2024-25 academic year

  • Provost’s Report to the 725th Meeting of Senate

    The Provost & Vice-President, Academic provides a report at each meeting of Senate outlining plans, priorities, issues, and other news. As these reports are public through University Secretariat, they are also shared here via the Provost's Memoranda Newsletter. The Provost's report to the 725th meeting of Senate may be found online here. Continue reading

  • Presentation recordings for the role of Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

    Three short-listed candidates for the role of Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences visited Brock on November 27, November 28, and December 6. Candidates delivered public presentations in addition to meeting with various stakeholder groups on campus. As required by the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators, the Provost is inviting comments from the Brock community on ... Continue reading

  • Directive on the Costs of Educational Materials

    On August 16, 2024, the Minister of Colleges and Universities (MCU) issued a directive on the costs of educational material under the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act and the Strengthening Accountability and Student Supports Act, 2024. The MCU directive requires all publicly assisted colleges and universities ensure that students are informed of the costs of all ... Continue reading

  • Announcing the public candidate presentations for the role of Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

    The search for the next Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences was launched earlier this year and is proceeding under the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators.  The Advisory Committee has interviewed a longlist of candidates and agreed upon a shortlist. The candidates will be giving public presentations the week of November 25. We welcome ... Continue reading

  • Dawn Zinga appointed Acting Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences 

    Dawn Zinga has been appointed Acting Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and will serve in the role from January 1 to December 31, 2025. This twelve-month appointment will take place while Ingrid Makus, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences is on approved administrative research leave, in keeping with the Administrative Leave Policy for Senior Academic Administrators.  Professor Zinga currently ... Continue reading

  • James Allard appointed Interim Dean, Faculty of Humanities

    Following consultation with Senate, James Allard has been appointed as Interim Dean, effective July 1, 2025, for two years. This appointment aligns with the end of Carol Merriam’s term, which is ending a year early, on June 30, 2025. Professor Allard currently serves as the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Student Affairs and Curriculum at the Faculty of Humanities and ... Continue reading

  • Thad Harroun appointed Acting Dean, Faculty of Mathematics & Science

    Following consultation with the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Dean's Office, Thad Harroun has been appointed Acting Dean and will serve in the role from November 13 to February 9, 2025. This 3-month appointment will take place while Peter Berg, Dean, Faculty of Mathematics & Science is on medical leave. Professor Harroun currently serves as the Chair of ... Continue reading

  • Public candidate presentations scheduled for the role of Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

    The search for the next Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences was launched earlier this year and is proceeding under the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators.  The Advisory Committee is in the process of interviewing long-list of candidates and dates have been set for the short-list candidates to visit Brock. The short-listed candidates ... Continue reading

  • Faculty Fellows in Accessibility

    The Centre for Pedagogical Innovation (CPI) has launched the Faculty Fellows in Accessibility. This program will work to support the development of accessible pedagogical practice as well as the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research around accessibility at Brock University. The CPI welcomes applications from those who want to explore more accessible applications to teaching. ... Continue reading

  • Feedback sought on the Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs

    Following the launch of the review process over the summer, the Advisory Committee on the Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs is seeking feedback on the reappointment of the Associate Dean, Dr. Brian Roy. Feedback may be submitted by email to provost@brocku.ca. Anonymous feedback will not be accepted, but feedback ... Continue reading