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     Course Code:  
Course Code Title
NEUR 0N01 Work Placement I
NEUR 0N02 Work Placement II
NEUR 0N03 Work Placement III
NEUR 0N04 Work Placement IV
NEUR 0N05 Work Placement V
NEUR 1P01 Planning For Success in the Neurosciences
NEUR 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I
NEUR 2C02 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration II
NEUR 2C03 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration III
NEUR 2C04 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration IV
NEUR 2C05 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration V
NEUR 2P36 Foundations of Brain and Behaviour
NEUR 2P37 Applications of Brain and Behaviour
NEUR 3P06 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
NEUR 3P34 Neurobiology
NEUR 3P39 Computer Data Analysis
NEUR 3P48 Directed Studies
NEUR 3P49 Empirical Directed Studies
NEUR 3P59 Introduction to Human Neuropsychology
NEUR 3P67 Bases of Neuropsychopharmacology
NEUR 3P87 Behavioural Neuroscience
NEUR 3P90 Investigative Neurobiology
NEUR 4F90 Honours Thesis
NEUR 4F91 Literature Research and Seminar
NEUR 4F92 Library Research Essays
NEUR 4P10 Advanced Directed Studies
NEUR 4P11 Empirical Advanced Directed Studies
NEUR 4P34 Neural Networks and Behaviour
NEUR 4P55 Neural Mechanisms, Hormones and Behaviour
NEUR 4P84 Physiology of Excitable Cells
NEUR 4V85-4V89 Special Topics in Neuroscience
NUSC 1F18 Nursing Theory and Clinical Practicum: Experiencing Illness and Hospitalization
NUSC 1P01 Nursing Fundamentals 1
NUSC 1P02 Nursing's Fundamentals 2
NUSC 1P03 Nursing Clinical Judgement & Skills
NUSC 1P10 Professional and Therapeutic Communication
NUSC 1P12 Nursing and Health Promotion: The Canadian Context
NUSC 1P30 Health Assessment
NUSC 2P07 Theory 1: Care of the Adult and Older-adult
NUSC 2P08 Theory 2: Care of the Adult and Older-adult
NUSC 2P10 Nursing Theory: Nursing Care of the Young Family
NUSC 2P12 Nursing Practice: Nursing Care of the Young Family
NUSC 2P14 Nursing Theory: Care of the Acutely Ill Client
NUSC 2P16 Nursing Practice: Care of the Acutely Ill Client
NUSC 2P17 Lab1: Care of the Adult and Older-adult
NUSC 2P18 Lab 2: Care of the Adult and Older-adult
NUSC 2P19 Pharmacology in Nursing
NUSC 2P20 Ethics in Nursing Care
NUSC 2P32 Pathophysiology
NUSC 2P70 Nursing Research
NUSC 2P80 Clinical 1: Care of the Adult and Older-adult
NUSC 2P85 Clinical 2: Care of the Adult and Older-adult
NUSC 3P01 Advanced Nursing Topics 1
NUSC 3P02 Advanced Nursing Topics 2
NUSC 3P08 Quantitative Analysis
NUSC 3P11 Nursing Care of the Young Family
NUSC 3P12 Experiencing Chronicity
NUSC 3P14 Promoting Mental Health
NUSC 3P15 Mental Health Across the Lifespan
NUSC 3P20 Nursing Ethics
NUSC 3P50 Health Education
NUSC 3P72 Community, Population & Global Health
NUSC 3P76 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Health
NUSC 3P80 Nursing in Advanced and Altered Contexts 1
NUSC 3P85 Nursing in Advanced and Altered Contexts 2
NUSC 3P90 Nursing Practicum: Experiencing Chronicity
NUSC 3P92 Nursing Practicum: Promoting Mental Health
NUSC 3P94 Nursing Practicum: Intersession
NUSC 4D80 Nursing Professional Practice 1
NUSC 4F92 Community Health Nursing
NUSC 4F93 Community Health Nursing (International)
NUSC 4F96 Integrated Nursing Practicum I
NUSC 4F98 Integrated Nursing Practicum II
NUSC 4L85 Nursing Professional Practice 2
NUSC 4P20 Leadership in Nursing and Management
NUSC 4P32 Advanced Directed Readings
NUSC 4P50 Applied Nursing Research
NUSC 4P55 Transition to Professional Nursing Practice
NUSC 4P60 Trends and Issues in Professional Nursing
NUSC 4P62 Nursing Leadership, Trends, & Issues
NUSC 4Q90 Foundations of Collaboration and Teamwork