GEOG 0N01 |
Co-op Work Placement I |
GEOG 0N02 |
Co-op Work Placement II |
GEOG 0N03 |
Co-op Work Placement III |
GEOG 0N04 |
Co-op Work Placement IV |
GEOG 0N05 |
Work Placement V |
GEOG 0N90 |
Co-op Professional Preparation |
GEOG 1P01 |
Globalization and World Systems |
GEOG 1P01 |
Globalization and World Systems |
GEOG 1P02 |
Geographies of Identity and Meaning |
GEOG 1P03 |
Vulnerability, Human Communities and Environment |
GEOG 1P10 |
Our Environment: Climate, Weather, Ecosystems |
GEOG 1P11 |
Our Environment: Landscapes, Soils, and Water |
GEOG 1P12 |
Our Changing Environment: Human Impacts |
GEOG 2C01 |
Co-op Relective Learning and Integration I |
GEOG 2C02 |
Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II |
GEOG 2C03 |
Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III |
GEOG 2C04 |
Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV |
GEOG 2C05 |
Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V |
GEOG 2P01 |
Introduction to Social Geography |
GEOG 2P03 |
Cities in a Globalizing World |
GEOG 2P05 |
Earth Surface Processes |
GEOG 2P06 |
Cultural and Historical Geography |
GEOG 2P07 |
Introduction to Geospatial Technologies |
GEOG 2P08 |
Climate Crisis |
GEOG 2P13 |
Resource and Environmental Geographies |
GEOG 2P14 |
Geographies of Alcohol Production in Niagara |
GEOG 2P18 |
Introduction to Plate Tectonics |
GEOG 2P21 |
Introduction to Research Design and Methodology |
GEOG 2P30 |
Culture, Heritage and Tourism |
GEOG 2P33 |
Sustainable Integrated Waste Management |
GEOG 2P36 |
Human Rights, Geography and Development |
GEOG 2P50 |
Geography of Canada |
GEOG 2P66 |
Introduction to Planning and Community Development |
GEOG 2P94 |
Understanding Human Impacts on Local Landscapes |
GEOG 3F55 |
Vancouver Field Course |
GEOG 3F97 |
Tourism Field Course |
GEOG 3P04 |
Digital Mapping |
GEOG 3P05 |
Geographic Information Systems |
GEOG 3P07 |
Remote Sensing |
GEOG 3P08 |
Meteorology |
GEOG 3P09 |
Principles of Biogeography |
GEOG 3P12 |
Climate and Winegrape Production |
GEOG 3P13 |
Applied Climatology |
GEOG 3P14 |
Introduction to Soil Science |
GEOG 3P21 |
Qualitative Research Design and Methodology |
GEOG 3P22 |
Quantitative Research Design and Methodology |
GEOG 3P24 |
Glacial Geomorphology/Geology |
GEOG 3P25 |
Quaternary Geology |
GEOG 3P30 |
Tourism Planning and Development |
GEOG 3P34 |
Sustainable Transportation |
GEOG 3P35 |
Biomonitoring and Environmental Stress Assessment |
GEOG 3P37 |
Croatia Field Course |
GEOG 3P39 |
Human Rights in Tourism |
GEOG 3P40 |
The New Niagara |
GEOG 3P45 |
Historical Geographies of Environment and Planning |
GEOG 3P50 |
Resource Management: Discourses, Policies and Ethics |
GEOG 3P54 |
London Field Course |
GEOG 3P56 |
Physical Geography Field Course |
GEOG 3P57 |
Human Geography and Tourism Studies Field Course |
GEOG 3P60 |
Movement, Mobilities and Environment |
GEOG 3P61 |
Using the Canadian Census |
GEOG 3P66 |
Critical Perspectives on Planning and Community Development |
GEOG 3P70 |
Geographies of Social Exclusion and Social Change |
GEOG 3P80 |
Geography and International Development |
GEOG 3P83 |
Geography of Water Resources |
GEOG 3P85 |
Ecology of a Changing Planet |
GEOG 3P86 |
Place, Belonging and Exclusion |
GEOG 3P91 |
Chicago Field Course |
GEOG 3P92 |
Photogrammetry and Drone-based Data Acquisition |
GEOG 3P93 |
Interpreting Heritage with Digital Technology |
GEOG 3P94 |
Glacial Sediments and Applied Drift Prospecting |
GEOG 3P95 |
Advanced Geographic Information Systems |
GEOG 3Q99 |
Field School-Quaternary Geology |
GEOG 3V60-3V69 |
Special Topics in Geography |
GEOG 3V90-3V99 |
Selected Field Studies and Directed Readings |
GEOG 4F90 |
Honours Thesis |
GEOG 4F99 |
Honours Internship |
GEOG 4P07 |
Advanced Remote Sensing |
GEOG 4P12 |
Research Topics in Applied Climatology |
GEOG 4P26 |
Stream Form and Function |
GEOG 4P28 |
Advanced Glacial Sedimentology |
GEOG 4P32 |
Sustainable Rural Tourism |
GEOG 4P50 |
Critical Analysis of Urban and Economic Geographies |
GEOG 4P66 |
Advanced Topics in Planning and Community Development |
GEOG 4P70 |
Geographies of Everyday Life |
GEOG 4P80 |
Dendrochronology |
GEOG 4P83 |
Research Themes in Water Resources |
GEOG 4P85 |
Ecosystems and Changing Disturbance Regimes |
GEOG 4P92 |
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems: practicum |
GEOG 4P95 |
Directed Readings I |
GEOG 4P96 |
Directed Readings II |
GERM 1F00 |
Introductory Language |
GERM 1F90 |
Intermediate Language |
GERM 1P03 |
Introductory German for Exchange Students |
GERM 1P91 |
Intermediate German for Exchange Students |
GERM 1P93 |
Culture and Civilization of Central Europe: From the Prehistoric to 350CE |
GERM 2F00 |
Language, Literature and Culture |
GERM 2P80 |
Tutorial I |
GERM 2P90 |
German Cinema |
GERM 2P92 |
Language and Literature of the 20th Century |
GERM 2P95 |
German Culture through Film and Literature |
GERM 3F99 |
Advanced Language Study |
GERM 3P00 |
Advanced Language Study I |
GERM 3P01 |
Advanced Language Study II |
GERM 3P80 |
Tutorial II |
GREE 1F00 |
Language (Introductory) |
GREE 2P01 |
Language and Literature I |
GREE 2P02 |
Language and Literature II |
GREE 4P01 |
Epic I |
GREE 4P02 |
Epic II |
GREE 4P05 |
Historians I |
GREE 4P06 |
Historians II |
GREE 4P11 |
Greek Oratory and Dialogue I |
GREE 4P12 |
Greek Oratory and Dialogue II |
GREE 4P21 |
Greek Tragedy I |
GREE 4P22 |
Greek Tragedy II |
GREE 4P31 |
Greek Comedy I |
GREE 4P32 |
Greek Comedy II |
GREE 4P41 |
Greek Lyric and Elegy I |
GREE 4P42 |
Greek Lyric and Elegy II |
GREE 4V90 |
2024-2025: Advanced Readings in Homers Iliad and Odyssey |
GREE 4V90-4V99 |
Advanced Readings and Directed Research |