MSc/PhD Thesis Submission Guidelines


This process should be started at least two months before the date of the proposed thesis defence. The procedure for both MSc and PhD submission is divided into the three stages described below. The appropriate forms are available by clicking on the links below:

  1. Forms

MSc submission forms:

PhD submission forms: 

Should you get an error message downloading any of the above files please right-click on the link and select Download Linked File.

  1. Thesis Submission Guidelines

Stage 1.Final committee meeting. You and your supervisory committee will agree on a schedule and tentative date for the completion of your thesis.

For MSc students–  download two separate forms: (i) MSc Defence External Examiner Approval and (ii) MSc Sign-off The first part of the form must be completed together your supervisor who will provide a list of three potential examiners. The second part of the form requires the signatures of your supervisory committee when they are satisfied that your thesis is ready to be submitted to the external examiner. Both sections of the completed form must be submitted no later than six weeks(30 working days)before the expected date of the defence. However, Part 1 of the form may be submitted to the GPD following the final committee meeting, or two to three months before your anticipated defence date to expedite the scheduling of the exam.

For PhD, studentsdownload two separate forms: (i) PHD Defence External Examiner Approval and (ii) PhD Sign-off. You must consult with your supervisor who will provide a list of three potential examiners. You can submit your completed External Examiner Approval Form to the GPD any time after your final committee meeting, but no laterthan six weeks(30 working days)before your anticipated defence date.

Note to all students – If you decide to submit the External Examiner Approval Form before your committee has approved your thesis, both you and your supervisor must be confident that you can complete within your proposed timeframe.The GPD will vet the list of external examiners and if deemed appropriate, request that the appropriate Dean’s office determine their availability to examine/read your thesis within your proposed timeframe.

Stage 2.At least 2 months(40 working days) before you plan to formally defend your thesis an electronic copy of the final draft must be emailed to all of members of your supervisory committee. The committee will then review your thesis and provide you with a list of corrections and/or suggestions for revisions and changes. At least six weeks(30 working days) prior to your preferred examination date you must have completed all revisions and changes to your thesis. If your committee requests major revisions such that your defence must be postponed, the supervisory committee will meet with you to suggest a new schedule for the completion of your thesis. If the examination date must be changed and you have submitted Part 1 of the External Examiner Approval and MSc Sign Off Form, or the PhD defence External Examiner Approval Form,you must contact the GPD so that the external examiner can be informed of the changed schedule.  When you have completed your corrections and revisions to the satisfaction of the committee, collect the signatures from your supervisory committee on the second part of your External Examiner Approval form (MSc students,) or by completing the PhD Sign Off Form (PhD students).  Hand in the completed form to the GPD who will then review it and if he/she agrees with the assessment of the supervisory committee as to your readiness to defend, he/she will then sign and give the form back to you.

Stage 3. No later than six weeks (30 working days)before your examination, submit the completed External Examiner Approval Form (MSc), or the PhD defence External Examiner Approval Formand PhD sign off form, together with six copiesof the final draft of your thesis in paper form and one copy in electronic format (.pdf) to Beulah Alexander. Beulah Alexander on behalf of the GPD will then: (i) arrange to have the final hard copies of the thesis sent promptly to your examination committee; (ii) seek approval from the appropriate Dean to proceed with your oral defence and (iii) contact the external examiner and other examining committee members to finalize the date of your exam. She will also forward one hard copy of your thesis and the electronic .pdf of your thesis to the appropriate Dean’s office to be sent to the external examiner.

  1. Composition of the Examination Committee

The Examination Committee for oral defence will be composed of the following members:

For MSc defences:
a. Thesis supervisor
b. Members of the Supervisory Committee
c. Chair of the Examination Committee (Chosen by the Dean of Maths and Science in consultation with the GPD. Normally this will be the GPD or designate)
d. The External Examiner (chosen by the Dean).

For PhD defences:
a. Thesis supervisor
b. Members of the Supervisory Committee
c. Chair of the Examination Committee (Chosen by the Dean of Grad Studies in consultation with the GPD. Normally this will be the GPD or designate)
d. An examiner internal to Brock but external to the student’s program (selected by the GPD).
e. The External Examiner (chosen by the Dean).