Department of Computer Science

Considering Computer Science? Whether you’re looking for information about the field, or just browsing through, we’ll do our best to show you what Computer Science at Brock has to offer.

We offer four-year programs leading to

  • Honours BSc; BSc with Major in Computer Science; Combined Honours BA/BSc degrees
  • Bachelor of Computing and Business (BCB)
  • Game Programming – joint program with Brock Department of Digital Humanities and Niagara College
  • Computer Science as a Second Degree
  • Master of Science (MSc) – Thesis or Project option
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

In addition, we offer a minor in Applied Computing for non-Computer Science students to provide an overview of the diverse areas in which computing is applied. Our Co-op options are a vital part of our overall offerings for our Honours, CNET, and Computing and Business majors.

New Ph.D. Program

The Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics & Statistics offer a joint program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).


“Brock has been a very open environment for multiple pathways and studies such as allowing me to study many different fields in Computer Science and the Arts with helpful counselling from the professors and staff.” ~ Eric Kholer

“Through Brock’s Co-op program, I was able to experience how software development worked within the public sector. The Computer Science Club helped me connect with other students in my year as well as an upperclassman who helped me throughout my degree.” ~ Kwame Manso

From the Brock News