
  • Feedback sought on the Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs

    Following the launch of the review process over the summer, the Advisory Committee on the Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs is seeking feedback on the reappointment of the Associate Dean, Dr. Brian Roy. Feedback may be submitted by email to Anonymous feedback will not be accepted, but feedback ... Continue reading

  • Announcing the Advisory Committee on the Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

    Following the open call released on April 4, the University has formed an advisory committee under the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators to advise on the appointment of the next Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. Professor Peter Tiidus will complete his second term as Dean on June 30, 2025 and is not eligible ... Continue reading

  • Launch of the Non-Credit Programming Model

    The Interim Provost & Vice-President, Academic is pleased to announce the launch of a Non-Credit Programming model for the University. This new model will provide a consistent approach to non-credit offerings, improve the efficient use of resources, enable more units to begin offering non-credit programs, and create a single point of contact for the coordination ... Continue reading

  • Announcing the Steering Committee for the Curriculum Delivery Initiative

    The Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President, Academic and Deputy Provost has formed a Steering Committee for the Curriculum Delivery Initiative (CDI). The CDI was launched earlier this year by the Provost and Vice-President. The CDI is a key part of the implementation of Brock’s Academic Plan and commitments that relate to undergraduate programming. The Steering ... Continue reading

  • Announcing the Advisory Committee on the Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs

    The Vice-Provost and Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs has formed an advisory committee under the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators regarding the appointment of the Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs. The committee will include: Suzanne Curtin, Vice-Provost & Dean Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (Chair) Diane ... Continue reading

  • Release of the final report of the Review of Collection and Scheduling Practices

    On November 13, 2023, the University launched a review of its course collection and scheduling practices. The project was guided by a steering committee that included representatives from the Office of the Registrar and Enrolment Services (ORES), the Provost’s Office, and the Brock University Faculty Association. The steering committee’s work was supported by assistance from ... Continue reading

  • Arja Vainio-Mattila named new Provost and VP Academic

    After an extensive global recruitment process, Arja Vainio-Mattila has been appointed Brock’s new Provost and Vice-President Academic, effective July 22. Vainio-Mattila has nearly 30 years of experience in institutional development and global leadership, having worked in Africa and Asia with interdisciplinary teams on education, natural resources management and infrastructure development. Among her leadership roles, she has ... Continue reading

  • Appointment of Professor Mary-Louise Vanderlee as Dean, Faculty of Education

    Mary-Louise Vanderlee has been appointed as the next Dean of the Faculty of Education, effective July 1, 2024. Mary-Louise currently serves as the Interim Dean, and prior to that served as the Associate Dean of Professional and Undergraduate Studies. She also previously served as the inaugural Chair of the Department of Educational Studies, and as the Chair ... Continue reading

  • Feedback sought by the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation on educational development programming for 2024-25

    In alignment with the University's Academic Plan, the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation is seeking feedback from Brock’s educators that will help inform their educational development programming over 2024-25. This is with particular reference to Action 1b within the Academic Plan, which reads: "Invest in the development of robust professional development opportunities for faculty, academic ... Continue reading

  • Announcing the Advisory Committee on the Associate University Librarian, Research

    The University Librarian has formed an advisory committee under the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators to conduct a search for the Associate University Librarian, Research. The committee will include: Nicole Nolan – University Librarian (Chair) Andrew Colgoni – Associate University Librarian, Student Success Daniel Brett – Digital Scholarship Technical Support David Sharron – Head, Archives & Special ... Continue reading