Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory

Brock Department of Chemistry has three Bruker NMR spectrometers 300Mhz ,400Mhz and 600Mhz. All spectrometers can perform 1D and 2D RT and VT experiements with broadband multinuclear probes.

NMR Spectrometers

300 Mhz

Bruker Avance AV 300
Magnet 7.05 Tesla Ultrashield
Probe: BBFO Z-gradient ATMA 15N-19F
VT Capability: Above RT
Software: Toppsin 2
Workstation: Windows 7

400 Mhz

Bruker Avance III HD 400
Magnet 9.4 Tesla Ascend
Probe: BBFO Z-gradient ATMA 15N-19F
VT Capability: Above RT
Software: Topspin 3
Workstation: Windows 11

600 Mhz

Bruker Avance NEO 600
Magnet: 14.1 Tesla Ultrashield Plus
Probe: iBBO Z-gradient ATMA 15N-19F
VT Capability: Full Range
Software: Topspin 4
Workstation: Windows 11

After submitting the NMR Training Request form you will be contacted by email with the scheduled time and location.

NMR Training Request Form

  • Required for access to the Cairns NMR laboratory.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Brock University holds a site license for Cambridge Structural Database Software. Please follow the link below to either use web access or download and install software locally on your computer. (Login required)

Cambridge Structural Database Web Access

Cambridge Structural Database Download

It is also hosted by the NMR Datastation located in the NMR lab CRN 112.

Razvan Simionescu
NMR Technologist

Office: CRN 406, Phone: 905 688 5550 x5681
NMR Lab: CRN 112, Phone: 905 688 5550 x6168
[email protected]