German for Exchange Students
GERM 1P91 Intermediate German for Exchange Students
GERM 1P93 Culture and Civilization of Central Europe: From the Prehistoric to 350CE
GERM 2F00 Language, Literature and Culture
GERM 2P80 Tutorial I
GERM 2P90 German Cinema
GERM 2P92 Language and Literature of the 20th Century
GERM 2P95 German Culture through Film and Literature
GERM 3F99 Advanced Language Study
GERM 3P00 Advanced Language Study I
GERM 3P01 Advanced Language Study II
GERM 3P80 Tutorial II
GREE 1F00 Language (Introductory)
GREE 2P01 Language and Literature I
GREE 2P02 Language and Literature II
GREE 4P01 Epic I
GREE 4P02 Epic II
GREE 4P05 Historians I
GREE 4P06 Historians II
GREE 4P11 Greek Oratory and Dialogue I
GREE 4P12 Greek Oratory and Dialogue II
GREE 4P21 Greek Tragedy I
GREE 4P22 Greek Tragedy II
GREE 4P31 Greek Comedy I
GREE 4P32 Greek Comedy II
GREE 4P41 Greek Lyric and Elegy I
GREE 4P42 Greek Lyric and Elegy II
GREE 4V90 2024-2025: Advanced Readings in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey
GREE 4V90-4V99 Advanced Readings and Directed Research