Articles by author: Amanda Smits

  • Master of Sustainability students receive multiple research awards

    On Friday, April 6, 2018 four Master of Sustainability students were recognized with the FOSS Student Research Award. This award is a new initiative housed in the Office of the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences. The intention of the award is to recognize student research that contributes to and advances research and scholarship in the Faculty of Social Sciences, in broad terms.

    Each student was awarded $1,000 to assist with the cost of their ongoing education.

    FOSS Research Award Winners

    From left to right: Dr. Ryan Plummer (Director of the ESRC) and Master of Sustainability students Brooke Kapeller, Dana Harris, and Yuka Kataoka. Lydia Collas was also an award recipient but is not pictured.

    Categories: Awards, Blog

  • Attending the Student Conference on Conservation Science 2018

    Blog Contributor: Lydia Collas

    At the end of the March 2018, I attended the Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS) at the University of Cambridge. I was glad to have given myself a bit of recovery time after arriving in the UK from Canada because the conference consisted of three days which were totally action-packed with amazing talks, poster sessions and networking.

    As a second-year student in the thesis stream of the SSAS program, I sometimes find my work quite isolating. I’ve being working on my thesis research for the last year or so and whilst I interact with those in my program and my lab group, they’ve heard a lot about my research. So the experience of spending several days amongst 210 students who from all over the world (55 different nationalities were represented at the conference) and whom I had never met before was incredibly eye-opening. These students were in various stages of their careers – from Master’s to PhD to those that were taking some time out of full-time study to work for NGOs. I talked to people that were doing research ranging from studying the Fishing Cat in India, conserving lions while increasing agricultural yields in Zimbabwe, and planning renewable energy infrastructure in the UK. I learnt so much from just talking to these other students and being around such passionate people made me extremely proud of the work that we collectively do.

    A personal highlight for me was a Plenary Lecture given by Paula Kahumbu, the CEO of Kenyan Conservation NGO, Wildlife Direct. Paula spoke passionately of her efforts to support the conservation of Kenya’s wildlife whilst ensuring the country continues to develop and provide for its people. Paula spoke of how the wildlife documentaries broadcast in this part of the world that widely feature Kenyan wildlife are never actually made available to watch in Kenya. So one of the many things that Paula had done to engage people in the need to look after the environment was to get a team of people together to make a wildlife TV series in Kenya, for the Kenyan people. Paula also spoke on tackling ivory poaching, addressing conflicts between farmers and wildlife, and the need to improve food security alongside environmental conservation.

    I left the conference feeling more inspired, informed and hopeful about the future. I would highly encourage other SSAS students (or any other students that might be reading this!) to apply to attend the conference either in Cambridge or in the other locations around the world where sister conferences are held – these include New York. You can find more information on the website here

    Cambridge - The River Cam

    Exploring Cambridge before the conference started: Photo of the River Cam from which Cambridge takes its name. Photo by Lydia Collas.

    Categories: Blog, Conferences, SSAS Student Contributor

  • “Co-op Student of the Year” Meghan Birbeck reflects on 8 months with the Town of Lincoln

    Blog Contributor: Lydia Collas

    Each year, students in the Sustainability Science and Society (SSAS) graduate program embark on their co-ops between May and August. Since the SSAS program was established in 2014, students have worked in extremely varied industries, including eco-tourism, public transportation and town planning, and in locations from Niagara to Nicaragua!

    This year, SSAS student Meghan Birbeck was awarded the title “Co-op Student of the Year” – an honour given to just two students annually. Meghan spent an extended co-op working as a Sustainability Intern at the Town of Lincoln and was instrumental in securing the Living Lab Partnership between the ESRC at Brock University and Lincoln. I recently met up with her to find out more about the experience and what’s in store for the future.

    Meghan, what did your work as a Sustainability Intern involve?

    At Lincoln, I worked with a wide variety of departments that included planning and development, public works, community services, economic development and communications. My role was to bring a “sustainable” lens to issues that they were tackling. This was the first year that they had taken on a co-op student so the role was quite diverse and I applied myself to whatever task was most pressing.

    During your co-op experience, is there a project that you worked on that was most interesting/ enjoyable?

    The pilot public transit project that I worked on was really great. I was involved in reviewing current public transit services and I worked on exciting new developments. This involved drafting new transit routes as well as community outreach and education to connect with the local community about sustainable public transit.

    Now that you have returned to your studies in the SSAS program, what impact do you think your co-op experience has had?

    My co-op has really complemented my studies in the SSAS program. The experience allowed me to see how some of the underlying theories of sustainability have such broad implications – such as to the municipal projects that I was involved in!

    And did the co-op have a lasting impact on your future goals and plans?

    Definitely – I was invited to extend my co-op so I stayed on for eight months in total. I’m now doing my MRP but I have plans to go back to Lincoln this summer as well. Through the planning projects that I worked on, I developed an interest in becoming a professional accredited planner. My plan now is to combine this planning work with my education in sustainability.

    Is there anyone that you’d like to thank for their part in this experience?

    I am grateful that Brock had an established relationship with the Town of Lincoln that led to this co-op placement being established. I am very thankful to Melissa Beamer in the Co-op Department for her support during the application process and for acting as my Senior Employer Development Manager. I am also extremely grateful to Carrie Beatty at the Town of Lincoln for her unwavering support, ensuring that I was exposed to challenging projects and for making work and inviting and fun place to come to each day.

    Meghan receiving the “Co-op Student of the Year Award” after the official awards ceremony on 22 March 2018. Photo by Michelle Lesley Annett.

    Categories: Blog, Co-Op, SSAS Student Contributor

  • St. Catharines Launch for Adam Dickinson’s Anatomic

    Blog Contributor: Dr. Adam Dickinson

    I have just published a book of poetry that involves the results of chemical and microbial testing on my body in order to look at how the “outside” writes the “inside.” Structured like a hormone, the book, Anatomic, is in part about the link between the metabolic processes of human and nonhuman bodies and the global metabolism of energy and capital. I looked into my blood, urine, and poop, and saw the Anthropocene staring back at me.

    Please spread the word to others you think might be interested. I have included some more information below about the book.

    As part of the launch, I will read from the book and talk a bit about how it was created.
    I hope to see you there!


    Saturday, April 14 at 4 PM – 6 PM
    Niagara Artists Centre (NAC)
    354 St. Paul St. E, St. Catharines L2R 3N2
    We talk a lot about what we’re doing to our environment, but what is our environment doing to us? 

    Adam Dickinson decided to find out. He drew blood, collected urine, swabbed bacteria, and tested his feces to measure the precise chemical and microbial diversity of his body. To his horror, he discovered that our ‘petroculture’ has infiltrated our very bodies with pesticides, flame retardants, and other substances. He discovered shifting communities of microbes that reflect his dependence on the sugar, salt, and fat of the Western diet, and he discovered how we rely on nonhuman organisms to make us human, to regulate our moods and personalities. The outside writes the inside, whether we like it or not.

    The result is a book of poetry called ANATOMIC, an ambitious, autobiographical, and anxious plea for us to consider what we’re doing to our world – and to our own bodies.

    Free event | Books for sale 

    More info about ANATOMIC here:
    Categories: Blog, Faculty Contributor

  • Brock announces recipients of Co-op’s highest honour

    There’s no set mould for co-op excellence.

    Meghan Birbeck and Jake Berec are from different hometowns, studying different programs and at different points in their Brock careers. But they share a common bond — winning Co-op Student of the Year.

    The prestigious Brock honour will be awarded to both students on Thursday, March 22 at the Co-op Recognition and Celebration Luncheon where the above-and-beyond effort the winners put in while completing their work terms will be highlighted.

    For Birbeck, a 24-year-old Master of Sustainability student originally from Guelph, the journey to co-op success required determination from the outset.

    “To get to my work term at the Town of Lincoln, I had to use public transit or ride my bike,” she said. “The trip took me nearly two hours each way.”

    However, once she arrived on the job, Birbeck made the most of every opportunity she was given as the Town’s master of sustainability intern.

    As well as completing the tasks assigned to her by the Town’s planning, development and public works department, she pursued additional projects and exceeded expectations.

    “I was invested in learning from those around me and contributing to what they were doing as well,” she said. “The council meetings I went to were not something I had to attend, but it showed the managers and directors that I was dedicated to learning what was going on and what we needed to do.”

    The extra effort led to the chance to make a real impact in the community.

    “The mayor mentioned that she wanted a bylaw on trees,” said Birbeck. “So I looked at other bylaws and then wrote one about tree removal. My success on that project led me to be included in the public transit working group and eventually to present my findings on public transit to town council.”

    While Birbeck was excelling at the Town of Lincoln, Berec, a 21-year-old Bachelor of Business Administration student in Brock’s Goodman School of Business, was making similar waves during his work term in RBC’s Caribbean Banking digital team in Toronto.

    The team was tasked with building the online platform that all of RBC’s clients in the Caribbean now use.

    To best contribute to the project’s success, Berec knew that he needed to bring a fresh set of eyes to the task at hand.

    “I think what led to my success was being able to dive in and take the lead on projects while not being afraid of breaking old processes and causing a little bit of disruption,” said the Simcoe native. “I brought value by giving a new perspective to old problems.”

    Berec used his co-op experience as an opportunity to improve his interpersonal skills.

    “I was not the most outgoing person, but co-op has helped me break out of my shell and make my opinion heard when I can add value to a conversation,” he said.

    Having received the highest honour the University can bestow on its co-op students, the pair hope to continue the legacy of the program by employing co-op students of their own some day.

    “I would definitely hire co-op students and I would try to make sure they were from Brock,” said Berec.

    Hiring students offers employers the chance to build bonds with prospective hires in the early days of their career, he said.

    Though neither winner is currently in a position to hire students themselves, they have learned from experienced leaders who will also be honoured by the University this year.

    Berec’s RBC supervisor, Daniel Caplan, Senior Manager, Mobile Banking, and Birbeck’s Town of Lincoln supervisor, Carrie Beatty, Senior Communications Advisor, will both receive formal recognition for their efforts as co-op supervisors during the Summer and Fall terms respectively.

    Berec attributes his success to support from the management teams as well as those who oversee co-op programming at Brock. “I couldn’t have done it without all of the support I had,” he said.

    While she will cherish the co-op award, Birbeck said it’s the experience she received that is truly invaluable. She hopes to inspire others at the University to choose a co-op route.

    “It’s great to have the theoretical background from your undergrad or master’s, but if you want to get into a professional job or career you need to be able to show employers what you are able to actually do,” she said. “Co-op gives you the chance to get that professional experience.”

    The Co-op Student of the Year presentation will take place Thursday, March 22 during the Co-op Recognition and Celebration Luncheon. The celebration will also recognize the Spring/Summer and Fall terms distinguished co-op supervisors.

    Story originally published in The Brock News

  • Master of Sustainability student presents research at Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention

    Emilie - Fruit & Vegetable Conference

    Master of Sustainability candidate, Emilie Jobin Poirier at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention in Niagara Falls, ON.

    Maser of Sustainability student Emily Jobin Poirier recently had a poster presentation accepted at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention. Her poster presentation, based on her Master’s research, was titled “Doom, gloom or boom? – perceptions of climate change impacts amongst Canadian winegrowers.” Emilie is currently working on her Master of Sustainability thesis with supervisors Dr. Gary Pickering and Dr. Ryan Plummer. Congratulations Emilie!

    Follow Emilie on Twitter: @ejobinpoirier

    Categories: Blog, Conferences, SSAS Student Contributor

  • First Year SSAS students impress with ambitious research proposals

    Blog Contributor: Lydia Collas

    SSAS 2017 Cohort

    Master of Sustainability 2017 Student Cohort, September 2017

    March 9th saw students in their first year of the Sustainability Science and Society (SSAS) program present preliminary proposals of the research that they will undertake in the coming months. Being in my second year of the program, I delighted in the opportunity to sit back and watch others undergo what I myself had done a year earlier. The ten students did not disappoint as they spoke with passion and excitement of the research questions they hope to answer.

    Sustainability is an interdisciplinary subject by nature: it brings together aspects from natural science, social science and economics. This was very much reflected in the students’ presentations which covered a vast portion of what can be considered sustainability science. No two students plan to study even remotely similar areas. Lyn Brown presented her plans to investigate invasive species – a major biological and financial issue – in the Niagara Region. Contrast that to Qurat Shahzad whose interest lies in the concept of a de-growth economy and presented her plans to investigate the factors driving consumer behavior across Canada.

    The students’ research was also impressively broad in terms of the geographical area covered. Sylvia Hussein plans to investigate water management in Lake Erie and identify the lessons learned which would help in the management of water resources in her own country, Ghana. Other students are looking closer to home: Leaya Amey plans to conduct her study right in Brock University. Leaya will build on her undergraduate degree in Communications Studies exploring the most effective way to inform Brock University students about sustainability initiatives on campus.

    One of the great strengths of the SSAS program is the variety of programs that students have studied at undergraduate level. This diversity allows students to learn from one another as they each hold their own unique knowledge and skill set. The questions asked by other students, as well as faculty, following the students’ presentations will hopefully have helped them to clarify their thoughts or identify alternative approaches to investigating their research questions.

    All students can be highly commended for their ambition and drive to push the bounds on what is known in sustainability science. Director of the SSAS program, Francine McCarthy, was somewhat lost for words as she spoke after the presentations, Francine said “I feel somewhat like a proud mum today, you’ve all come so far from where you started in September and I could not be more proud.”

    I too would like to add my congratulations to the students and I wish you all well as you set out to conduct this research. My one piece of advice, as a student one year down the line, is to think about scope. The time is going to fly. Think long and hard about whether you’ve got the time to do what you’re aiming to achieve. And then go for it – I can’t wait to hear about what you find!

    Categories: Blog, SSAS Student Contributor

  • Brock unveils a new showcase and a new era for environmental sustainability

    It was built nearly two centuries ago, but the oldest structure on Brock’s campus has been given new life and a new purpose as a focal point for the University’s sustainability efforts.

    Theal House, an original farm cottage that dates to 1837, has been transformed into the home of Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC), which produces world-class research and educates students in topics relating to environmental sustainability.

    Unveiled during a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday, Feb. 28, the revamped space features sustainable flooring and furniture, as well as an integrated system that controls heating, cooling and lighting, and monitors real-time energy use for the entire campus.

    Environmental Sustainability Research Centre Director Ryan Plummer, left, reads over a new project charter with Tom Dunk, Interim Provost and Vice-President, Academic, and Brian Hutchings, Vice-President, Administration. The agreement will see the ESRC work with Brock’s Facilities Management team on upcoming sustainability initiatives.

    LED lighting has also been installed throughout the heritage building, with dimmer and daylight harvesting switches in place to reduce energy consumption.

    In addition to highlighting the space, Wednesday’s ceremony was an opportunity to solidify a new collaboration between the ESRC and Brock’s Facilities Management team. The collaboration is enshrined in a formal charter that brings together the academic and operations units on various sustainability initiatives on campus. It is also an important step forward for Brock’s new integrative approach to environmental sustainability, and deepens the University’s commitment to sustainability — one of the seven core values listed within its strategic plan.

    Also announced Wednesday was $5,000 in new scholarship funding provided by Toromont CAT that will support students studying sustainability.

    Professor and ESRC Director Ryan Plummer said the partnership signals a new era in the University’s journey to be a national leader in sustainability.

    “The charter enables rich opportunities for experiential education relating to environmental sustainability, and the scholarships recognize as well as support excellence in this area of study,” said Plummer. “They will have a profound and positive impact by enhancing student experience, promoting innovative approaches for learning excellence and furthering engagement with sustainability.”

    Brock has been dedicated to improving energy and operational efficiency on campus with dozens of energy projects and green initiatives completed over the years, said Scott Johnstone, the University’s Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management.

    “Moving forward, we want to further our partnership with staff, students, faculty members and the larger Brock community to enhance, challenge and maintain a campus culture of sustainability.”

    Sean Goodman and Ron Cocking, of Toromont CAT, presented Scott Johnstone, Brock’s Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management, and Ingrid Makus, interim Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, with $5,000 to support students in sustainability programming at Brock.

    Hands-on experiential learning opportunities that contribute to sustainability at the University will be made available to students through co-op placements, research assistant opportunities, independent research and course-based projects.

    This week’s announcements reinforce the University’s values around sustainability, while also taking into consideration Brock’s role in a global context, said President Gervan Fearon. “We’re part of the broader ecosystem and as such, we need to think about the impact our footprint has and what our actions in support of sustainability mean.”

    Brock recognizes its distinction as one of only a few universities within a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve and intends to continue pushing forward with its environmental sustainability initiatives, he said.

    Brock’s programs concentrating on sustainability are growing quickly. The Master of Sustainability program was introduced in 2014 and continues to receive considerable uptake from across Canada and around the world. In 2017, the ESRC launched the Minor in Environmental Sustainability and early signs suggest it is following a similar positive trajectory.

    Theal House is now the home of Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre.


  • Welcome to the ESRC’s new home! Here are some of our favourite features of the Theal House

    Blog Contributor: Samantha Morris

    On February 28, 2018, the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) opened the doors to our new home; the Theal House.

    We are excited to tell you more about this new (and old) space. Here’s a quick tour of some of our favourite features:


    The Theal house has a history dating back to the 1800s. For many years the house was called Symphony House, this for the St. Catharines Symphony, which was a tenant in the 1970s. Before that it was variously known as the Turney House, Wright House or Field House. But it is now officially called the Theal House — appropriately so, for it was almost certainly built by one Samuel Theal, and the Theal family lived in the house for several decade. Read more about the history of the Theal House by the late Alun Hughes.

    Johnston Map - Brock Lands

    Detail of Colonel Johnston’s map of 1822 showing lots 18, 19, and 20.

    Theal House Gibson 1964

    The Theal house in 1964.

    Exposed brick in Theal House.

    On your next visit to the Theal House look for this bit of exposed brick from the original house.

    2. FLOORING 

    Floors throughout the Theal House were acquired from Interface, a company internationally known for their focus and commitment to sustainability.

    Theal House Carpet Certificate

    Cool Carpet certification from Interface displayed in the upstairs office.


    Sustainable furnishing can be found throughout the Theal House. From the furniture from Creighton House Antiques, a local company in Niagara, to the live edge wood desks made from certified sustainable timber and created by Brock University carpenters.

    Antique furniture in Theal House.

    Antique furniture from Creighton House Antiques.

    Theal House Faculty Space

    Upstairs offices featuring live edge wood furniture and a carpet made from recycled fish nets.

    4. LIGHTING  

    LED lighting has been installed throughout the Theal House. Dimmer and daylight harvesting switches reduce energy consumption.

    LED Lighting in Theal

    One of our many dimmer switches that will reduce energy consumption in the Theal House.


    An integrated system within the Theal House now controls HVAC, lighting and monitors real time energy use.

    Theal House - Upper Level

    Our upstairs offices feature new energy efficient lighting and HVAC systems.

    Theal House Monitoring System

    Our entryway features a monitoring screen that showcases energy use in the Theal House and across campus.


    We can’t forget to mention how much we love our new views. From the trees that surround Theal House to the view of the Tower, there’s always something to look at.

    Theal House, 2018

    The Theal House, 2018.

    View of the Schmon Tower

    View of the Tower out of the boardroom window.

    1. PEOPLE

    Last, but certainly not least, no building on campus would be complete without dedicated and hardworking faculty, staff, and students.

    Francine McCarthy, Ryan Plummer and Marilyne Jollineau

    Master of Sustainability Graduate Program Directors, present (Dr. Francine McCarthy), past (Dr. Ryan Plummer), and future/past (Dr. Marilyne Jollineau).

    Theal House Grand Opening

    Faculty, students, and Brock Administration cutting the ribbon at our Open House on February 28, 2018.


    Is there a feature of the Theal House that you find interesting? Please share your thoughts and photos with us at or on Twitter/Facebook @BrockUESRC.

    Categories: Blog

  • Looking back on the SSAS program: Tyler Prince discusses his fiery thesis

    Interview conducted by: Lydia Collas

    Interviewee: Tyler Prince

    Lake in southwest Yukon

    Photo: Tyler’s study lake in southwest Yukon from which samples were taken to reconstruct the region’s fire history.

    Tyler Prince has become the latest Sustainability Science & Society student to successfully defend his thesis. On the 19th December, Tyler presented his thesis “Postglacial reconstruction of fire history from a small lake in southwest Yukon using sedimentary charcoal and pollen,” to a packed audience. It didn’t take long for the examiners to reach their decision and to deliver those words that instantly lift a boulder-sized weight off any students’ shoulders: “Congratulations, you’ve passed”.

    A few weeks after the defense, I met up with Tyler to find out more about his time working towards his Master of Sustainability over the last two years.

    Firstly, can you tell me a bit about your research?

    The aim of my research was to reconstruct the fire history of southwest Yukon over the entire Holocene, which began approximately 12,000 years ago. I completed this record by using charcoal and pollen preserved within lake sediments. Our current fire records are relatively short, especially in these Northern areas, therefore long-term records are necessary to understand how frequent fires were on the landscape in the past and how the fire regime may change in the future as a result of climate change.

    That sounds like a lot of exciting fieldwork, how was that?

    The fieldwork was definitely one of the highlights of my masters. I was fortunate to have two field seasons, travelling to the Yukon in 2016 and 2017 where I collected samples in Whitehorse, Dawson and Old Crow. These are memories I will never forget.

    Do you have a favourite moment from your time in the SSAS program?

    I don’t think I have a single favourite moment. The fieldwork is up there, as well as travelling to Boston to present my research at an international geography conference (AAG). My entire lab group traveled to Boston together as we all were presenting our Master’s research, so that was a great experience.

    Over the last two years, Tyler’s talent has been recognised with a staggering number of awards and scholarships. Tyler was awarded the Northern Scientific Training Program Grant, the Ontario Graduate Scholarship, the Dean of Graduate Studies Spring Research Fellowship, the Dean of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship and the Faculty of Social Sciences Student Travel Award.

    Tyler also has an exceptional record at conferences having been awarded the Best Master’s Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (2017) in both the Biogeography category and in the Paleoenvironmental Change category. Tyler also won Best Master’s Poster at the Ontario-Quebec Paleolimnology Symposium.

    The SSAS program, established by Brock’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) provides exceptional students with a transdisciplinary education of environmental sustainability. In the 24-month thesis stream, students pursue an in-depth, novel research project – as Tyler did with such great success. Alternatively, students can opt for an alternative, 16-month route, where they complete a Major Research Paper and a four-month coop. The equal consideration deadline for 2018 entry has now passed, but for more information on applying please visit

    On behalf of the ESRC, I would like to once again congratulate Tyler for a stunningly successful time in the SSAS program and wish him the greatest success in the future.

    Categories: Blog, SSAS Student Contributor