Smudging Ceremonies on Campus

What is Smudging?

Smudging is a cultural ceremony practiced by a wide variety of Indigenous peoples in Canada and other parts of the world. Although practices differ, smudging is used for medicinal and practical purposes as well as for spiritual ceremonies. The practice generally involves prayer and the burning of sacred medicines, such as sweetgrass, cedar, sage and tobacco. While colonization has repressed such traditions, the practice of smudging has survived to the present day. – (Robinson, 2018)

Campus Protocol

Please find the current information on smudging ceremonies here.

Need More Information

If you’re in need of more information on smudging at Brock, please reach out to the Hadiyaˀdagénhahs First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Centre. The Hadiyaˀdagénhahs First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Student Centre is a welcoming space for all students. It offers cultural, social, and academic support, helping First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students maintain their cultural identity in an academic setting.