The review and assessment of new programs to be introduced by the University is mandated by the Quality Council and as such, all new programs will be subject to an external academic assessment prior to being offered. The Provost, as the authoritative contact with the Quality Council, communicates the results of the assessment process to the Quality Council upon Senate’s approval of the new program. In addition, the Provost also forwards any new program proposals, approved by the Quality Council, to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU).
The IQAP (Section 2) provides the protocol for the introduction of a new program and should be considered as the primary resource for information.
The process for the introduction of a new undergraduate or graduate program begins with the submission of a Statement of Intent (SOI) to the Senate Academic Review Committee (ARC) through the Vice-Chair, Brian Power, at [email protected]. The Process Summary for New Program Proposals can be accessed at the link below for more information.
A Statement of Intent (SOI) can be submitted at any time by any group of individuals intending to introduce a new program. The timeframe from submission of the SOI to approval by Senate will take on the order of 18 months. Proponents are advised to plan their submission accordingly.
For further information please contact Brian Power, the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic, at [email protected] or x4528.
Program proposal materials
Statement of Intent (SOI) templates (updated Nov 14 2024 to New Strategic Plan)
New Program Proposal Brief (PPB) templates (additional required tables below) (Vol I templates updated Nov 14 2024 to new Strategic Plan)
Information on New Program Proposals is available on the Quality Council Approved Programs webpage.