Lifespan Speaker Series – Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behaviour in Children and Youth

Problem behaviours among children and youth can be difficult for parents and practitioners to understand and treat.

This webinar hosted on March 25, 2021, featuring Brock University’s Dr. Kimberley Zonneveld, explored that issue while discussing:

  • Specific problem behaviours such as picky eating, tantrums and refusing to complete tasks
  • How parents, educators, and youth-focused practitioners can support children and youth struggling with displaying problem behaviours

Please note that this webinar does not recommend any specific resource and/or treatment options, nor is it intended to provide individual advice. Individuals should consult with their healthcare team/treatment provider for all healthcare recommendations and decisions.

We would like to acknowledge the support from the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Office of Research Services, which helped to make this event possible.

Watch the recording of the webinar here:


Dr. Kimberley Zonneveld, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Disability Studies, Brock University

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