Georgii I. Nikonov

Professor, Chemistry

Headshot of Brock University Chemistry Professor Georgii Nikonov

Office: Cairns 414
Lab: Cairns 466
905 688 5550 x3350
[email protected]

Research Interests

Organometallic chemistry; Transition metal hydrides; Homogeneous catalysis; New ligand environments; Nonclassical bonding.

The main aim of our research programme is to develop new efficient metal catalysts for chemo-, regio-, and enantioselective transformation of organic substrates into value-added products.

We investigate new catalytic methods for reduction of challenging substrates, such as nitriles, amides, esters, and heteroaromatics (pyridines, quinolines etc) and try to make these transformations chemoselectively. We also carry out detailed mechanistic studies, trying to understand the action of our catalysts in order to make even better tailor-made systems with predictable properties.

Our research touches many synthetic, structural and theoretical aspects of transition metal complexes, including inter alia the design of new ligand environments, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray and neutron diffraction analyses, and the bond theory.

The Brock team at the IDW 2023

Christmas lunch 2023

Aliona gets Jack Miller’s Award for Excellence in Research 2022

Christmas lunch 2021

Group Summer BBQ 2021. We practise social distancing!

Georgii Nikonov receives the Distinguished Researcher Award for 2019

Christmas lunch 2019

Group Summer BBQ 2019

The Nikonov group at Inorganic Discussion Weekend. Congratulations to Aisha, who won the 1st place for oral presentations, and to John, who won the 2nd place for poster presentations

Professor Roald Hoffmann visits us

Group BBQ 2018

Cristmas lunch 2017

The Nikonov group at IDW 2017

Media Archive

Reviews and Chapters in books, series, proceedings


1.          Nikonov G.I., “Si-H Bond Activation by Transition-Metal Lewis Acids”, in Modern Organosilicon Chemistry, Eds. Oestreich M., Hiyama T., Wiley-VCH, 2019, pp. 87-113.
2.          Chu T., Nikonov G.I., “Oxidative Addition and Reductive Elimination at Main-Group Element Centers”, Chem. Rev., 2018, 118, 3608-3680. Published March 20, 2018.
3.          Nikonov G.I., “Recent Advances in Nonclassical Interligand Si…H Interactions”, Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 2005, 53, 217-309. (Invited Review)
4.          Nikonov G. I., “New Types of Non-classical Interligand Interaction Involving Silicon Based Ligands”, J. Organomet. Chem. 2001, 635/1-2, 24-36. (Review)
5.          Merkulov A.A., Mountford P., Nikonov G. I., “Agostic versus Hypervalent Si-H Interactions in Half-sandwich Complexes of Nb and Ta”. In Organosilicon compounds from Molecules to Materials V. Eds.: N. Auner, J. Weis, Wiley-VCH, 2003.
6.          Nikonov G. I., Lemenovskii, D. A., Brusova G. P., Kazennova, N. B., “Synthesis of New Phosphide and Phosphine Complexes of Niobocene”, in Chemistry, Ed.: Tikhonov А. N., MSU press, Moscow, 1994, 132. (Russian).



137. Puthiyaveetil S.S., Kassymbek A., Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I. “1,3-C–H Bond Activation on a Transient Gallium(I)/isocyanate adduct“, Dalton. Trans. 2023, accepted.
136. Segizbayev M., Dmitrienko A., Simionescu R., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I., “Germanium Analogue of the Parent Phosphine-Borane FLP compound”, Chem. Asian J. 2023, 18, e202300747. Publication Date (Web): Sept 25, 2023.(designated as Very Important Paper, invited special issue on Ge chemistry)
135. Segizbayev M., Nguyen M.T., Gusev D. G., Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., van der Est A, Nikonov G.I., „A Guanidine-Supported π-Complex of Germanium Amenable to Intramolecular C-C Cleavage in Arene and Ge Atom Transfer“, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202301981. Publication Date (Web): Sept 21, 2023.
134. Shakhman D., Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I. “Selective Zinc-Catalyzed 1,2-hydroboration of N-heteroaromatics via a Non-Hydride Mechanism”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2023, e202300293. Publication Date (Web): 4 Aug, 2023 (invited special issue)
133. Baradzenka A. G., Vyboishchikov S.F., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I. „Base-stabilized phosphinidene oxide, imide and sulfide“, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202301842. Publication Date (Web): 25 July, 2023. (Cover page, invited special issue on p-block chemistry)
132. Baradzenka A. G., Pilkington M., Dmitrienko A., Nikonov G.I. „Small Molecule Activation on a Base-stabilized Phosphinidene“, Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202300523. Publication Date (Web): February 27, 2023.
131.  Baradzenka A. G., Vyboishchikov S.F., Pilkington M., Dmitrienko A., Nikonov G.I. „The Insertion of E(II) and E(IV) Chlorides (E = Si, Ge) into the Si–Si Bond of Disilylene”, Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202202799. Publication Date (Web): October 21, 2022. (Cover page).
130. Clarke J.A., Nikonov G.I. “Efficient Base-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Tertiary Amides to Aldehydes”, ChemCatChem, 2022, 14, e202201231. Publication Date (Web): October 21, 2022.
129.  Kassymbek A., Spasyuk D., Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I., “Facile C–H Bond Activation on a Transient Gallium Imide“, Chem. Comm., 2022, 58, 6946 – 6949. Publication Date (Web): June 16, 2022.
128. Kassymbek A., Gusev D. G., Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I., “­­­An isolable gallium-substituted nitrilimine and its reactivity with B-H, Si-H and B-B bonds”, Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202103455. Publication Date (Web): November 23, 2021.
127. Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I., “Reactions of an Aluminium(I) compound with aromatic compounds”, Mendeleev Commun., 2022, 32, 68–70. Publication Date (Web): January 1, 2022.
126.  Nguyen M.T., Spasyuk D., White B., Dudding T., Nikonov G.I., “Generation and reactivity of an elusive base-stabilised phosphinidene”, Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 16613 – 16619. Publication Date (Web): October 29, 2021.
125.  Clarke J. A., van der Est A., Nikonov G. I. “Base-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Nitriles to Amines and Esters to Alcohols”, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 4434–4439. Publication Date (Web): August 18, 2021.
124. Baradzenka A. G., Pilkington M., Dmitrienko A., Simionescu R., Nikonov G.I. “Reactivity of a Phosphinoamidinate-Stabilized Disilylene toward HX Bonds”, Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 13110–13121. Publication Date (Web): 12 August, 2021.
123. Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Nikonov G. I., “Selective cross-coupling of unsaturated substrates on Al(I)“, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 5730-5736. Publication Date: 11 January, 2021.
122.  Shirobokov O.G., Kuzmina L.G., Howard J.A.K., Nikonov G. I., “Imido silyl complexes of molybdenum: synthesis, structure and unusual H2/silane exchange”, Can. J. Chem. 2021, 99, 161–164. Publication Date (Web): 30 June 2020.
121. Petrushko W. D., Nikonov G. I., “Mono(hydrosilylation) of N-Heterocycles Catalyzed by B(C6F5)3 and Silylium Ion“, Organometallic 2020, 39, 4717–4722. Publication Date: 19 November, 2020.
120.  Dmitrienko A., Pilkington M., Britten J.F., Gabidullin B., van der Est A., Nikonov G. I., „Shedding Light on the Diverse Reactivity of an Al(I) Compound with N-Heterocycles“, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 16281-16287.Publication Date (Web): 20 May 2020.
119.  Nguyen M.T., Gusev D., Dmitrienko A., Gabidullin B., Spasyuk D., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I., „Ge(0) compound stabilized by a diimino-carbene ligand: synthesis and ambiphilic reactivity“, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 5852-5861. Publication Date (Web): March 2, 2020.
118. Dmitrienko A., Britten J.F., Spasyuk D., Nikonov G.I., „Adduct of NacNacAl with benzophenone and its coupling chemistry“, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 206-211. Publication Date (Web): September 20, 2019. (Inside Cover).
117.  Kassymbek A., Vyboishchikov S. V., Gabidullin B.M., Spasyuk D., Pilkington M., Nikonov G.I., “Sequential oxidation and C–H bond activation on a Ga(I) center”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 18102-18107. Publication Date (Web): October 23, 2019.
116.  Alshakova I.D., Foy H. C., Dudding T., Nikonov G.I., “Ligand Effect in Alkali Metal-Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones”, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 11734-11744. Publication Date (Web): July 18, 2019.
115.  Kassymbek A., Britten J.F., Spasyuk D., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “Interaction of multiple bonds with NacNacGa: oxidative cleavage vs coupling and cyclization”, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 8665-8672. Publication Date (Web): June 13, 2019.
114.  Mai V. H., Gadzhiev O. B., Ignatov S.K., Nikonov G.I., “H/D exchange in N-heterocycles catalysed by an NHC-supported ruthenium complex”, Cat. Sci. Tech. 2019, 9, 3398 – 3407. Publication Date (Web): May 27, 2019.
113. Alshakova I.D., Nikonov G.I., “Selective Synthesis of Secondary and Tertiary Amines by Reductive N-Alkylation of Nitriles and N-Alkylation of Amines and Ammonium Formate Catalyzed by Ruthenium Complex“, ChemCatChem,2019, 11, 5370–5378. Publication Date (Web): May 11, 2019. (Inside cover).
112.  Alshakova I.D., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “New Zinc Catalyst for Hydrosilylation of Carbonyl Compounds“, Synthesis, 2019, 51, 3305-3312 . Publication Date (Web): May 10, 2019.
111.  Koner A., Gabidullin B. M., Kelemen Z., Nyulászi L., Nikonov G. I., Streubel R., „7-Metalla-1,4-diphosphanorbornadienes: cycloaddition of monovalent group 13 NacNac complexes to a stable 1,4-diphosphinine“, Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 8248-8253. Publication Date (Web): April 18, 2019.
110. Nguyen M.T., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “ Imino-stabilised phosphinidene (or azaphosphole?) and some of its derivatives ”, Dalton Trans. 2018, 45, 17011-17019. Publication Date (Web): 12 Nov 2018.
109.  Alshakova I.D., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “Ru-Catalyzed Transfer Hydrogenation of Nitriles, Aromatics, Olefins, Alkynes, and Esters”, ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 4860-4869. Cover page. Publication Date (Web): 28 September, 2018.
108.  Nguyen M.T., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “Neutral and anionic zinc compounds supported by a bis(imino)phenyl NCN ligand”, Dalton Trans. 2018, 45, 4607–4612. Publication Date (Web): 8 March, 2018.
107.  Alshakova, I.D., Nikonov G.I. “Ruthenium complexes with a pyrazole-phosphine ligand”, J. Organomet. Chem. 2017, 853, 68-73. Publication Date (Web): 5 Nov 2017.
106.  Lortie J., Dudding T., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G. I., “Zinc-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation and Hydroboration of N-Heterocycles”, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7, 8454–8459. Publication Date (Web): Nov 1, 2017.
105.  Nikonov G.I., “New tricks for an old dog: aluminum compounds as catalysts in reduction chemistry”, ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7, 7257−7266. Publication Date (Web): Sept 25, 2017.
104.  Mai V. H., Lee S.H., Nikonov G.I., “Transfer hydrogenation of unsaturated substrates by half-sandwich ruthenium catalysts using formates as reducing reagents”, Chem. Select. 2017, 2, 7751– 7757. Publication Date (Web): Sept 5, 2017.
103.  Chu T., Vyboishchikov S.F., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “Oxidative Cleavage of the C=N Bond on Al(I)”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 8804–8807. Publication Date (Web): June 13, 2017.
102.  Chu T., Vyboishchikov S.F., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I., “Unusual reactions of NacNacAl with urea and phosphine oxides”, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 5993–5997. Publication Date (Web): May 2, 2017.
101. Mai V. H., Nikonov G.I. “Hydrodefluorination of fluoroaromatics by isopropanol catalyzed by a ruthenium NHC complex. An unusual role of the carbene ligand”, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 7956−7961. Publication Date (Web): October 12, 2016.
100.  Jakobsson K., Chu T., Nikonov G.I. “Hydrosilylation of olefins catalyzed by well-defined cationic aluminum complexes: Lewis acid versus insertion mechanisms”, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 7350–7356. Publication Date (Web): September 23, 2016.
99.    Chu T., Vyboishchikov S.F., Gabidullin B., Nikonov G.I. “Oxidative Cleavage of C=S and P=S Bonds on Al(I): Preparation of Terminally Bound Aluminum Sulfides”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13306–13311. Publication Date (Web): September 21, 2016.
98.    Chu T., Boyko Y., Korobkov I., Kuzmina L.G., Howard J.A.K., Nikonov G.I., “Oxidative Addition of Disulfides, Alkyl Sulfides, and Diphosphides to an Aluminum(I) Center”, Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 9099–9104. Publication Date (Web): August 16, 2016.
97.    Chu T., Belding L., Poddutoori P. K., van der Est A., Dudding T., Korobkov I., Nikonov G.I., “Unique Molecular Geometries of Reduced 4- and 5-Coordinate Zinc Complexes Stabilised by Diiminopyridine Ligand”, Dalton Trans.2016, 45, 13440–13448. Publication Date (Web): 29 Jul, 2016.
96.    Mai V. H., Korobkov I., Nikonov G.I., “Half-sandwich silane s-complexes of ruthenium supported by NHC carbene”, Organometallics, 2016, 35, 936–942.
95.    Mai V. H., Nikonov G.I., “Transfer hydrogenation of nitriles, olefins, and N-heterocycles catalyzed by an NHC-supported half-sandwich complex of ruthenium”, Organometallics, 2016, 35, 943–949.
94.    McLeod N.A.; Kuzmina L.G., Korobkov I., Howard J. A. K., Nikonov G.I., “Hydridosilylamido complexes of Ta and Mo isolobal with Berry’s zirconocenes: syntheses, β-Si–H agostic interactions, catalytic hydrosilylation, and insight into mechanism”, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 2554–2561.
93.    Mai V.H., Kuzmina L.G., Churakov A.V., Korobkov I., Howard J. A. K.,  Nikonov G.I., “NHC-carbene supported half-sandwich hydridosilyl complexes of ruthenium: the impact of supporting ligands on Si…H interligand interactions”, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 208–215.
92.    Chu T., Boyko Y., Korobkov I., Nikonov G.I., “Transition metal-like oxidative addition of C-F and C-O bonds to an aluminum(I) center”, Organometallics 2015, 34, 5363–5365.
91.    Khalimon A.Y., Farha P., Nikonov G.I., “Imido-hydride Complexes of Mo(IV): Catalysis and Mechanistic Aspects of Hydroboration Reactions”, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 18945–18956.
90.    Nikonov G. I., “An Iron Catalyst for Asymmetric Alkene Hydrosilylation”, ChemCatChem 2015, 7, 1918–1919 (Highlight).
89.    Lee S.H., Nikonov G. I., “Transfer hydrogenation of ketones, nitriles and esters catalysed by a half-sandwich complex of ruthenium”, ChemCatChem 2015, 7, 107–113 (cover page).
88.    Revunova K., Nikonov G. I., “Main group catalysed reduction of unsaturated bonds”, Dalton Trans. 2015, 44, 840–866.
87.    Chu T., Korobkov I., Nikonov G.I., “Oxidative addition of s bonds to an Al(I) center”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 9195–9202.
86.    Nikonov G.I., Vyboishchikov  S.F., Shirobokov O.G., Simionescu R., “Serendipitous metal catalyzed H–H/Si–H exchange”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 2896–2901.
85.    Lee S.H., Nikonov G. I., “Semi-catalytic reduction of secondary amides to imines and aldehydes”, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 8888– 8893.
84.    Khalimon A. Y., McLeod N. A., Ignatov S.K., Okhapkin A. I., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A.K., Nikonov G. I.,“Multiple coupling of silanes with imido complexes of Mo”, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 8446–8453.
83.    Chu T., Belding L., van der Est A., Dudding T., Korobkov I, Nikonov G.I., “A coordination compound of Ge(0) stabilized by a diiminopyridine ligand”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 2711–2715.
82.    Revunova K., Nikonov G. I., ”Metal-free base-catalyzed hydrosilylation: substrate scope and mechanism”, Chem.Eur. J. 2014, 20, 839–845.
81.    McLeod N. A., Kuzmina L. G., Churakov A. V., Mountford P., Nikonov G. I., ”Group 5 hydride and borohydride complexes supported by cyclopentadienyl-imido ligand sets”, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43,188–195.
80.    Lee S. H., Gorelsky S. I., Nikonov G. I., “Catalytic H/D Exchange of Unactivated Aliphatic C-H Bonds”, Organometallics, 2013, 32, 6599–6604.
79.    Boone C., Nikonov G.I., “The role of zinc hydride in catalytic hydrosilylation of ketones and nitriles: insertion versus cyclic mechanisms”, ACS Catalysis 2013, 3, 2336–2340.
78.    Khalimon A. Y., Ignatov S.K., Simionescu R., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A.K., Nikonov G. I., “Unusual Structure, Fluxionality and Mechanism of Carbonyl Hydrosilylation by the Silyl Hydride Complex (ArN=)Mo(H)(SiH2Ph)(PMe3)3”, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 8573–8590.
77.    Lee S.-H., Gutsulyak D. V., Nikonov G. I., “Chemo- and regioselective catalytic reduction of N-heterocycles by silane”, Organometallic, 2013, 32, 4457– 4464 (invited to the cover page)
76.    Khalimon A. Y., Peterson E., Lorber C., Kuzmina L.G., Howard J.A.K., Nikonov G. I., “Imido-Supported Borohydrides of Titanium, Vanadium and Molybdenum”, Eur J. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 2205–2211.
75.    Khalimon A. Y., Shirobokov O.G., Peterson E., Simionescu R., Kuzmina L.G., Howard J.A.K., Nikonov G. I., “Mechanistic Aspects of Hydrolsilylation Catalyzed by (ArN=)Mo(H)(Cl)(PMe3)3”, Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 4300–4313.
74.    Nikonov G.I., Vyboishchikov S.F., Shirobokov O.G., “Facile activation of H–H and Si–H bonds by boranes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 5488–5491.
73.    Gutsulyak D.V., Nikonov G.I., “Chemoselective Ruthenium-catalyzed Reduction of Acid Chlorides to Aldehydes with Dimethylphenylsilane”, Adv. Synth.&Cat. 2012, 354, 607–611.
72.    Khalimon A. Y., Ignatov S.K., Simionescu R., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A.K., Nikonov G. I., “An Unexpected Mechanism of Hydrosilylation by a Silyl Hydride Complex of Molybdenum”, Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 754-756.
71.    Khalimon A. Y., Farha, P., Kuzmina L. G., Nikonov G. I., “Catalytic Hydroboration by an Imido-Hydrido Complex of Mo(IV)”, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 455.
70.    Khalimon A. Y., Simionescu R., Nikonov G. I., “Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Agostic NSi-H···Mo Complex”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 7033–7053.
69.    Shirobokov O. G., Kuzmina L. G., Nikonov G.I., “Nonhydride mechanism of metal catalyzed hydrosilylation”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 6487–6489.
68.    Gutsulyak D.V., Nikonov G.I., “Facile catalytic hydrosilylation of pyridines”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 1384-1387. (VIP paper highlighted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3845)
67.    Shirobokov O. G., Gorelsky S. I., Simionescu R., Kuzmina L.G., Nikonov G.I. “The Unexpected Mechanism of Carbonyl Hydrosilylation Catalyzed by (Cp)(ArN=)Mo(H)(PMe3)”, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 7831.
66.    Gutsulyak D.V., Nikonov G.I., “Chemoselective catalytic hydrosilylation of nitriles”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 7553–7556.
65.    Leelasubcharoen S., Findlay A., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A.K., Nikonov G. I., “Phosphido Bridged Tantalum/Rhodium Bimetallic Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Hydrosilylation of Carbonyls”, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 9264–9269.
64.    Gutsulyak D.V., Vyboishchikov S.F., Nikonov G.I., “Cationic Silane s-Complexes of Ruthenium with Relevance to Catalysis”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 5950–5951.
63.    Ignatov S.K., Khalimon A. Y., Rees N.H., Razuvaev A. G., Mountford P., Nikonov G.I., “b-Agostic Silylamido and Silyl-Hydrido Compounds of Molybdenum and Tungsten”, Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 9605 (invited cover paper).
62.    Leelasubcharoen S., Zhizhko P.A., Kuzmina L. G., Churakov A.V., Howard J. A. K., Nikonov G.I. “Niobium/Rhodium Bimetallic Complexes: Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic Hydrosilylation of Carbonyls”,Organometallics 2009, 28, 4500-4506.
61.    Gutsulyak D. V., Churakov A. V., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., Nikonov G.I., “Steric and Electronic Effects in Half-sandwich Ruthenium Silane s-Complexes with Si-H and Si-Cl Interligand Interactions”, Organometallics2009, 28, 2655–2657.
60.    Tussupbayev S., Nikonov G.I., Vyboishchikov S.F.,”Dynamics of Si–H–Si bridges in agostically stabilized silylium ions”, J. Chem. Phys. A 2009, 113, 1199–1209.
59.    Peterson E., Khalimon A. Y., Simionescu R., Kuzmina L.G., Howard J.A.K., Nikonov, G. I. “Diversity of catalysis by an imido-hydrido complex of molybdenum. Mechanism of carbonyl hydrosilylation and silane alcoholysis.”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 908–909.
58.    Gutsulyak D. V., Osipov A. L., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., Nikonov G.I., “Unexpected effect of the ring on the extent of Si…H interligand interactions in half-sandwich silyl hydrides of ruthenium”, Dalton Trans. 2008, 6843 – 6850.
57.    Ignatov S.K., Rees N.H., Merkoulov A. A., Dubberley S.R., Razuvaev A. G., Mountford P., Nikonov G.I., “Silyl Hydrides of Tantalum Supported by Cyclopentadienyl-imido Ligand Sets: Syntheses, X-ray, NMR and DFT Studies”, Organometallics 2008, 27, 5968-5977.
56.    Khalimon A. Y., Simionescu R., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K, Nikonov G. I. “Agostic NSi_H···Mo Complexes: From Curiosity to Catalysis”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 7701 –7704.
55.    Gutsulyak D. V., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K, Vyboishchikov S. F., Nikonov G. I. “Cp(Pri2MeP)FeH2SiR3: Nonclassical Iron Silyl Dihydride”,  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 3732 -3733.
54.    Khalimon A. Y., Holland J. P., Kowalczyk, R. M., McInnes E. J. L., Green J. C., Mountford P., Nikonov G. I.“Synthesis and molecular and electronic structure of an unusual paramagnetic borohydride complex Mo(NAr)2(PMe3)2(h2-BH4)”, Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 999–1006.
53.    Ignatov S.K., Rees N.H., Merkoulov A.A., Dubberley S.R., Razuvaev A. G., Mountford P., Nikonov G.I., “Non-innocent Behavior of Imido Ligands in the Reactions of Silanes with Half-sandwich Imido complexes of Nb and V: Silane/Imido Coupling Route to Compounds with Nonclassical Si-H Interactions”, Chem.-Eur. 2008, 14, 296-310.
52.    Osipov A.L.,  Gutsulyak D. V.,  Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., Lemenovskii D. A., Süss-Fink G., Nikonov G.I., “Half-sandwich trihydrido ruthenium complexes”, J. Organomet. Chem. 2007, 692, 5081-5085.
51.    Vyboishchikov S. F., Nikonov G. I. “Rhodium silyl hydrides in oxidation state +5: classical or nonclassical?”, Organometallics 2007, 26, 4160-4169.
50.    Khalimon A. Y., Lin Z., Simionescu R., Vyboishchikov S. F., Nikonov G. I. “Persistent silylium ions stabilised by polyagostic Si–H···Si interactions”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 4530-4533.
49.    Khalimon A.Yu., Dorogov K. Yu., Churakov A. V., Kuzmina L. G., Lemenovskii D. A., Howard J. A.K., Nikonov G.I. “Synthesis and structural studies of germyl and germyl/stannyl substituted tungstenocenes”, Dalton Transactions 2007, 2440-2449.
48.    Dorogov K. Yu., Yousufuddin M., Ho N.-N., Churakov A. V., Kuzmina L. G., Schultz A.J., Mason S. A.; Howard J.A.K., Lemenovskii D.A., Bau R., Nikonov G.I., “Syntheses and structures of asymmetric bis(silyl) niobocene hydrides”, Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 147-160.
47.    Vyboishchikov S. F., Nikonov G.I., “Unique {H(SiR3)2}, (H2SiR3), H(HSiR3) and (H2)SiR3 ligand sets supported by the Cp(L)Fe platform (L = CO, PR3)”, Chem. – Eur. J., 2006, 12, 8518-8533.
46.    Osipov A. L., Vyboishchikov S. F., Dorogov K. Y, Kuzmina L. G., Howard, J. A. K., Lemenovskii D. A., NikonovG.I., “Cp*(Pri3P)Ru(Cl)(h2-HSiClMe2): the first complex with simultaneous Si–H and RuCl···SiCl interligand interactions”, Chem. Comm. 2005, 3349 – 3351.
45.    Osipov A. L., Gerdov S. M., Kuzmina L. G., Howard, J. A. K., Nikonov G.I., “Syntheses and X-ray diffraction studies of half-sandwich hydridosilyl complexes of ruthenium”, Organometallics 2005, 24, 587-602.
44.    Ignatov S. K., Rees N. H., Tyrrell B. R., Dubberley S. R., Razuvaev A. G., Mountford P., Nikonov G.I.,“Nonclassical Titanocene Silylhydrides”, Chem. – Eur. J. 2004, 10, 4991.
43.    Dorogov K. Yu, Dumont E., Ho N.-N., Churakov A. V., Kuzmina L. G., Poblet J.-M., Schultz A. J., Howard J.A.K.,Bau, R., Lledos A., Nikonov G.I., “Neutron and X-ray diffraction studies and DFT calculations of asymmetric bis(silyl) niobocene hydrides”, Organometallics 2004, 23, 2845.
42.    Ignatov S. K., Rees N. H., Dubberley S. R., Razuvaev A. G., Mountford P., Nikonov G.I., “Unexpected Features of Stretched Si-H···Mo b-Agostic Interactions”, Chem. Comm. 2004, 952.
41.    Bakhmutova E. V., Bakhmutov V. I., Belkova N. V., Besora M., Epstein L. M., Lledós A., Nikonov G. I., Shubina E. S., Tomàs J., Vorontsov E. V., “Investigation of non-classical dihydrogen bonding between an early transition metal hydride and alcohols. IR, NMR and DFT approach.” Chem. – Eur. J. 2004, 10, 661-671.
40.    Dorogov K. Yu., Churakov A. V., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., Nikonov G.I., “Direct Hydride for Silyl Exchange. Synthesis and X-ray study of the Bis(silyl) Complex Cp2NbH(SiCl3)2”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2004, 771-775.
39.    Nikonov G. I., Churakov A.V., Antipin M. Y. “Bis(germyl) Substituted Niobocenes”, Organometallics 2003, 22, 2178.
38.    Nikonov G. I., “The Puzzle of Cp(CO)2Mn(HSiCl3): Classical or Nonclassical?”, Organometallics 2003, 22, 1597.
37.    Nikonov G. I., “Complexation of Si-Si s-Bonds to Metals”, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 2003, 42, 1335.
36.    Dubberley S. R., Ignatov S. K., Rees N. H., Razuvaev A. G., Mountford P., Nikonov G.I., “Are J(Si-H) NMR Coupling Constants Really a Probe for the Existence of Non-classical H-Si Interactions?”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 642.
35.    Nikonov G. I., Mountford P., Dubberley S. R., “Tantalizing chemistry of the half-sandwich silylhydride complexes of niobium: identification of likely intermediates on the way to agostic complexes”, Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42, 258-260.
34.    Nikonov G. I., Vyboishchikov S. F., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., “Serendipitous syntheses and structures of [Cp2NbH{SiMe2)2(m-NR)}].” Chem. Comm, 2002, 568-569.
33.    Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., “Niobocene hydrides with functionalised  silyl ligands. Tuning of interligand hypervalent interactions (IHI) M-H®Si-X.” J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2002, 3037-3046.
32.    Nikonov G. I., “Going Beyond the s-Complexation: Non-classical Interligand Interactions of Silyl Groups with Two and More Hydrides”, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 2001, 40, No. 18, 3353-3355.
31.    Nikonov G. I., Mountford P., Ignatov S. K., Green J. C, Cooke P. A., Leech M. A., Kuzmina L. G., Razuvaev A. G., Rees N. H., Blake A. J., Howard J. A. K., Lemenovskii D. A., “Surprising Diversity of Non-classical Silicon-Hydrogen Interactions in Half-sandwich Complexes of Nb and Ta: M-H···Si-Cl Interligand Hypervalent Interaction (IHI) versus Stretched and Unstretched b Si-H···M Agostic Bonding.” J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2001, 2903-2915.
30.    Nikonov G. I., Mountford P., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J. A. K., Lemenovskii D. A., D. M. Roitershtein, “s-Bond metathesis reactions of Cp(NAr)Nb(Me)2 with H2 and HSiMe2Cl. Molecular structure of [Cp(NAr)NbMe]2”, J. Organomet. Chem. 2001, 628, 25-29.
29.    Bakhmutov V. I., Howard J. A. K., Keen D. A., Kuzmina L. G., Leech, M. A., Nikonov G. I., Vorontsov E. V., Wilson C. C., “Combined Single Crystal Neutron Diffraction (100 K) and Solution NMR Relaxation (210 K) Studies of Mono- and Bis(Silyl) Substituted Niobocene Hydrides With Nonclassical Interligand Interactions.” J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 2000, 1631-1635.
28.  Duckett S. B., Kuzmina L. G., Nikonov G. I., “Fine tuning of Si-H interligand hypervalent interactions (IHI) in half sandwich silyl hydrido complexes of ruthenium.” Inorg. Chem. Comm. 2000, 3/3, 126-128.
27.    Nikonov G. I., Mountford P., Green J. C., Cooke P. A., Leech, M. A., Blake, A. J., Howard J. A. K., Lemenovskii D. A., “Contrasting Non-classical Silicon-Hydrogen Interactions in Niobium and Tantalum Half-sandwich Complexes: Si-H···M Agostic versus  M-H···Si-Cl Interligand Hypervalent Interactions”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2000, 1917-1921.
26.    Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina L. G., Vyboishchikov S. F., Lemenovskii D. A., Howard J. A. K., “Silyl Hydride Niobocene Complexes with Nonclassical Interligand Hypervalent Interactions”, Chem. – Eur. J., 1999, 5, N10, 2947-2964.
25.    Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina L. G., Lorberth J., Howard J. A. K., “Facile Preparation of Mono- and Bis(tin) Substituted Niobocenes with Functionalized Stannyl Ligands: The Search for Nonclassical Interligand Interactions”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 1999, 825.
24.    Blake, A. J., МcInnes, J. M., Mountford, P., Swallow, D., Watkin, D. J., Nikonov G. I., “Cycloaddition Reactions of titanium and zirconium imido, oxo and hydrazido complexes supported by tetraaza macrocycle ligand”, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1999, 379-391.
23.    Nikonov G. I., Lemenovskii D. A., Dorogov K. Yu., Churakov A. V., “Synthesis and Structure of the Phosphinophosphide Niobocene Complex Cp2Nb(PPh2)(PHPh2)”, Polyhedron, 1999, 18, 1159-1162.
22.    Bakhmutov V. I., Vorontsov E. V., Nikonov G. I., Lemenovskii D. A., “Metal-Hydride and Hydride-Hydride Distances from Measurements of Selective and Nonselective 1H T1 Relaxation Times of Hydride Ligands: Relaxation in NbCp2H3”, Inorg. Chem. 1998, 37, 279-282.
21.    Nikonov G. I., Blake A. J., Lorberth J., Lemenovskii D. A., Wocadlo S., “Monoarsenic, Diarsenic and Mixed Phosphorus-arsenic Substituted Niobocenes”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1997, 547, 235-242.
20.    Nikonov G. I., Grishin Y. K. Lemenovskii D. A. Kazennova N. B., Kuzmina L. G., Howard J.A.K., “The Carbenoid Nature of Halophosphines. Carbene-like Insertion Mechanism in the Reaction of Chlorophosphines with Cp2NbH3”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1997, 547, 183-198.
19.    Nikonov G. I., Avtomonov E.V., Massa, W., “Synthesis and Structure of Trimethyllead Niobocene Dihydride”, Chem. Ber. 1997, 130, 1629-1631.
18.    Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina L. G. Howard J. A. K., “Cp2NbH2SbPh2: Synthesis and Structure of the First Antimony-Substituted Niobocene”, Organometallics 1997, 16, 3723-3725.
17.    Blake, A. J.; Mountford, P., Nikonov G. I., “Bis[(N-2,6-Diisopropylphenyl)amido][N-(2,6-Diisopropylphenyl)imido]bis (pyridine-N)zirconoium”, Acta Cryst. C. 1997, C53, 874-876.
16.    Blake, A. J.; Mountford, P., Nikonov G. I., “Mononuclear Amido and Binuclear Imido Zirconium Complexes Supported by Dibezotetraaza[14] annulene Ligands. X-ray structure of [(Me4taa)Zr(NR2)2Zr(NHR)2] (R = But or 2,6 C6H3Me2)”, Inorg. Chem. 1997, 36, 1107-1112.
15.    Blake, A. J.; Mountford, P., Nikonov G. I., “[(N-2,6-Diisopropylphenyl-N-trimethylsilyl)amido-N] (pyridine-N)(diethyl ether)lithium”, Acta Cryst. C. 1996, C52, 1911-1913.
14.    Blake, A. J.; Mountford, P.; Swallow, D., Nikonov G. I., “Cycloaddition Reactions of Tetraaza Macrocycle Supported Group 4 Imido Complexes and Reversible Addition of Aryl Isocyanate to a Co-ordinated Ureate Ligand”, Chem. Comm. 1996, 1835-1836.
13.    Nikonov G. I., Lemenovskii D. A., Lorberth J., “The First Bismutido Substituted Niobocene”, Polyhedron, 1996, 15, 1565-1566.
12.    Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina L. G.; Lemenovskii D. A., Kotov V. V., “Interligand Hypervalent Interaction in the Bis(silyl)hydride Derivatives of Niobocene”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1995, 117, 10133-10134.
11.    Lemenovskii D. A., Nikonov G. I., Brusova G. P., Kuzmina L. G., Stankovie E., Putala, M., “The chemistry of hydride, halide and alkyl niobocene complexes with coordinated diazoalkanes”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1995, 496, 227-232.
10.    Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina L. G., Lemenovskii, D. A., “Unprecedented Formation of Ethylene During the Synthesis of a Nb/Rh Bimetallic Complex: Molecular Structure of Cp’2Nb(µ-PPh2)2RhC2H4”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1995, 496, 187-190
9.      Nikonov G. I., Harms K., Lorberth J., Lemenovskii D. A., “First Arsenido Substituted Niobocene Derivative”, Inorg. Chem. 1995, 34, 2461-2463.
8.      Nikonov G. I., Kuzmina, L. G., Mountford P., Lemenovskii, D. A., “Insertion of ClPPh2 into a Ta-H bond: Synthesis and Structure of the First Phosphido Derivative of Tantalocene”, Organometallics 1995, 14, 3588-3591.
7.      Nikonov G. I., Putala M., Kazennova N. B.; Lemenovskii D. A., Batsanov A. S., Struchkov, Yu. T., “Is electrophilic substitution in the coordinated cyclopentadienyl ligand of early transition metal metallocene complexes possible? Molecular structure of binuclear nitrene niobocene complex [(C5H4C(COOEt)=N-m-N)(C5H5)Nb]2”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1994, 482, 187-190.
6.      Nikonov G. I., Lemenovskii D. A., Lorberth J., “Facile Insertion of ClPPh2 into Nb-H Bonds as a Synthetic Route to New Phosphino and Phosphido Derivatives of Niobocene”, Organometallics 1994, 13, 3127-3133.
5.      Lemenovskii, D. A.; Putala, M.; Nikonov G. I., Kazennova N. B.; Yufit D. S., “New metallocene complexes of Nb and Ta with functionalized diazoalkanes”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1994, 454, 123-131.
4.      Nikonov G. I., Borisov Yu. А., “Estimation of Relative Stability of Alkylhydride Substituted Niobocenes”, Metalloorganicheskaya khimiya 1993, 6, 160 (Russian).
3.      Nikonov G. I., Lemenovskii D. A., Putala M., Zinin A. I., Kazennova N. B., Batsanov A. S., Struchkov Yu. T., “Synthesis and structure of h1-N-diphenyldiazomethane complexes of niobo- and tantalocene monohydrides”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1993, 452, 87.
2.      Lemenovskii D. A., Nikonov G. I., Putala M., Kazennova N. B., Yufit D. S., Struchkov Yu. T., “New metallocene complexes of Nb and Ta with functionalized diazoalkanes”, J. Organomet. Chem. 1993, 454, 123.
1.      Churakov A. V., Nifant’ev I. E., Urazovskii I. F., Nikonov G. I., Yufit D. S., Struchkov Yu. T., “Synthesis and properties of ansa-metallocene compounds of titanium and zirconium”, Izvestia Akademii Nauk, Seriya khim. 1993, 967 (Russian).

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