EDI Changemaker of the Month


EDI Changemakers can be a student, staff or faculty at Brock who have made a significant contribution to equity, diversity, inclusion and human rights on campus. Changemakers can be nominated for:

  • leading a social justice initiative
  • introducing a new lens or outlook that supports EDI
  • advocating for changes to processes or procedures
  • engaging in EDI research that has or will make an impact in the school community or in the Niagara region
  • strengthening allyship
  • actively removing barriers or contributing to underserved communities

All EDI Changemaker contributions must fall in line with Brock’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

Nominations & Submission

Submissions for upcoming EDI Changemakers of the Month must include the nominee’s name and a brief description of their contribution to EDI in the Brock community. Submissions can be sent to humanrights@brocku.ca with the subject line: Changemaker of the Month nomination.

Past Changemakers