
“The two primary reasons I chose Brock University were the GAME program and the tuition waiver I would get for attending. As a now 4th-year Game Programming student, I have really enjoyed learning about how to create video games as well as the academic discussions of what makes a video game a game. I’ve worked on many projects in my time at Brock University and I am particularly proud of Off The Rails (see train images) and the various game jams I have been a part of (see other images). There are many great companies around Niagara and I currently have the pleasure of working with XpertVR through an internship, which has been an amazing experience so far. The GAME program has netted me some fantastic friends and a wide set of useful skills and I am excited to move on towards whatever comes next after I graduate.” ~ Egan Henderson

“Brock has been a very open environment for multiple pathways and studies such as allowing me to study many different fields in Computer Science and the Arts with helpful counselling from the professors and staff.” ~ Eric Kholer

“Through Brock’s Co-op program, I was able to experience how software development worked within the public sector. The Computer Science Club helped me connect with other students in my year as well as an upperclassman who helped me throughout my degree.” ~ Kwame Manso

“Our graduates have proceeded into careers in many companies in Canada and elsewhere, including large ones such as Google, Microsoft, and IBM, provincial and federal government positions, and start-ups. Others have proceeded to graduate school at Brock and other universities.” ~ Brian Ross

“I believe we have one of the best Computer Science programs around. The- small department means students get to know their professors personally and have the opportunity to become Research Assistants and Teaching Assistants during their upper years of undergraduate studies. My wife and I are both alumni of this program and both our children are as well.” ~ Darryl Wood (Brock Alumni)

“If you are a parent reading this, I would tell you that as a parent, I’m glad that my children came to Brock and studied Computer Science. Look at where our program led them! Our one daughter could have gone to another university with a full scholarship, but she decided to attend Brock because she believed in the program and she is now the Chief-of-staff of Cybersecurity at IBM. Our other daughter is currently a Full Stack Software Engineer in Silicon Valley.” ~ Baoling Bork [Brock Alumni]

“The professors are easy to talk to, class sizes are small and professors promote interactive learning. There are great research opportunities available with professors even for Undergraduates. Co-op has been a big contributor to my experience with Brock Computer Science, it has helped me gain valuable software development experience along with strengthening my understanding of various courses. There’s a great sense of community in the Computer Science department, helping with learning even outside of course content, meeting new people and working on side projects.” ~ Kindeep Kargil

“Studying Computer Science at Brock has been absolutely fantastic. The department is an environment that truly nurtures both academic and personal growth. Not only is Computer Science at Brock amazing, but also Brock’s experiential learning opportunities: from co-op to research projects, these experiences helped equip me with the skills necessary for my full-time work that I will start next Spring!” ~ Joel Gritter

“For the last 25 years, I was a student, then a teaching assistant, and finally an instructor in the COSC department and I have interacted with hundreds of students that have had their lives enriched and become better people because of their Badger Experience. Brock Computer Science is an incredible place to help shape your journey and surround yourself with people that want the best for you.” ~ James Bell

“To me, what made Brock University and Brock’s computer science department so great is its spirit. The faculty and the staff are always willing to lend a hand and give advice or answer questions when needed. The other students are friendly and approachable and it’s fun to discuss side projects and share experiences with them. At Brock, I feel encouraged to be the best version of myself, and that is something that persists even now.” ~ Evan Galea

“Can I say that CS at Brock has the best corny in-class jokes? (I have contributed to that) ” ~ Dr. Robson De Grande

“The main reason I chose Brock was the small knit community and travel time. My co-op experience at Ridley college in IT gave me a different perspective on non-software based jobs and was very informative. You’ll see the same group of people class to class, so there’s always someone to help. The computer science club makes for an inviting environment as well as the exceptional help from upper year students from helpdesk made my learning experience pleasant and thorough.” ~ Ryan Epp

“There are also lots of current PhD students from among our graduates.”