Any unit or group of units intending to propose major modification(s) to an existing program must submit a Request for Major Modification to the Senate Academic Review Committee (ARC) through the Vice-Chair, Brian Power, at [email protected].
Requests can be submitted at any time, however, Departments/Centres should be aware of internal University deadlines related to calendar submissions and approvals.
Where possible, ARC shall provide a response to the unit within four weeks of receipt of the request. A representative of the program requesting a Major Modification and the relevant Dean(s) will be invited to attend the ARC meeting where the Request is discussed.
The IQAP (Section 4) provides the official protocol for major modifications to existing programs and should be considered as the primary resource for information.
For further information please contact Brian Power, the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic, at [email protected] or x4528.