Consultation on the Policy and Procedures for the Appointment of Academic Administrators

Section 4 of the Faculty Handbook is under the purview of the President & Vice-Chancellor and governs the appointment and re-appointment of academic administrators in the following roles:

  • Vice-Provost
  • Dean
  • University Librarian
  • Associate Dean
  • Associate University Librarian
  • Associate Vice-President, Research

Following discussions with Senate, this section of the Faculty Handbook is being revised into a stand-alone Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators, along with accompanying Procedures document. While the Procedures lay out step-by-step actions to take to run an appointment or re-appointment process, the Policy lists high-level principles or commitments. Both documents work together and should be considered as complementary.

The draft policy and procedures document can be viewed below:

Following several rounds of consultation with various groups in the Brock community since last winter, the Provost is now inviting comments from members of the broader Brock community, including students, staff, faculty members, and librarians. Comments can be provided through the form found on the ‘Consultation’ tab on the Provost’s Office webpage.

Consultation on the document will remain open until October 15, 2021. The draft policy will then be revised and posted to Brock’s policy webpage.

Categories: September 2021